Name of policy
Accélérateur d'initiatives citoyennes
Action plan for Free Software and Digital Commons
Action plan for Free Software and Digital Commons
Alliance for Language Technologies EDIC
Argentine Technology Fund (FONTAR)
Article 16 Law for a Digital Republic
Article 16a of German Act amending the Online Access Act and other provisions on the digitization of administration
Article 7 of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)
Article 9 "Federal Law on the Use of Electronic Means for the Fulfilment of Governmental Tasks" (EMBAG)
Articles 67 to 70 of the Code of Digital Administration (CAD)
Brazilian Pix Payment System
Charte éthique d'Abilian
Charte libre emploi du CNLL
Code for Development
Common European Data Spaces
Cooperation agreement with Greek free and open source software society (Gfoss)
Developers Italia
Digital Public Goods Alliance
European Open Science Cloud
European Public Licence (EUPL)
Fabrique des géocommuns
FAIR Forward – Artificial Intelligence for All
FOSSEPS - Free and Open Source Software Solutions for European Public Services
India Stack
Interoperable Europe Act
Key Internet Standards Deployment Monitoring
47 rows
Country or region
Name of issuing authority
Type of issuing authority
Type of issuing authority (others
Year of policy
Policy goals
Policy goals (others)
Policy instruments
Policy instruments (others)
Public funding - please specify type of funding.
Public funding - please specify type of funding (others)
Public funding - please specify amounts.
Policy targets
Policy targets (others)
Policy terminology
Policy terminology (others)
Description / Comment on Impact
Co-Develop and the Digital Public Goods Alliance
Inter- or supranational organization
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
Digital Public Goods
In five years, 50 countries have designed, launched, and scaled at least one component of their digital public infrastructure stack in a safe, inclusive, and interoperable manner. This involves… Demonstrating the potential and momentum for DPI through showing various approaches to DPI, their progress, and outcomes in countries across different income levels and digital maturity statuses. Shortening the DPI learning and adoption journey for countries through facilitating learnings and best practice-exchanges, use of open standards and specifications, adoption – and sharing of – technologies as digital public goods, and evolution of local engineering capacity and vendor ecosystems.
Direction interministérielle du Numérique
National government (executive)
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Public funding
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Grants (fund given by a public authority for a specific public purpose)
Civil society organizations
Public institutions
Digital Commons
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open Data
Inter-ministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs of the French Government
National government (executive)
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public institutions
Digital Commons
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
The objectives of the Action plan for Free Software and Digital Commons are to increase awareness and use of free/Libre Software and digital commons in the administration, to develop and support the release and publication of its source codes, and to use free software to strengthen the attractiveness of the State as an employer of digital talents, in particular by enhancing the value of public contributions to the projects and communities concerned.
Interministerial Digital Directorate
National government (executive)
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Enforcement of digital rights: fundamental freedoms, privacy, consumer rights or labor rights.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public funding
Prizes (financial contribution given as a reward following a contest)
40K€ via the BlueHats prizes (see
Public institutions
Digital Commons
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
The policy started the Open Source Programme Office of the French Governement, promoting Free Software and Digital Commons in the public sector. It helps with publishing them, using them, contributing to them.
European Union
Inter- or supranational organization
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Public funding
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Grants (fund given by a public authority for a specific public purpose)
Private sector
Civil society organizations
Public institutions
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
Open Data
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
The mission of the ALT-EDIC is to develop a common European infrastructure in Language Technologies, focussing particularly on Large Language Models. It seeks to improve European competitiveness, increase the availability of European language data and uphold Europe’s linguistic diversity and cultural richness.
Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica
National government (executive)
Competition and better level-playing field.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Enforcement of digital rights: fundamental freedoms, privacy, consumer rights or labor rights.
Public funding
Grants (fund given by a public authority for a specific public purpose)
over $2 million
Private sector
Civil society organizations
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
French Republic
National parliament (legislative)
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Article 16 of the Law encourages public administrations to use free software and open formats.
Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat
National parliament (legislative)
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
European Union
Inter- or supranational organization
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Enforcement of digital rights: fundamental freedoms, privacy, consumer rights or labor rights.
Private sector
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Article 7 of the DMA contains interoperability requirements for gatekeepers of number-independent interpersonal communications services. Interoperability is defined as the "ability to exchange information and mutually use the information which has been exchanged through interfaces or other solutions, so that all elements of hardware or software work with other hardware and software and with users in all the ways in which they are intended to function".
Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation
National parliament (legislative)
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
The EMBAG law stipulates that all public bodies must disclose the source code of software developed by or for them, unless precluded by third-party rights or security concerns. This mandate aims to ensure greater transparency, security, and efficiency in government operations by promoting the use of OSS, which allows for public scrutiny and contribution to the software code​​. One of the critical aspects of this law is encapsulated in Article 9, which not only mandates the disclosure of source code but also allows public bodies to offer additional services related to support, integration, or IT security, provided these services align with public tasks and are offered at a cost-covering remuneration. This provision ensures that while fostering OSS, the government can also maintain a competitive balance and avoid market distortion​​.
Italian Republic
National parliament (legislative)
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Public procurement
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Preference for Open Source in the eGovernment law of the Italian Republic, the “Codice dell’Amministrazione Digitale” (CAD), articles 67 to 70 amended in 2018.;82
Austria’s Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
National government (executive)
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Public funding
Prizes (financial contribution given as a reward following a contest)
EUR 200,000
Private sector
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
The Austrian government will award up to EUR 200,000 for open source projects on eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning, eInclusion, or commercial products and services. “Open source has beneficial macroeconomic effects, improving possibilities for use and development”, Muna Duzdar, State Secretary for Digitisation, explained in a statement. Austria published a call for projects on 27 July. The deadline for submitting proposals is 4 October. Information regarding requirements and selection criteria is available at Austria’s Research Promotion Agency (FFG). This is the second call for AT:NET projects. The first round, launched in April, received 50 proposals out of which 31 projects will now be funded with in total EUR 3.6 million. Digitisation The AT:NET project promotes innovative digital start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses. The project is calling for companies and projects that deal with digitisation of products or services. Topics can include eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning and eInclusion, as well as commercial products and services. Funding can cover the cost of launching a product or a service, testing and costs for improving an existing software application.
Brazilian Central Bank (BCB)
National government (executive)
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Public procurement
Private sector
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Source: Building Good Digital Sovereignty through Digital Public Infrastructures and Digital Commons in India and Brazil, Luca Belli (2024) In 2020, the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB) inaugurated an initiative very similar to UPI, the “Pix payment system,” familiarly known as “Pix.” Since its adoption, through BCB Regulation 1 of 12 August 2020, Pix has become the most utilised payment instrument in Brazil, being adopted by 70 percent of the Brazilian population. (...) n this perspective, stimulating a domestic public digital payment infrastructure is instrumental to achieve three goals: Simplification and democratisation of payments, reduction of market and data concentration, and provision of unique insight onto the national economy to the Central Bank of Brazil (rather than to two foreign actors).
The Universe
Abilian (with initial work done by the CNLL)
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Enforcement of digital rights: fundamental freedoms, privacy, consumer rights or labor rights.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Private sector
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
The impact is currently limited to one company. We are still in the process of finalizing the text for the whole French free / open source business ecosystem.
Trade association
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Enforcement of digital rights: fundamental freedoms, privacy, consumer rights or labor rights.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Fairness and ethics
Private sector
Civil society organizations
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
60 signatories initially.
