Business Conference Event
Business Operations

Proper business conferences link different professionals seeking to strengthen their skills, knowledge, and industry network. For attendees, business conferences serve as a place to mingle with other professionals and to form connections with new people working in other departments or other companies all together. Additionally, conferences can bring about more exposure for specific products or services. The numerous attendees can often test and learn more about specific products presented. The only way all of these things can be achieved at a conference is if there is proper preparation and organization for the conference. Ensuring all speakers are assigned a location, time, and a presentation is key. using this template to compile all of these details to create the perfect conference is the best way to deliver success.

Some go to business conferences to network, while others go to learn more about a company or a general field. Regardless of the reason, a conference typically has it all. There are speeches, workshops, interactive Q&A sessions, and more. Organizing all of these different styled presentations that may overlap in times is critical to ensuring all the attendees are about to make it to every presentation they are interested in. Aside from booking a venue, all the speakers need to be lined up with the proper materials in the respective rooms. Everyone needs to know where to be at what time. This template simplifies that process. It takes all of those details and provides an overall schedule of the conference with all necessary details. Here are some of the features of this template, by table:


Every conference event needs to have an overall schedule that the participants can easily understand and follow to be able to attend all the speeches and workshops they want. This table serves as an overall schedule of each presentation given by each speaker.


  • Time. The time in a 24-hour format.
  • Presentation code. The unique code associated with the presentation. This field links to the Presentations table.
  • Presentations. This is a formula field that concatenates the name of the presentation, the speaker, and the level of the presentation.


  • Entire schedule. Displays the schedule without any filters.


Anytime you’re throwing an event, you should always expect the unexpected. This table serves as a place to track all of the presentations and key details such as where the presentation would take place, the duration, and plenty more.


  • Reference code. The unique reference code for the specific presentation.
  • Category. The category the speech falls under. Is it a key note? A workshop? That can be identified here.
  • Name. The name of the presentation as it has been marketed.
  • Level. The level of the intended audience for the presentation. This indicates whether the presentation is meant for beginner level, intermediate, or advanced.
  • Description. A brief description of the presentation itself.
  • Start time. The time the presentation begins in a 24-hour format.
  • Duration (min). The estimated amount of time the presentation takes measured in minutes.
  • Speakers. This field links to the Speakers **table, identifying the specific speakers that are presenting.
  • Location. This field links to the Rooms **table, identifying the particular location this presentation will be held. This is helpful if there are multiple presentations occurring at the same time, some geared for beginners while another may be geared for a more advanced audience.


  • All presentations. Displays all presentations sorted in order by reference code.
  • Workshops. Display all presentations that are labeled as workshops sorted by ascending reference code.
  • Beginner level. Displays all presentations with “Beginner” or “Any” as the level for the presentation sorted by ascending reference code.
  • Intermediate level. Displays all presentations with “Intermediate” or “Any” as the level for the presentation sorted by ascending reference code…
  • Advanced level. Displays all presentations with “Advanced” or “Any” as the level for the presentation sorted by ascending reference code.
  • Short presentations. Displays all presentations that take less than 35 minutes in duration sorted by ascending reference code.
  • By level. Displays all presentations in a kanban view stacked by the presentation’s level.


While the presentation title can draw more participants to a certain speech, oftentimes participants are more interested in the speakers themselves regardless of the presentation they are giving. This table identifies each speaker and other relevant details about the speaker themselves.


  • Name. The name of the speaker.
  • Picture. A picture of the speaker.
  • Presentation code(s). This field links to the Presentations **table, identifying the unique presentation code of the presentations the speaker is in charge of.
  • Presentation(s). This is a lookup field that retrieves the name of the presentation based off of the presentation code.
  • Company. This field links to the Companies **table, identifying the specific company the speaker is representing.
  • Years of experience. The number of years of experience the speaker has in the field.


  • All speakers. Displays all speakers sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Experienced speakers. Displays all speakers that have over 5 years of experience sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Gallery: All speakers. Displays all speakers in a gallery view sorted in alphabetical order.


Many conferences either have sponsors that help fund the event, or they have speakers that come from different well known companies in the field in attempts to attract more people to the conference. This table groups all the companies regardless of sponsorship along with the company’s details.


  • Name. The name of the company.
  • Website. A URL to the company’s main website.
  • Email. The email listed on the company’s website.
  • Phone number. The phone number of the company’s headquarters.
  • Headquarters. The address of the company’s headquarters.
  • Sponsor. This field identifies whether the respective company is a sponsor of the conference or not. It is a boolean field that can contain a check mark or be empty.
  • Speakers. This field links to the Speakers table, identifying the specific speakers that represent the company.


  • All companies. Displays all companies sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Sponsors. Displays all companies that are registered as sponsors sorted in alphabetical order.


Many conferences have multiple presentations taking place at the same time, typically for different target audiences. For live conferences, multiple rooms or stages are required for each of these. This table identifies each of the rooms and which presentations are taking place in the respective rooms.


  • Room #. The number of the room.
  • Presentations @ time. This is a formula field that prints the presentation name and the time the presentation is being held at in the respective room. This field uses data from the Presentations table.
  • Presentation code. This field links to the Presentations **table, identifying the unique code the presentation is associated with.
  • Room capacity. The number of seats the room contains or the number of people the room can hold.


  • All rooms. Displays all rooms sorted by room number.