Baserow Logo

The most flexible platform to create databases and applications

Explore our collaboration, security, extensibility, and scalability features for high-performing teams.

Develop advanced databases, intuitively

Create custom databases effortlessly with Baserow’s user-friendly interface. Define data fields,
set relationships, and organize your information with ease to make your data just the way you want.

Collaborate in real-time

Work with everyone on the same data simultaneously, ensuring everyone stays updated.

Your data, visualized the way you want it

Create Kanban boards, calendars, forms, and more to provide the best representation of your data.

Scale without fear

Easily handle increasing data volumes without compromising speed or performance.

Control access internally and externally

Set up role-based access control to share data with specific groups and access roles in a granular way.

Endless integrations, limitless possibilities

Integrate with your existing tools and applications to increase functionality. Use third-party tools like Zapier, n8n, and Make to create powerful automations that free up time, energy, and resources.