Advertising Campaigns

In order to effectively reach potential customers, it is crucial for every organization to establish a strong presence on social media. Achieving this requires a carefully crafted strategy that maximizes the return on your social media advertising investments. You need to consider various factors, such as identifying your target audience and selecting the most suitable advertising platforms. Additionally, it is important to maintain consistent visibility online by strategically scheduling the publication of your ads. This template is designed to assist you in effectively managing these aspects and keeping track of all relevant details.

Whether you’re selling a physical product or an online service, establishing a strong online presence and periodically running promotional campaigns are essential. This template provides a structured approach to achieve this. Firstly, you begin by setting up Campaigns with defined timeframes and budgets. Then, you can associate one or multiple Advertisements with each campaign. Each advertisement is created by a specific Creator, who could be a team member, designer, or influencer. Advertisements can be tagged with multiple descriptors and are always linked to one or more Target groups. These target groups are stored separately in a dedicated table. You can define them based on factors such as age, income range, gender, and location. The template provides a comprehensive overview of how many times each group is targeted by an advertisement. Over time, this enables you to assess whether your targeting aligns with your actual customer base. The template also includes the Distributions table, which manages the scheduling and publication details for each ad. It allows you to set specific publication times and link the ad to one or more media Channels.


A campaign is the promotion of a product, service or the entire organization related to a certain event. It has a timeframe and a status that is set automatically depending on the timeframe of the campaign.


  • Name. The campaign name.
  • Description. A tagline that describes the time of year and that can be reused in Advertisements.
  • Start date. A date field indicating the start of the campaign.
  • End date. A date field indicating the end of the campaign.
  • Number of days. A formula field that calculates the number of days between the End date and Start date.
  • Budget. The totaFurniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) Manager 2c4e2560d03a487a85099be68490428e.mdl amount that can be spend on during the campaign.
  • Status. A formula field that can return the values ‘passed’, ‘active’ and ‘scheduled’ based on the Start date, End date, and the current date.
  • Creator responsible. This linked field to the Creators table indicates which person has the final responsibility for the entire campaign.
  • Advertisements. This linked field to the Advertisements table sums up all the ads that are created for this campaign.


  • All campaigns. Displays all campaigns sorted in chronological order of Start date.
  • Calendar: all campaigns. Displays all campaigns in a. calendar view with a background color to show the Status and a border color to indicate the Budget.
  • Active campaigns. Displays all campaigns that are active at this moment.
  • Scheduled campaigns. Displays all campaigns that are scheduled in the future.
  • Past campaigns. Displays all campaigns that were scheduled in the past.
  • Large campaigns ( >18k). Displays all campaigns that have a budget over $18,000.
  • Small campaigns ( <18k). Displays all campaigns that have a budget under $18,000.


An advertisement is a media item that is ready to be published on a media channel. The media item can be any kind of file: image, video, animation, document, etc. This table links each advertisement to one or multiple Target groups.


  • Code. A formula field that concatenates the name of the campaign with the id of the row to create a unique code for each advertisement.
  • Campaign. This linked field to the Campaigns table links the advertisement to a certain campaign.
  • Created by. This linked field to the Creators table indicates the person who has developed the advertisement.
  • Media. A file field that contains the image, video, animation for the advertisement.
  • Headline. A title that can be used to publish together with the Media.
  • Description. A description that can be used to publish together with the Media.
  • Tags. A multiple select field to suggest hashtags that can be used on social media like Twitter or Instagram.
  • Target audiences. This linked field to the Target groups table sums up the audience that must be reached with this advertisement.
  • Distributions. This linked field to the Distributions table contains all the actual intended publications for the advertisement.
  • Number of distributions. A formula field that sums up all the intended publications for the advertisement.


  • All advertisements. Displays all advertisements sorted in chronological order of their Number of distributions.
  • Sales and discounts. Displays all advertisements that have the tags ‘sales’ or ‘discounts’.
  • Gifts. Displays all advertisements that have the tag ‘gifts’.


