Business Goal Tracker (OKRs)
Local Business

A growing business must continually set, measure, and keep track of all its goals in order to ensure it’s aligned with its mission. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a goal-setting framework that organizations and individuals use to align their efforts and track their progress toward achieving specific goals. This template offers your business a way to keep track of your company’s goals by using the OKR method in a centralized database. This gives your goals a better structure and makes them easier to track. This template sorts your goals by calendar quarters by default, since OKRs are done quarterly. With the help of this template, you can start setting, tracking, and measuring the progress of your high-level business goals.

Once a business is up and running, it should set its goals and vision to keep it in good shape. One way to keep track of your goals is to use the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) framework. This template offers your company’s executives and managers a tool to implement the OKR framework for setting goals. It lets you measure and keep track of how your business is doing in reaching its goals. Your organization can use this template to keep track of both simple and complex goal structures. Whether you use stretched, aspirational, or committed objectives, this template can accommodate them all. It also has a table for posting updates for each intended key result. Feel free to use this template however you see fit, but we recommend starting by populating the lookup tables first, such as: Office locations; Departments; Titles; and, Employees, in this respective order. Learn about the tables and views in this template to see how they can help your company better monitor and measure progress toward its goals.


This is the main table for the database. It includes information about your organization’s goals or objectives as well as an overview of how all of the key results related to those goals are doing.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this objective.
  • Department. This field is linked to the Departments table and specifies the department within your organization for which this goal or objective is set.
  • Target period. A single select field for the time frame for completing and tracking this objective and its key results. OKRs are typically set per quarter, so an example would be the year and quarter in which the goal is to be completed (e.g., “2023-Q3”). Please do update this field as your business changes over time.
  • Title. The name or brief summary of the objective.
  • Description. A detailed explanation of the objective.
  • Leader. This field is linked to the Employees table, indicating the team leader assigned or responsible for carrying out this objective.
  • Parent objective ID. This field is linked to itself, the Objectives table, and tells you which goal this objective is part of. This is for more complex goal structures in which this objective may be a key result of a top-level goal.
  • Status. A formula field that determines automagically the overall state of all linked key results. This means that top-level managers don’t have to manually figure out the status of all linked key results as a whole, which decreases the chance of human error.
  • Progress status (%). A formula field that automatically calculates the average progress of all key results for this goal or objective.
  • Key result count. A formula field that counts all key results associated with this objective.
  • Additional notes. Any additional remarks about this objective.
  • Date created. The date and time this objective was added to the database.
  • Date updated. The date and time this objective was modified in the database.
  • Related key results. This field is linked to the Key results table, specifying all key results associated with this objective. This field is hidden by default.
  • Department for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Department, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.
  • Is department leader match. A formula field that returns true if the assigned team leader selected in the Leader field belongs to the department specified in the Department field. This field is hidden by default.


  • All objectives. Displays all objectives without filters, sorted by Target period, Department for sorting, and Progress status (%).
  • Objectives for 2023-Q1. Displays objectives for the target period of 2023-Q1, sorted by Target period, Department for sorting, and Progress status (%).
  • Objectives for 2023-Q2. Displays objectives for the target period of 2023-Q2, sorted by Target period, Department for sorting, and Progress status (%).
  • Objectives for 2023-Q3. Displays objectives for the target period of 2023-Q3, sorted by Target period, Department for sorting, and Progress status (%).
  • By target period. Displays a kanban view of all objectives, stacked by Target period.
  • Add objective. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new objectives to the database.

