AVID's NEW Website Feedback Form

Thank you for using our website. We will continue to review and develop the site and its content to make sure it is as useful and user friendly as possible. To do this, we would love you to share any feedback via this form.

Contact Details
Please write down your email address here.
Can we contact you to find out more?
AVID respects your privacy and we commit to protecting any personal data collected from you as a visitor to our website, supporter, members, donors, funders, volunteer, visitor or detained individual. Please see our website footer for our privacy policy.
What brought you to our website?
(Please choose one or more choices - if other please write it in the comment box below)
Overall how well does our website meed your needs?
How easy was it to find what you were looking for on our website?
Extremely well
Very well
Somewhat well
Not so well
How much do you trust the information on our website?
Please add more information on why you chose this rating?
Do you have any suggestions on improvements?
We would love to hear your feedback and thoughts on what we can improve our website layout and content.
Have you noticed any mistakes of errors?
If you have noticed any errors or mistakes on our website, please tell us here. Please also copy and add the hyperlink here.
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