Effective marketing requires careful planning and execution to achieve the best results. Successfully managing campaigns involves setting a clear budget, targeting specific audiences, and coordinating multiple advertisements across various platforms. Streamlining these tasks ensures that your marketing efforts are consistent and impactful. By efficiently handling each aspect of your campaigns, you can maximize your reach, optimize resource allocation, and ultimately drive better outcomes and greater engagement with your target audience.
This template uses a hierarchical table structure. At the top there is the Plays table. This table holds general information about each play and contains formulas to calculate the progress of the play and the corresponding budget. It also sets one or more Target groups the play is designed for.
Each play has one or more Campaigns. A campaign is a refinement of a play. Although it is aso possible to skip the Plays table and use a campaign as the top level entity.
Each campaign contains multiple Advertisement. An advertisement is something that is created and review by Staff members and published on one or more Platforms. The template provides the functionality to store both textual content and binary content - such as images, audio,… - inside the table. The field Cost is used to calculate the remaining budget for the campaign and play.
Each table comes with multiple views allowing you to get the best insights in the data. Explore and customize these predefined table views to make managing marketing plays easier and more efficient.
Name (Text)
Notes (Long text)
Objective (Text)
Target groups (Link to table)
Owner (Link to table)
Budget (Number)
From (Date)
Until (Date)
Campaigns (Link to table)
Budget spent (Rollup)
Budget remaining (Formula)
Budget remaining (%) (Formula)
Campaigns completed (Formula)
Campaigns completed (%) (Formula)
Duration (Formula)
Duration (days) (Formula)
All marketing plays (grid)
Marketing plays with all campaigns completed (grid)
Marketing plays without completed campaigns (grid)
Marketing plays with duration >= 1 month (grid)
Marketing plays that are active (grid)
Marketing plays with budget remaining < 50% (grid)
Marketing plays with budget remaining < 10% (grid)
Name (Text)
Notes (Long text)
Category (Single select)
Owner (Link to table)
Play (Link to table)
Priority (Single select)
Status (Single select)
Budget (Number)
Advertisements (Link to table)
Budget spent (Rollup)
Budget remaining (Formula)
Budget remaining (%) (Formula)
From (Date)
Until (Date)
Is within play timeframe (Formula)
Owner (name) (Rollup)
Play (name) (Rollup)
All campaigns (grid)
Campaigns outside their marketing play timeframe (grid)
All campaigns grouped by owner (grid)
All campaigns grouped by category (grid)
All campaigns grouped by marketing play (grid)
Campaigns with budget remaining < 50% (grid)
Campaigns with budget remaining < 10% (grid)
Campaigns over budget (grid)
Campaigns stacked by priority (kanban)
Campaigns stacked by status (kanban)
Name (Text)
Notes (Long text)
Author (Link to table)
Reviewer (Link to table)
Platform(s) (Link to table)
Type (Single select)
Status (Single select)
Due date (Date)
Publish date (Date)
Cost (Number)
Textual content (Long text)
Online link (Url)
SEO keywords (Text)
Binary content (File)
Campaign (Link to table)
Campaign (name) (Rollup)
Author (name) (Rollup)
Reviewer (name) (Rollup)
All advertisements (grid)
Advertisements with due date this month (grid)
Advertisements with cost >= $1000 (grid)
Advertisements grouped by campaign (grid)
Advertisements grouped by author (grid)
Advertisements grouped by reviewer (grid)
Advertisements grouped by type (grid)
New advertisement (form)
Advertisement due dates (calendar)
Advertisements stacked by status (kanban)
Name (Text)
Account url (Url)
Advertisements (Link to table)
Count advertisements (Count)
Name (Text)
Key characteristics (Multiple select)
Plays (Link to table)
Count plays (Count)
All target groups (grid)
Target groups used in multiple marketing plays (grid)
Unused target groups (grid)
Name (Text)
Phone (Phone number)
Email (Email)
Picture (File)
Job role (Single select)
Plays (Link to table)
Campaigns (Link to table)
Advertisements (Link to table)
Advertisements - Reviewer (Link to table)
All staff members (grid)
All staff members (gallery)