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Inter- or supranational organization
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public institutions
Civil society organizations
Private sector
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
At the IDB, we promote the idea that software is a knowledge product that can be shared. That's why we launched Code for Development, an initiative that provides a platform to share open-source software and other resources and to connect with diverse collaborators who support the vision that software is a public good. Code for Development provides access to applications, algorithms, spreadsheets, and other useful digital tools that address specific challenges. You can find software with different functions such as data analysis, content management, record management, image processing, and others. Our vision is that, when these tools are adapted and reused, they have the potential to promote economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
European Union
Inter- or supranational organization
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Enforcement of digital rights: fundamental freedoms, privacy, consumer rights or labor rights.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Public funding
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public procurement
Grants (fund given by a public authority for a specific public purpose)
Private sector
Civil society organizations
Public institutions
Digital Commons
Open Data
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Through the Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes, the Commission support sseveral sectoral and domain-specific common European data space initiatives.
Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Marine and Tourism of Greece
National government (executive)
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Public procurement
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Public institutions
Private sector
Civil society organizations
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
The Greek government wants the country’s public administrations to transition to free and open source software, open standards and open data. The Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Marine and Tourism has asked the Greek free and open source software society (Gfoss) to help organise workshops and conferences, train public administrations and propose research and development projects. The transition to open technologies is to strengthen Greece’s economy. On 5 August, minister Giorgos Stathakis signed a four-year cooperation agreement with Gfoss. The agreement seeks to “support the creation, promotion and reuse of open data, content and software in the digital economy”, Gfoss explained in an announcement. Diversify The agreement “defines institutional cooperation to enhance openness in the public and private sector”, Gfoss writes. “Openness fights corruption, increases public access to information and ensures the sustainability of public sector infrastructure.” Gfoss, representing 29 universities and research centres in Greece, will help the Economy Ministry to design, develop and implement policies on openness. The advocacy group will also be involved in studies, pilots and implementation projects.
Directorate of Democratic Innovation, City of Barcelona
Local government
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Enforcement of digital rights: fundamental freedoms, privacy, consumer rights or labor rights.
Public procurement
Public institutions
Digital Commons
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open Education / Open Knowledge / Open Culture
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
DD is the educational workspace generated within the framework of Xnet’s Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet, families and promoter centres, IsardVDI, Directorate for Democratic Innovation, Directorate for Digital Innovation
Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale - Agency for Digital Italy (AgID)
National government (executive)
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Public procurement
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Developers Italia allows public and private developers to collaborate in an open source ecosystem dedicated to the development of public digital services.
UN-endorsed multi-stakeholder initiative
Inter- or supranational organization
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public institutions
Civil society organizations
Private sector
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open Data
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
Digital Public Goods
European Union
Inter- or supranational organization
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Public funding
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Grants (fund given by a public authority for a specific public purpose)
Prizes (financial contribution given as a reward following a contest)
EU-FOSSA: €1 million budget EU-FOSSA 2: €2.6 million budget
Civil society organizations
Public institutions
Private sector
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
The EU-FOSSA project – short for Free and Open Source Software Auditing – aims to increase the security and integrity of critical open source software. It was launched by the European Commission at the instigation of the European Parliament after the discovery of the Heartbleed bug in 2014. Following the success of an initial pilot, the project was renewed for another three years. This builds on the pilot project by extending the auditing of free and open source software through setting up bug bounty programmes, organising hackathons and conferences, and engaging with developer communities. In addition, EU-FOSSA expanded its scope to a wider range of software projects and communities. Since the very same software used by the European institutions is also widely deployed in society, we are all already benefiting from these investments.
European Union
Inter- or supranational organization
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Public funding
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Grants (fund given by a public authority for a specific public purpose)
In its initial phase (2018-2020), the European Commission invested around €250 million through Horizon 2020 to prototype EOSC components and set up interim governance to prepare for post-2020 strategies. The current phase (2021-2030) is guided by a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), developed with the EOSC community, and is focused on a stakeholder-driven approach. A co-investment (with in kind and financial contributions) by the EU and non-EU partners of at least €1 billion is foreseen for the next 7 years.
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open Access / Open Science
Open Data
Open Hardware
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
The ambition of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is to provide European researchers, innovators, companies and citizens with a federated and open multi-disciplinary environment where they can publish, find and reuse data, tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes. This environment will operate under well-defined conditions to ensure trust and safeguard the public interest.