Key results

In this table, you can find all the information about the key results, such as the current status and progress of each key result. For each key result in this table, you can also choose a leader and a group to work with. By default, key results are put in order by goal or objective to make things easier to find.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this key result record or row.
  • Objective ID. This field is linked to the Objectives table, indicating the goal or objective of which this key result is a part.
  • Target period. A formula field that returns sortable target period information based on the information in the Objective ID field.
  • Department. This is a lookup field based on the Objective ID field that fetches the department where the objective was set.
  • Title. The name or brief summary of this key result.
  • Description. A detailed explanation of this key result.
  • Status. A single select field that indicates the current status of this key result.
  • Progress status (%). The percentage of the current progress toward achieving this key result.
  • Start date. The date this key result is scheduled to begin its implementation.
  • End date. The exact date this key result is reached or finished. This should show accurately whether the parent goal is due or has already been met.
  • Leader. This field is linked to the Employees table, indicating the team leader assigned or responsible for carrying out this key result. This could be the same as the value specified in the parent objective.
  • Team. This field is linked to the Employees table, specifying the key team members contributing to carrying out this key result.
  • Update count. A formula field that counts the number of updates created for this key result.
  • Date created. The date and time this key result was added to the database.
  • Date updated. The date and time this key result was modified in the database.
  • Related updates. This field is linked to the Updates table, specifying all updates related to this key result. This field is hidden by default.
  • Objective ID for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Objective ID, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.
  • Group bgcolor. This is a formula field that is used to automatically assign group colors to key results. These group colors are used as each group’s background colors to make it easy to tell which key result groups are which. This field is hidden by default.


  • All key results. Displays all key results without filters, sorted by Objective ID for sorting.
  • Key results for 2023-Q1. Displays key results for the target period of 2023-Q1, sorted by Objective ID for sorting.
  • Key results for 2023-Q2. Displays key results for the target period of 2023-Q2, sorted by Objective ID for sorting.
  • Key results for 2023-Q3. Displays key results for the target period of 2023-Q3, sorted by Objective ID for sorting.
  • By status for 2023-Q1. Displays a kanban view of all key results for the 2023-Q1 target period, stacked by Status.
  • By status for 2023-Q2. Displays a kanban view of all key results for the 2023-Q2 target period, stacked by Status.
  • By status for 2023-Q3. Displays a kanban view of all key results for the 2023-Q3 target period, stacked by Status.
  • Add key result. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new key results to the database.


Essential action items help each key result move forward. This table was made to store every important update for each key result so that it would be easier to keep track of the details of each key result’s progress. By default, updates are put together by key results to make them easier to find.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this update record or row.
  • Key result ID. This field is linked to the Key results table, indicating the key result of which this update is a part.
  • Title. The name or brief summary of this update.
  • Description. A detailed explanation of this update.
  • Update by. This field is linked to the Employees table, indicating the employee who made or delivered this update.
  • Date created. The date and time this update was added to the database.
  • Date updated. The date and time this update was modified in the database.
  • Key result ID for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Key result ID, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.
  • Target period for filter. A formula that retrieves the target period for which this update is intended. This field is hidden by default.
  • Group bgcolor. This is a formula field that is used to automatically assign group colors to updates. These group colors are used as each group’s background colors to make it easy to tell which update groups are which. This field is hidden by default.


  • All updates. Displays all updates without filters, sorted by Key result ID for sorting and Title.
  • Updates for 2023-Q1. Displays updates for the target period of 2023-Q1, sorted by Key result ID for sorting and Title.
  • Updates for 2023-Q2. Displays updates for the target period of 2023-Q2, sorted by Key result ID for sorting and Title.
  • Updates for 2023-Q3. Displays updates for the target period of 2023-Q3, sorted by Key result ID for sorting and Title.
  • Add update. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new updates to the database.


In the Employees table, you can find contact information for every person in your organization. Most of the other tables in this database are linked to this table. Feel free to add or remove fields from this table to make it fit or meet the security policy of your organization.


  • Full name. A formula field that returns the employee’s full name.
  • Photo. The employee’s photograph.
  • Objectives supervising. A formula that counts the number of objectives this employee is spearheading or supervising.
  • Key results linked. A formula that counts the number of key results this employee is participating in, whether as a leader or a team member.
  • Last name. The employee’s last name.
  • First name. The employee’s first (given) name.
  • Middle initial. The employee’s middle initial.
  • Title. This field is linked to the Titles table, indicating the employee’s current title or position in the organization.
  • Department. This field is linked to the Departments table, which indicates the department the employee belongs.
  • Office location. This field is linked to the Office locations table, indicating the location of the employee’s office.
  • Local extension number. The employee’s local or extension number based on the organization’s trunk line.
  • Phone number. The employee’s current phone or mobile number.
  • Email. The employee’s email address.
  • Address. The employee’s home address.
  • Zip code. The mailing zip code of the employee’s home address.
  • Remarks. This field is for recording any notes or remarks about the employee.
  • Start date. The date the employee joined the organization.
  • End date. The date the employee left the organization. This is used when the employee is inactive or has left the organization.
  • Status. The employment status of the employee.
  • Is active. A checkbox that indicates whether the employee is still with the organization or not.
  • Related objectives as lead. This field is linked to the Objectives table, which connects employees to the objectives or goals they lead. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related key results as lead. This field is linked to the Key results table, which connects employees to the key results they lead. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related key results as member. This field is linked to the Key results table, which connects employees to the key results they participate in as team members. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related updates. This field is linked to the Updates table, which connects employees to updates they made or delivered. This field is hidden by default.


