Online Sign Up

The quick way to promote your business on the iHub websites. Asterisk * = required details.

Business Name *
The public-facing name of the business
Admin Phone *
Will not be seen by public. So we can contact you.
Admin Email *
Will not be seen by public. So we can contact you.
Business Type *
Click your primary service only. Others can be added later as required.
Business Description *
Your primary service(s) – Public facing
Public facing – optional
Public facing – optional. We can link to your website if required.
Public Email
Public facing – optional
Public Phone
Public facing – optional
Social Media
Public facing – optional
Upload your photo and/or logo and/or document
    Click or drop your files here
    Extra option – Bookings for Accommodation, Activities, Events
    Tick if you agree to iHub taking bookings for your business. Depends if manual option works for your business, or if booking systems are compatible. (15% commission applies)
    Confirmation *
    Must be ticked. An invoice will be sent.
    Contact Name *
    So we can contact you
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