Submit your METM25 proposal

Deadline: 14 February 2025 See the METM25 call for proposals for more information:

The title should accurately reflect the content of the presentation. Maximum length: 70 characters, including spaces.
Abstract (200-300 words)
Paste your abstract into the field below. Your abstract should describe the what, why, how and who of your presentation. • What are we going to hear and see? (Introduce your topic.) • Why do we need to hear or see it? (Describe the problem or question you will address.) • How exactly is it going to be said or shown to us? (Explain the structure of your talk. If you will be using examples in or excerpts from languages other than English, tell us which languages. If tools are the focus, specify operating systems and supported languages.) • Who should attend? (Specify whether your topic is for all comers or a narrower audience, e.g. newcomers, editors, people working in particular language pairs, subject experts, etc.) The submission form allows hyperlinks and basic formatting (italics, bullet lists, etc.). Note that your abstract, including references, must not exceed the word limit.
Language variant
Your abstract will be proofread in the selected variant.
MET prioritizes original proposals. If you have given or are planning to give this presentation, or a similar one, at another conference or event, state where and when.
Length of session
How long is your session? The options below include 10 minutes for Q&A.
45 minutes (presentation)
60 minutes (panel or interactive session)
Other (a comment box will open)
Presenter name
Enter the primary contact person here. Add the names of any additional presenters or panellists in the "Other presenters" field below.
Presenter location
City and country of residence of the primary contact person.
Presenter email
Enter an email address you check regularly.
Presenter phone number
Include your country code.
Other presenters
Name, city and country of residence.
Presenter bios
Add a brief description of each presenter. Descriptions must start with the presenter's full name, be written in the third person, and not exceed 50 words. If there is more than one presenter, include a separate bio for each person.
Upload a recent photo (min. 150 KB and min. 300x300 px) for inclusion on the abstract page and other promotional purposes. If your proposal is not selected, we will delete your photo immediately.
    Click or drop your files here
    Headshot consent
    If successful, I consent to MET using my speaker headshot.
    Photo consent
    If successful, I consent to MET using the official METM25 photographer's images in which I can be identified.
    MET photo archive consent
    If successful, I consent to MET using photos from the MET photo archive* in which I can be identified (if applicable). * Photos from previous METMs and workshop days.
    Data processing
    I consent to the processing of my data under the terms described in MET’s privacy notice, which I have read and understood. (
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