  • All employees. Displays all employees without any filters, sorted alphabetically by Last name from A to Z, then by First name from A to Z.
  • Add new employee. Displays a form view for the purpose of simplifying the entry of basic contact information for employees.
  • Goal supervisors. Displays a gallery of all employees spearheading or supervising business objectives, sorted alphabetically by Last name from A to Z, then by Full name from A to Z.
  • Active employees. Displays a gallery of all active employees, sorted alphabetically by Last name from A to Z, then by First name from A to Z.
  • Full-time employees. Displays a gallery of all active, full-time employees, sorted alphabetically by Last name from A to Z, then by First name from A to Z.
  • Part-time employees. Displays a gallery of all active, part-time employees, sorted alphabetically by Last name from A to Z, then by First name from A to Z.
  • Seasonal employees. Displays a gallery of all active, seasonal employees, sorted alphabetically by Last name from A to Z, then by First name from A to Z.
  • Temporary employees. Displays a gallery of all active, temporary employees, sorted alphabetically by Last name from A to Z, then by First name from A to Z.
  • Employees by status. Displays a kanban view of active employees stacked by Status.


You can keep track of a list of job roles and their descriptions with this table. As an example, this template has a list of titles for a business that develops software.


  • Name. The position name.
  • Level. A single select field specifying the position’s level in the hierarchy of roles.
  • Description. A description of the title, which may include position specifics and responsibilities.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of interviewees with this title.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, identifying all employees or staff members using this title. This field is hidden by default.


  • All titles. Displays all the titles or staff designations in an organization without any filters.
  • Business analysis. Displays all titles related to business analysis.
  • Quality assurance. Displays all titles related to quality assurance.
  • Software engineering. Displays all titles related to software engineering.
  • Human resources. Displays all titles related to human resources or recruitment.
  • Executive. Displays all titles related to the company’s executives.
  • By level. Displays a kanban view of all titles stacked by Level.


This table holds a list of all your organization’s departments and, at the same time, provides you with an overview of each department’s number of objectives and their respective overall progress toward achieving them. Update this table as needed to make it work for your business.


  • Name. The name of the department.
  • Description. A short description of the department.
  • Objective count. A formula that counts all objectives set for this department.
  • Objectives progress (%). A formula that calculates the average progress of the department’s current or active objectives.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of interviewees under this department.
  • Is active. A checkbox that indicates whether the department is active or not.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, indicating all employees assigned to the current department. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related objectives. This field is linked to the Objectives table, specifying all objectives set for the current department. This field is hidden by default.


  • All departments. Displays all departments sorted in alphabetical order by Name from A to Z.
  • Active departments. Displays a gallery of active departments arranged in alphabetical order by Name from A to Z.

Office locations

As your business grows, so will your office. There’s a good chance that your office will grow into new places and spaces. With this table, you can keep track of where your offices are.


  • Location. The name or identifier of the specific location.
  • Photo. A photograph of the building or office room identifying this location.
  • Floor. This specifies the building level or floor where the office room is located.
  • Street. This is the street where this office is located.
  • City. This is the city where this office is located.
  • State. This is the state where this office is located.
  • Zip code. The mailing zip code of this office location.
  • Phone number. The main or trunk line phone number of this location.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of active employees in this location.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, identifying all employees or staff members assigned to this location. This field is hidden by default.


  • All locations. Displays all the locations of the organization’s offices without any filters sorted by Location in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Locations. Displays a gallery of the organization’s offices.