Mapping the Digital Commons Policy Landscape

NGI Commons aims to elaborate on a long-term strategy for Digital and Internet Commons, which are critical for Europe’s sovereignty and trust. If you're interested in helping map out the policy landscape for Digital Commons, we invite you to complete our survey. This will assist us in gaining a comprehensive understanding of policy measures implemented over the last 20 years that support Digital Commons across both the EU and individual member states. Please also check our website for more information:

Name of policy
What is the title of the policy?
Name of issuing authority
What is the name of the body issuing the policy?
Type of issuing authority
What is the type of body issuing the policy?
Country or region
What geographical area is covered by the policy (name of the country or region)?
Year of policy
In what year was this policy introduced?
Policy goals
What are the goals / expected impact of the policy?
Policy instruments
What are the instruments employed by the policy?
Policy targets
Who are the primary targets of the policy? Primary targets are the groups who receive direct support, in contrast with indirect targets who benefit from the policy in general.
Policy terminology
What type of terminology was employed in the policy?
Description / Comment on Impact
Please describe the policy or the evaluation of its impact if available.
Please provide a link to information on the policy.
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