Benefit Show Manager
Project Management

Whether it’s your first time or you’re an experienced event coordinator, you understand that it’s never easy to plan benefit shows. You have to think about funds, talents, facilities, sponsors, audits, and, of course, the people you set out to help. Oh, and it’s not just about those individual components, but about how they all coalesce. This template helps you keep track of these crucial matters when you’re organizing and running benefit shows. It helps you stay on top of lists of shows, beneficiaries, locations, grants, marketing methods, and more. As an added bonus, it also serves as a tool to keep track of contacts, expenses, and financial records. We’re confident this template will benefit you. 😜

A huge set of ten useful tables is available to help you plan and organize benefit shows. There are tables for team members and contacts. It’d be a good idea to start by filling in these tables with the necessary information. You may also want to think about and write down all the people who might be your beneficiaries at this point, so you can use the Beneficiaries table. In the next step, identify and write down locations, marketing methods, and fundraising strategies. Then, write them down in the Locations, Marketing methods, and Fundraising approaches tables. Once something concrete has materialized, jump into the Shows table. As you work on your projects, you’ll need to record all of your expenses in the Expenses table. Grants and donations should go to the Grants table. Finally, get an overview of your projects’ finances from the Financials table. Let’s break down the benefits of this template, by table:


Arranging and setting up nonprofit benefit shows is a way of helping and giving while, at the same time, providing entertaining events for donors and target audiences. This table allows you to organize multiple shows and links to other significant information pertaining to the shows’ details. All of the other tables are linked to this one.


  • Name. The name of the show being organized.
  • Beneficiaries. This field is linked to the Beneficiaries table, specifying all the beneficiaries of the show.
  • Talent. This field is linked to the Contacts table, specifying the talent performing in the show.
  • Show start. The date and time the show starts.
  • Show end. The date and time the show ends.
  • Location. This field is linked to the Locations table, indicating the venue the event will be taking place.
  • Description. A brief description and the goal of the event.
  • Target audience. A multiple select field specifying the type of audiences the show is intended to accommodate.
  • Marketing. This field links to the Marketing methods **table, indicating the type of marketing used to spread the word about the specific event.
  • Funding approach. This field links to the Funding approaches **table, indicating the method the funds were raised for the event.
  • Team members. This field links to the Team members **table, indicating the team members that organized the event.
  • Status. A selection field indicating the show’s current status.
  • Donation date. The date the donation is is given to the beneficiary.
  • Related financials. This field links to the Financials table as a link to the financial overview of the show. It’s hidden by default.
  • Related expenses. This field links to the Expenses table as a link to the show’s related expenses. It’s hidden by default.


  • All shows. Displays all shows organized by the nonprofit without any filters sorted by oldest to the latest.
  • Gallery: All shows. Displays a gallery of all shows recorded in this database sorted by oldest to the latest.
  • Add new show. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new shows to this database.
  • By status. Displays a kanban view of all shows, stacked by Status.


Organizers of benefit shows may keep in touch with a variety or a collection of potential beneficiaries for the events they intend to hold. This table is intended to have a list of beneficiaries as well as their descriptions.


  • Name. The organization or the name of the beneficiary.
  • Description. A description of the beneficiary or foundation. This is also useful as reference for marketing.
  • Preferred donations. This field contains a list of the beneficiary’s preferred donations as well as those that should be avoided.
  • Contacts. This field links to the Contacts table, as a link to this beneficiaries contact details.
  • Is tax accredited. This is a checkbox fields indicating whether this beneficiary is accredited by the local tax bureau. Accredited beneficiaries provides tax incentives to donors.
  • Related shows. This creates a link to the Shows table as a way to show that the beneficiary is a recipient of donations. This field is hidden by default.


  • All beneficiaries. Displays all beneficiaries without any filters sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Is tax accredited. Displays only the tax-accredited beneficiaries, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Beneficiaries. Displays a gallery of all beneficiaries, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Add a beneficiary. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new beneficiaries to this database.

