Hiking Guide

Whether you’re an experienced or a novice hiker, keeping track of all trails, parks, and states you’ve hiked is exciting. The feeling of accomplishment associated with seeing a running list of all hikes you’ve completed completed is satisfying. Use this template to track all hiking adventures, past and future. Identify which trails require more training, take a long time, or are top rated. Identify which trails you can knock off the list in one trip to a particular park. Send shareable links to your friends and colleagues to add new trail recommendations to the list. This template’s built in features organizes all trails you’re interested in, allowing you to shift your focus on your training for the more difficult ones!

Hiking continues to gain popularity as a form of exercise. What’s not to love about getting exercise while experiencing breathtaking views? While some trails require minimal athletic ability, others are more difficult and require a significant amount of training to be able to comfortable complete the trail. This template holds all information pertaining to a variety of trails you are interested in, the parks the reside in, and the states the parks are located in. Use this template for as a hiking guide, and hiking tracker, an aid for trip planning, or any other way you’d like! Let’s take a hike through this template in more detail.


Many parks have a wide range of trails varying in duration, length, and difficulty. This table identifies which trails fall in which category. Whether you’re hiking alone or with a group, this table highlights the trails best suited for you. The table includes all trail details, allowing you to easily filter through the trails based on any parameters such as wheelchair accessibility or difficult trails.


  • Name. The trail’s name.
  • Part of. This field links to the Parks table to display the park the trail is located in.
  • Description. A brief description of the trail.
  • Rating. The average rating the trail received.
  • Difficulty. A rating of how difficult the train was.
  • Type. A single select field that denotes the type of trail.
  • Length in kilometers. The trail’s length measured in kilometers
  • Elevation change in meters. The trail’s change in elevation measured in meters.
  • Estimated duration in hours. The trail’s estimated duration measured in hours.
  • Maps and more information. A link to a website with more information about the trail including a map.
  • Fee to enter. The cost to enter in any currency.
  • Tags. A multi-select field that highlight’s some of the trail’s features and accessibility.
  • Completed. This field denotes whether the trail has been completed.
  • Notes. Additional notes about the trail.


  • All trails. Displays all trails you’re interested in visiting sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Free. Displays all trails that are free to enter sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Completed. Displays trails you’ve previously completed sorted in alphabetical order. This table serves as a great overview of all your hikes you can look back on proudly.
  • Incomplete. Displays trails that remain on the bucket list sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Wheelchair accessible. Displays trails that are wheelchair accessible sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Difficult. Displays trails that are rated a 4 or 5 on the difficulty scale due to elevation, distance, or estimated duration sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Top rated. Displays trails that have a Rating of 4 or 5 sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By type. Displays all trails stacked by trail type.
  • New trail. Displays a form you can share with your friends to add new trail recommendations to the bucket list of trails.


If you enjoy hiking, you likely love visiting state and national parks. They have many natural waterfalls, canyons, mountains, and so many more features worth visiting. Oftentimes, hiking trips are planned around which park is a stop or the destination. This table identifies all parks you are interested in visiting and the trails that reside within those parks. If you’re planning on visiting a national park, easily view and decide which trails to hike based on the park they are a part of.


  • Name. The park’s name.
  • Photo. The park’s photos.
  • Type. A single select field that displays the park type.
  • Official website. A link to the park’s official website.
  • Address. The park’s address.
  • State(s). This field is linked to the States table to display the state the park resides in.
  • Acreage. The park’s total number of acres.
  • Trails. The park’s trails pulled from the Trails table.
  • Visited. A green check mark will be present if you have hiked any Trails that reside within the park.


  • All parks. Displays all parks sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Parks gallery. Displays all parks in a gallery view sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Visited. Displays parks that have already been Visited sorted in alphabetical order.
  • To visit. Displays parks that have yet to be Visited sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By type. Displays parks stacked by Type in the form of a kanban view.
  • New park. Displays a shareable form used to add additional parks not on the list.


The various states or regions of a country likely hold several national or regional state parks. If you’ve already got a specific state as a destination on a trip, easily identify which parks are located within that state.


  • Name. The state’s name.
  • Abbreviation. The state’s abbreviation.
  • Photo. The state’s photo on a map.
  • Parks located. This field is linked to the Parks table to display the various parks that are located within the state.


  • All states. Displays all states sorted in alphabetical order.
  • States gallery. Displays all states sorted in alphabetical order in a gallery view.
  • New State. Displays a shareable form used to add new states to the list.