Baserow User Survey

Hey there. 👋 To keep building a better product, we feel we need to know our users and their use cases better. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this short survey! The first 50 people who complete the survey will receive a $25 Amazon gift card to show how much we value your input. 😌

Do you use Baserow because it is:
Choose as many options as you need.
Are you using Baserow for business or personal purposes?
What are your most common use cases for Baserow?
Choose as many options as you need.
Which tool is Baserow replacing for your use case?
Choose as many options as you need.
In 2024, do you expect the number of users in your team using Baserow to:
Stay flat
Thanks a lot! Now, is there anything else you'd like to tell us? Anything we could do to make you better at organizing and managing your data?
Last question, what's your email address?
Please be aware that we will send $25 Amazon gift cards to the first 50 people who complete this survey. 😊
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