A distribution is an intention to publish an advertisement on a specific time and specific Channels. The table contains a Status field to indicate if the advertisement was actually published or canceled for some reason.


  • Code. A formula field that concatenates the name of the campaign with the Scheduled time to create a unique code for each distribution.
  • Advertisement. This linked field to the Advertisements table indicates. which advertisement needs to be published.
  • Channel. This linked field to the Channels table indicates to which channels the advertisement needs to be published.
  • Scheduled time. A date field for the exact date a time of the publication.
  • Status. A single select field holding the current status of the distribution. Possible values are ‘scheduled’, ‘published’, or ‘canceled’.
  • Note if canceled. An optional field to enter the reason why a publication was canceled.


  • All distrubutions. Displays all the distributions sorted in chronological order of their Scheduled time.
  • Calendar: all distributions. Displays all the distributions in a calendar view with a background color to show the Status.
  • Distributions by status. Displays all the distributions in a kanban stacked by Status.
  • Published distributions. Displays all the distributions with the status set to published.
  • Scheduled distributions. Displays all the distributions with the status set to scheduled.
  • Canceled distributions. Displays all the distributions with the status set to canceled.
  • Distributions planned for this month. Displays all the distributions that need to be published this month.
  • Distributions planned for this week. Displays all the distributions that need to be published this month.

Target groups

A target group is a set of people that share multiple characteristics. They can be linked to Advertisements.


  • Name. The target group’s unique name.
  • Age range. A text field that sets the minimum and maximum age of the group. The value is set to ‘All’ if the age does not matter.
  • Income range. A single select field to indicate the estimated income of the group. The value is set to ‘All income levels’ if the age does not matter.
  • Gender. A single select field to indicate the gender of the group. The value is set to ‘All’ if the gender does not matter.
  • Location. A single select field to indicate the type of location for the group. The value is set to ‘All’ if the type of location does not matter.
  • Advertisements. This linked field to the Advertisements table sums up all the advertisements where the target group is selected.
  • Number of advertisements. A formula field that shows the amount of advertisements that have used this group.


  • All target groups. Displays all target groups sorted in chronological order of their Number of advertisements.
  • Target groups for specific age groups. Displays all target groups that do not have ‘All’ as their Age range.
  • Target groups for a specific income range. Displays all target groups that do not have ‘All income levels’ as their Income range.
  • Target groups for a specific gender. Displays all target groups that do not have ‘All’ as their Gender.
  • Target groups for a specific location. Displays all target groups that do not have ‘All’ as their Location.
  • Target groups by income range. Displays all target groups in a kanban stacked by Income range.
  • Target groups by gender. Displays all target groups in a kanban stacked by Gender.
  • Target groups by location. Displays all target groups in a kanban stacked by Location.


A channel is a platform used to publish content.


  • Name. The channel’s unique name.
  • Account page. The page of the organization on the channel.
  • Distributions. The publications that are made, scheduled or canceled for this channel.
  • Number of distributions. A formula field indicating how many times the channel is used.


  • All channels. Displays all channels sorted in chronological order of their Number of distributions.


A creator is a person that creates Advertisements. Team members can also have final responsibility for a campaign.


  • Name. The creator’s name.
  • Email. The creator’s e-mail.
  • Phone. The creator’s phone number.
  • Profile picture. The creator’s profile picture.
  • Type. A single select field indicating if the creator is a ‘Team member’, ‘External designer’, or ‘Influencer’.
  • Responsible for. This linked field to the Campaigns table indicates the campaigns where the creator has the final responsibility.
  • Advertisements. This linked field to the Advertisements table sums up all the advertisements that created has developed.
  • Number of advertisements. A formula field that shows the amount of advertisements the created has developed.


  • All creators. Displays all creators sorted in chronological order of their Number of advertisements.
  • Gallery: all creators. Displays all creators with their profile picture.
  • Internal creators. Displays all creators that have ‘Team member’ as their Type.
  • External creators. Displays all creators that do not have ‘Team member’ as their Type.