Team members

There are two tables that contain individuals in this template: this one and the Contacts table. This table is for internal contacts or for volunteers within your team helping organize shows, while the Contacts table is designed for external contacts.


  • Name. The name of the team member.
  • Picture. A photo of the team member.
  • Position. This is a single select dropdown field that indicates which role the team member fulfills.
  • Phone number. The phone number of the team member.
  • Email. The team member’s email.
  • Address. The team member’s residential address.
  • Related shows. This field links to the Events **table, indicating which events this team member has played a hand in. This field is hidden by default.
  • Fundraising approaches. This field links to the Fundraising approaches **table, identifying which team member has been a part of which approach in the past.
  • Marketing methods. This field links to the Marketing methods table, identifying which team member has been a part of which method in the past.
  • Grants pursued. This field links to the Grants **table, identifying which grants these team members have helped apply for.
  • Related expenses. This field links to the Expenses table, identifying which expenses this team member has made or spent. This field is hidden by default.


  • All team members. Displays all team members associated with the nonprofit without any filters sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Gallery: All team members. Displays all team members sorted in a gallery view. The team members are sorted in alphabetical order by Position, then by Name from A to Z.
  • Add new team member. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new team members or volunteers.


This table includes all external contacts, and their details, related to locations, beneficiaries, performers, donors, service providers, and more.


  • Name. Contact’s name.
  • Role. The role/title the contact holds.
  • Affiliations and notes. This field indicates the affiliations of the contact and other remarks.
  • Phone number. The contact’s phone number.
  • Email. The contact’s email.
  • Address. The contact’s business or home address.
  • Website. The contact’s website, if there is any.
  • Last contacted. The date that the contact was last contacted.
  • Related shows. This field links to the Shows table, assigning performers to shows. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related beneficiaries. This field links to the Beneficiaries table, specifying beneficiaries’ contact details. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related locations. This field links to the Locations table, specifying the locations’ contact details. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related grants. This field links to the Grants table, specifying the donors’ contact details. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related expenses. This field links to the Expenses table, specifying the performers, suppliers, or solution providers’ paid in the expense. This field is hidden by default.


  • All contacts. Displays all the contacts without any filters sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Donors. Displays all contacts with the donor role sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Performers and talent. Displays all contacts with the talent or talent manager role sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Beneficiaries. Displays all contacts with the beneficiary role sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Suppliers and service providers. Displays all contacts with the supplier or service provider role sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Add new contact. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new contacts.


Diverse public spaces and events must be documented. Planning events can be a lot easier if your organization has a database of locations or venues it uses.


  • Name. The name of the location or venue.
  • Capacity. The capacity of the location.
  • Address. The address of the location or venue.
  • Picture. A picture of the location or venue.
  • Coverage. An indication of whether the location is entirely outdoors, indoors, or both. This is important when planning outdoor events that depend on the weather.
  • Contacts. This field links to the Contacts **table, indicating which venues are associated with which contact.
  • Related events. This field links to the Events **table, indicating which events have been or will be held at the specific location.


  • All locations. Displays all of the locations without any filters sorted by Capacity from largest to smallest, then by Name from A to Z.
  • Venues. Displays all locations in the form of a gallery view, sorted by Coverage, Capacity, and Name.
  • Outdoor venues. Displays all outdoor locations in the form of a gallery view, sorted by Capacity and Name.
  • Indoor venues. Displays all indoor locations in the form of a gallery view, sorted by Capacity and Name.
  • Mixed coverage venues. Displays all mixed coverage locations in the form of a gallery view, sorted by Capacity and Name.
  • Add new location. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new locations.


