Beverage Sales Management
Local Business

Developing a well-balanced assortment of beverages is the key to success for a local business. You need to keep track of which ones are best sellers, which ingredients you can use for multiple beverages, how to develop new combinations, and so on. This template helps you to gain insights in your sales. Additionally, it also includes the functionality to set up a customer loyalty program and has forms to take your orders digitally.

This template is created for bartenders and owners of coffee shops, cocktail bars, smoothie bars, and even small restaurants. In short: every business that prepares their own beverages or small meals. As with all of our templates, you can repurpose and customize it to fit your exact needs.


This table has information about each beverage, allows you to set a promotion period for a favorite beverage, and shows which beverages are most popular. First, enter the Beverages you offer. The template lets you highlight a beverage at certain times of the year and shows your top-selling beverages. Then, enter the Ingredients and link them to one or more beverages. This gives you insights into the ingredients you use and which ones sell the most. Finally, enter the different kinds and sizes of Cups you offer. This information calculates the final price for each beverage and assigns customer loyalty points. The second part of the template contains information about Customers, Orders, and Order details. The Customers table holds personal information and calculates loyalty points for each customer. You can add an anonymous default customer for those who don’t want to participate in the loyalty program. The Orders and Order details tables have forms for taking new orders. These forms are linked by sharing the Add order detail URL. The Add order form redirects to this URL after creating a new order.


  • Name. The beverage’s name.
  • Description. A short description for the beverage.
  • Basic price. The beverage’s price without any extra for a bigger cup.
  • Image. The beverage’s image.
  • Category. A single select field that categorizes the beverage as classic or special.
  • Favorite from. The first day of the period where a beverage should be seen as “flavor of the month”.
  • Favorite until. The last day of the period where a beverage should be seen as “flavor of the month”.
  • Is flavor of the month. A formula field that indicates if a beverage is a “flavor of the month” or not.
  • Ingredients. A linked field to the Ingredients table that sums up all the ingredients that are used to prepare the beverage.
  • Order details. A linked field to the Order details table that sums up all the detail lines where the beverage occurs. This field is used to calculate the Amount of orders field.
  • Amount of orders. A rollup field that calculates how many time a beverage was ordered.


  • All beverages. Displays all beverages sorted in chronological order of Amount of orders.
  • Gallery: all beverages. Displays all beverages in a gallery sorted in chronological order of Amount of orders.
  • Vegan beverages. Displays all beverages that only contain vegetable ingredients.
  • Flavor of the month. Displays all beverages that are “flavor of the month” for the current date
  • Calendar: flavor of the month. Displays all beverages in a calendar that are “flavor of the month” for the current date.
  • Classic beverages. Displays all beverages that are categorized as classic.
  • Special beverages. Displays all beverages that are categorized as special.


This table contains information about the ingredients used in the Beverages and offers insights in how many times an ingredient is used.


  • Name. The ingredient’s name.
  • Description. A small description for the ingredient.
  • Category. A single select field indicating that categorizes the ingredient.
  • Beverages. A linked field to the Beverages table that sums up all the beverages that use this ingredient.
  • Number of beverages. A rollup field that calculates how many beverages use this ingredient.
  • Number of times ordered. A formula field that calculates the amount of times a beverage that contains the ingredient was ordered.


  • All ingredients. Displays all ingredients sorted in chronological order of Number of beverages.
  • Ingredients used in multiple beverages. Displays all ingredients that are used in multiple beverages.
  • Ingredients used in a single beverage. Displays all ingredients that are only used in one beverage.
  • Ingredients by category. Displays all ingredients in a kanban stacked by their Category.


This table contains information about the different cup sizes that are offered. The bigger the cup size, the more loyalty points a customer receives.


  • Name. The cup’s name.
  • Extra charge. A number indicating the percentage of extra charge. For example: 1.15 means an increase of 15% to the Basic price of the Beverage.
  • Loyalty points. The number of points a Customer receives for ordering the beverage.
  • Order details. A linked field to the Order details table that sums up all the detail lines where the cup occurs. This field is used to calculate the Amount of orders field.


  • All cup sizes. Displays all cups sorted in chronological order of Amount of orders.


This table contains the basic information about customers together with their calculated loyalty balance.


  • E-mail. The customer’s e-mail address.
  • Lastname. The customer’s last name.
  • Firstname. This customer’s first name.
  • Name. A formula field that combines the first name and last name of the customer.
  • Profile picture. The customer’s profile picture.
  • Orders. A linked field to the Orders table that sums up all the orders of the customer.
  • Loyalty points. A rollup field that calculates the amount of loyalty points the customer has saved based on the amount of ordered beverages and cup size.


  • All customers. Displays all customers sorted in chronological order of Loyalty points.
  • Gallery: all customers. Displays all customers in a gallery sorted in chronological order of Loyalty points.


This table contains the main information about an order. This includes fields like a Customer, but not the items that are ordered.


  • Order number. A formula field that shows the number of the row as the number of the order. This ensures the uniqueness of each order number.
  • Customer. A linked field to the Customers table that holds the single customer for this order.
  • Date. The date and time the order is created. This field is automatically filled in.
  • Is completed. Indicates if the order has been delivered to the customer and is finished.
  • Order details. A linked field to the Order details table that sums up all the items in the order.
  • Total price. A rollup field that calculates the total price for the order.
  • Total loyalty points. A rollup field that calculates the amount of loyalty point the customer has earned with this order.
  • Amount of beverages. A rollup field that calculates the number of beverages that were ordered.


  • All orders. Displays all orders sorted in chronological order of Date.
  • Completed orders. Displays all orders that are already completed.
  • Open orders. Displays all orders that are still open.
  • Orders with a single beverage. Displays all orders that only purchased one beverage.
  • Orders with multiple beverages. Displays all orders that hold more than one beverage. Orders that contain more than one amount of the same beverage are included in this view.
  • Add order. A form that allows the selection of a customer and redirects to Add order detail form. Take the following steps to redirect to the Add order detail form:
    • Open the Order details table and go to the view Add order detail.
    • Click the Share form button on top.
    • Select Create a private shareable link to the form.
    • Copy the generated URL. It looks like…
    • Open the Orders table again and select the Add order view.
    • Paste the URL in the textfield that appears when selecting Redirect to URL.
    • Add the following after the URL: ?prefill_Order={row_id}&hide_Order

Order details

This table contains the items that are linked to a single order.


  • Name. A formula field that concatenates the id of the order with the beverage and cup size.
  • Order. A linked field to the Orders table that holds the unique number of the order the item belongs to.
  • Beverage. A linked field to the Beverages table that holds a single beverage.
  • Amount. The amount of the beverage the customer wants to order.
  • Size. The cup size for the beverage.
  • Subtotal price. The price for this item based on the Beverage, Amount and Size.
  • Subtotal loyalty points. The loyalty points for this item based on the Size.


  • All order details. Displays all order details without specific sorting.
  • Add order item. A form that allows to enter a new item for the order. Make sure to share this form so that it can be used to redirect to from the Add order view.