Etsy Forced Refunds

Submit a report

Shop Name
Date of Case
Shipping From (shop location):
Shipping To (buyer location):
Order value, including shipping:
Did the buyer contact you/open a help request before opening a case?
Buyer’s reason for case:
Was there tracking Etsy’s automation could read?:
Outcome of case:
Time from opening of case to Etsy decision:
Source of buyer refund (if any):
Was the item returned to the seller?:
Did the shop have any recent policy violations or other Etsy issues?
If Etsy refunded out of seller money, did you appeal?:
Any other comments? (including anything Etsy told you):
May we share your report with Cindy Lou Who 2?
Cindy Lou Who 2, an Ecommerce blogger who publishes helpful information for Etsy shop owners, is preparing a blog post outlining the situation and sharing the stories of sellers like you. With your permission, we wish to share the information we collect in this form with Cindy.
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