Almost all nonprofits rely heavily on grants as a source of funding. This table keeps track of the grants that have been applied for, as well as the relevant information about each grant.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this grant.
  • Name. The name of the grant.
  • Type. The type of grant it is. Some grants are aimed only at research while other grants allow for them to be used to keep the nonprofit operating.
  • Status. The status of the grant.
  • Amount. This field indicates the monetary value of the grant that is currently being offered.
  • Deadline. This field indicates the deadline to apply for the grant in year/month/day format.
  • Source. The source the grant is coming from.
  • Contacts. This field links to the Contacts table, specifying the donor’s contact details.
  • Notes. A field for description and other remarks regarding this grant or its processes.
  • Related members. This field links to the Team members **table, indicating which team members have worked or will work on the respective grant.
  • Related financials. This field links to the Financials table, linking the show that this grant is applied to. This field is hidden by default.


  • All grants. Displays all the grants with no filter sorted by the largest amount of money offered to the lowest.
  • By type. Displays a kanban view of all grants, stacked by Type.
  • By status. Displays a kanban view of all grants, stacked by Status.


This table is for recording all expenses incurred surrounding the event.


  • Name. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this expense.
  • Show. The show this expense was made for.
  • Category. The type or classification of this expense.
  • Contacts. This field links to the Contacts table, indicating the contact details of the performers, suppliers, or solution providers’ paid in the expense.
  • Estimated cost. The estimated cost of this expense.
  • Actual cost. The actual cost paid or to be paid for this expense.
  • Status. The status of this expense.
  • Description. A description of this expense in more detail.
  • Disburser. The team member who incurred this expense.
  • File attachments. Files, receipts, or any document related to this expense.
  • Related financials. This field links to the Financials table, that allows the collation of the shows financial records. This field is hidden by default.


  • All expenses. Displays all the expenses with no filter sorted by Category, by Estimated cost, and by Actual cost from the largest amount to the lowest.
  • Add new expense. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new expenses.
  • By category. Displays a kanban view of all expenses, stacked by Category.
  • By status. Displays a kanban view of all expenses, stacked by Status.


This table provides financial overview to each benefit show.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this financial overview.
  • Show. This field links to the Shows table, indicating the related show for this financial overview.
  • Goal. This is a number field indicating the fundraising goal of the event, if the event is a fundraiser.
  • Funds raised. This is a formula field that sums the values in the Grants amounts field. This also represents the total of grants received for the related show.
  • Ticket sales. This is a number field for the actual ticket sales of the show related to this financial overview.
  • Cost. This is a formula field that sums the values in the Costs amounts field. This also represents the total of expenses made for the related show.
  • Over/under. This is a formula field that calculates how much a show is over or under its budget.
  • Grants. The grant that served as a source of funding for the event. This field links to the Grants **table.
  • Expenses. This field links to the Expenses table for the Costs amounts lookup.
  • Grants amounts. This is a lookup field to the Grants field fetching the values of amounts for the related show.
  • Expense amounts. This is a lookup field to the Expenses field fetching the values of actual costs for the related show.


  • All financials. Displays all the financial overviews with no filters sorted by ID from A to Z.

Marketing methods

To reach the event’s target audience, team members can (and should) use various marketing methods. List down all methods that would be very useful for shows or events.


  • Method. The specific marketing method.
  • Platform. The platform used for the marketing approach whether it be the company email for direct emails or the social media platform.
  • Description. A brief description of the marketing method.
  • Related shows. This field links to the Events **table, indicating which events this marketing method has been used for. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related members. This field links to the Team members table, listing all team members who have experience with this marketing method. This field is hidden by default.


  • All methods. Displays all marketing methods that could be utilized sorted alphabetically by Method from A to Z.

Fundraising approaches

So that they can fund public events, nonprofits must be well-versed in fundraising techniques. In this table, list down various fundraising strategies.


  • Approach. The name of the fund-raising strategy.
  • Description. A brief description of what the approach entails.
  • Related shows. The events this tactic has been used for. This field links to the Events **table. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related members. This field is linked to the Team members **table, displaying the team members that have had experience with the particular fundraising method. This field is hidden by default.


  • All approaches. Displays all fundraising approaches that can be used sorted alphabetically by Approach from A to Z.