Blog Post Management

Manage every aspect of your blog posts from one unified place. Organize, track, and share your blog posts without missing a deadline or creating duplicate content. This Blog Post Management template has everything you need—from setting blog post categories, features images, publish dates, authors, and even approval, managing your blog post content with your team has never been easier.

Brainstorm ideas, set statuses, and even keep track of how well your blog posts perform across various distribution channels. It’s the perfect template for small teams, solo publishers, and even large agencies who need to keep track of everything blog related.

Keeping track of every aspect that goes into all of your blog posts is difficult—but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re a freelancer, small business, or a large agency of professionals, this Blog Post Management template is specifically designed to ensure a streamlined approach when it comes to blog post management.

Organization is integral to content marketing success! Combine organization and versatility when it comes to your blogging workflow by getting started with this Blog Post Management template.

Here are a few template features and highlights, by table:


Blog posts are the essence of this template! Each post has its own properties, fields, and attributes that make it unique. Need to see which blog posts need to be updated? Select the Needing Update view. In a rush and need to know which blog posts have not yet been approved? Toggle the Not Yet Approved view to get an overview of all posts that have yet to be approved so that no deadlines are missed.


  • Post Title. What’s a blog post without a title? Write the perfect title for your blog here to be displayed just as when you publish the blog post to the world.
  • Category. Define your blog post’s best category, and tag it for easy sorting/filtering.
  • Tags. In addition to Category, this Tags field is a more granular way of using specific keywords so that you can tag appropriately in your blog’s CMS and give readers the opportunity to read more about specific tags they might be interested in.
  • Featured Image. Every great blog post is coupled with a featured image that complements your writing piece. Drag and drop your featured image, or upload your blog post’s featured image via URL so you can see your content side-by-side and ensure your image complements the blog post text effectively.
  • Post Content. This is the bread and butter of your blog! Natively write your piece, or paste from your favorite editor.
  • Meta Description. SEO matters! This field allows you to write a short blurb so that your readers can get a sense of what your post is about when they find it via search.
  • Excerpt. A short one or two-line blurb about the blog post.
  • Status. Are you workshopping a blog post idea? Is it published already? Does it need updates? This simple dropdown is effective in making sure your post statuses are where they should be.
  • Author(s). Whether it’s a solo star copywriter or a team effort, easily view who authored each and every blog post.
  • Approved. This handy (but optional) field allows editors, managers, and supervisors to approve a blog post with a single click.
  • Published Location. It’s easy to lose track of where you published your blog post if you’re publishing across multiple channels—not with this field! This field is linked to the Distribution Channels table so that any time you expand to new publishing mediums, you can easily select them here.
  • Date Published. No need to dig through countless links to find the date a particular blog post was published. See the exact date for each blog post at a glance.
  • URL Handle. This field provides you an opportunity to set the structure of the URL, which provides the basis for the permalink.
  • Permalink. This is a formula field that concatenates your blog domain (such as with the URL handle in order to provide a full permanent URL, or permalink.
  • Last Updated. Blog posts need updating from time to time. This field allows you to write the time and date of when each blog post was modified, so everyone you can be sure your posts are always up to date.
  • Created On. When someone from the team begins to work a new blog post and a new row in this table is created, this field will auto-populate. This is helpful in remembering when a blog post was created or began the ideation process. It’s especially helpful to see how long the blog post took from ideation through to publication, as well as for determining relevancy if it’s a time-sensitive piece that needs to be published during a certain timeframe.


  • Needs Update. Displays all the posts needing an update based on the posts’ Status field.


Quickly see an overview of the editorial team. This table is complete with names, pictures, contact information, and location so that the entire team is in alignment and within reach.


  • Team Member Name. Everyone has a name! Even one-name celebs have a real name. 😉
  • Picture. Spice it up with smiles from all your team members!
  • Title. Giving everyone an easy glance to understand team members’ job titles.
  • Email. Arguably still the best way to communicate with anyone and everyone asynchronously.
  • Phone. For when email’s not quite cutting it.
  • Location. Even if you’re remote, teammates may still have a home base. Or even if they’re digital nomads, it’s easy for anyone to update their physical location, which is helpful with timezones to avoid accidentally calling your teammates at 4am. 😅
  • Posts Authored/Contributions. Some posts may be authored alone, and others may have contributions from other authors. This column is particularly helpful, as it provides the ability see which team member has authored, co-authored, and/or contributed to specific blog posts, so that you can quickly identify and measure contributions by team member.


  • All Team Members. Displays all members of the team in alphabetical order.

Distribution Channels

You wrote a blog post—great! But it doesn’t do much good if it never sees the light of day. This table allows you to see where your posts were published at the blink of an eye.


  • Channel Name. Jot down the name of your channel name, whatever it may be. Social media outlets, the name of your newsletter, or anything else where you’re publishing blog posts.
  • Channel Rating. Rank each channel 1-5 (with 5 being the best) so that you know which distribution channel works well with your blog posts. Don’t forget to experiment!
  • Notes. A place where you can write down observations and takeaways for each distribution channel.
  • Posts on Channel. This is a linked field to the Posts table. It’s the perfect way to see which posts were published across all of your distribution channels.


  • All Channels. Displays all available channels sorted by alphabetical order.
  • Top Channels. Displays the top channels sorted by efficacy based on their rating, with a focus on only channels that have a rating of 4 or 5.