European Union
Inter- or supranational organization
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
The EUPL is the first European Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) licence created on the initiative of the European Commission. It is a unique legal instrument developed in 22 European languages and can be used by anyone for software distribution. More than 100 other F/OSS licences exist. The purpose of the EUPL is not to compete with any of these licences, but to encourage a new wave of public administrations to embrace the Free/Open Source model to valorise their software and knowledge, starting with the European institutions themselves.
Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information)
National government (executive)
Public administration
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Private sector
Civil society organizations
Public institutions
Digital Commons
Open Data
The Fabrique's ambition is to initiate and support the development of digital public services built around geospational commons.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Public enterprise
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public procurement
Civil society organizations
Private sector
Open Data
Digital Public Goods
Together with the Mozilla Foundation and local partners in Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya, FAIR Forward contributes to the development of open AI training datasets in the languages of Kinyarwanda, Kiswahili and Luganda – languages spoken by more than 150 million people collectively. The collection of open voice data strengthens the local ecosystem for the development of related technologies and products such as voice assistants. In Rwanda, FAIR Forward has worked with the national health authority and a local tech company to develop the official, national Rwandan Covid-19 chatbot that provides information on the state of the pandemic in Kinyarwanda.
Euopean Union
Inter- or supranational organization
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
ITU, Estonia, Germany, and DIAL
Inter- or supranational organization
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Transparency & accountability, better policy making.
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Partnerships for collaboration with public authorities
Public institutions
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
Digital Public Goods
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
GovStack aims to break down the barriers to building sustainable digital infrastructure and help governments create human-centered digital services that empower individuals and improve well-being. he initiative supports countries and organizations with building cost-effective and efficient digital public services that are easy to scale, so that citizens can seamlessly access health records, manage identity documents, make digital payments, and utilise other government services. GovStack aims to break down the barriers to building sustainable digital infrastructure and help governments create human-centered digital services that empower individuals and improve well-being. ​The GovStack approach is based on the SDG Digital Investment Framework and promotes the use of interoperable, generic, and reusable “building blocks” to digitalize any service. ​By offering governments and institutions essential tools and guidance for digital services design and implementation that are based on international best practices, GovStack makes it easier, faster, and more reliable for national, municipal, or local stakeholders to implement digital government services.​ ​
Republic of India
National government (executive)
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Innovation and economic opportunities.
Competition and better level-playing field.
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Public procurement
Private sector
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
Public Digital Infrastructure / Open infrastructure
Digital Public Goods
India Stack is the moniker for a set of open APIs and digital public goods that aim to unlock the economic primitives of identity, data, and payments at population scale.
European Union
Inter- or supranational organization
Reduction of costs and mutualisation of ressources.
Public procurement
Public funding
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Grants (fund given by a public authority for a specific public purpose)
Public institutions
Free Open Source Software / Open Source Software
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
The Act includes mandatory interoperability assessments for all public sector bodies, including the European institutions, bodies and agencies, for which the Commission will provide the guidelines. To support the stakeholders, the Commission has already created a comprehensive set of tools and trainings, such as the EIF toolbox, the SEMIC Support Centre, the JoinUp platform and the Interoperable Europe Academy. The Commission has also created a GovTech Incubator initiative where governments come together to adopt the best solutions developed by startups and other governments across the EU. The implementation of the interoperable Europe Act will be funded through the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL).
European Commission
Inter- or supranational organization
Sovereignty and security of technologies for governments, organizations and invdividuals.
Improved access to immaterial resources and better dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Promotion (information and communication dissemination)
Capacity building, technical and legal assistance
Private sector
Public institutions
Civil society organizations
Open norms / Open standards / Open protocols
The Key Internet Standards Deployment Monitoring project is a joint initiative of the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) and the Joint Research Centre. This website was created in line with the standardisation strategy of February 2022, which called for an ‘EU Internet Standards Deployment Monitoring Website’ to ‘make this [deployment] data and related good practices available’. The proper deployment of Internet standards fosters the evolution of the global open internet, increases its security and enables new functionality.