Call Center Log
Local Business

Call centers receive thousands of phone calls flooding in and out every day, if not more. Regardless of which business you’re in, making sense of each phone call, duration, content, and outcome requires skilled organization. This template does just that! Use this template to maintain a log of all calls, the reason for the call, attempted solutions, final resolution, and duration of the call to identify where future training can be focused. Do employees need to cut down call time? Is one employee doing exceptional as is reflected by their reviews? Identify all important data about the calls coming in and going out of the call center as well as their content using this template. The data is all there, it’s a matter of organizing it to make sense and provide answers for how to improve the business strategy. This template structures and organizes all important data pertaining to the calls, providing the company with all important data required for making future decisions for the company.

It’s no mystery that everyone dreads calling companies because it can be difficult resolving their issues in a timely manner, or they get rerouted to several departments before reaching the final destination. More often than not, higher level management struggles to identify potential problems and solutions for increasing the efficiency of the calls. This template enables management to track all calls, log their reason for calling, attempted solutions, final resolution, the duration of the call, the satisfaction level of the customer, and so much more. All of this data is critical for future decision making or editing current processes or trainings for the call center employees. Viewing the calls in an organized manner often explains what is happening with the calls. This aids management’s ability to identify different strategies to improve future performance and customer satisfaction. Let’s take a closer look at each of these tables:


Every call center needs a place to track all incoming calls, who they’re from, and the content of that call. This table does just that. It includes all important information about the call, issue, and the resolution. Think of it as the call center overview in one table.


  • Call ID. The unique ID associated with the call.
  • Date & time. The date and time of the call.
  • Caller phone number. The phone number of the caller.
  • Linked Account. This field is linked to the Accounts table, displaying the account ID the representative can use to look up details about the customer in order to better serve them.
  • Order(s). This field is a lookup field that displays the order number(s) associated with the account, simplifying the process of identifying the order the customer is calling about.
  • Answered by. This linked field looks to the Employees table to displays the specific employee that answered the call.
  • Call duration (min). This field indicates the duration of the call in minutes. Typically, the shorter the better.
  • Issue code. This field is linked to the Issues **table, identifying the particular issue the customer had regarding their order.
  • Reason for call. This field goes one step further and includes the description associated with the issue code, allowing the employee to insert the issue without needing to memorize every issue code.
  • Solution. This field looks to the Solutions table, displaying the common solutions used for common issues.
  • Call rating received. Often after a call, customers are prompted to take a quick survey to rate their interaction with the representative. This field indicates that rating on a scale of 1-5 in the form of green thumbs up.
  • Notes. Any additional notes regarding the phone call are inserted here.


  • All calls. Displays all calls sorted by call ID.
  • Most successful. Displays calls that lasted less than 20 minutes and received a rating of 4 or above sorted by call ID from A-Z, then 0-9.
  • No solution . Displays all calls where no action was necessary or there was no solution appropriate and the call had to be escalated. This view is sorted by call ID from A-Z, then 0-9.
  • Highest rating. Displays calls where the call received a rating of 5 sorted by call ID from A-Z, then 0-9.
  • Call register form. Displays a form where the representative can enter all the pertinent information for the call to be added to the table. This form can be used each time a new call comes in.


More and more companies are requiring accounts prior to submitting a purchase nowadays. It makes it easier for the company to look up details pertinent to the order if there is an account associated with it. Some accounts are as basic as email and password, while others can include quite a bit more background info. Regardless of the type of account the company chooses to go for, this table contains all accounts and their respective details.


  • Account number. A unique account number.
  • Create date. The date the account was created in year/month/day format.
  • Customer name. The name on the account.
  • Phone number. The phone number associated with the account.
  • Email. The email associated with the account.
  • Call count. The amount of times there have been calls associated with this account.
  • Calls. This field links to the Calls table, indicating the specific calls that were made about this account.
  • Order(s). This field links to the Orders table, identifying which orders this account is linked to.


  • All accounts. Displays all accounts sorted by earliest create date to most recent create date.
  • Frequent caller. Displays accounts that have made more than one call to the call center sorted by earliest create date to most recent create date…


All current and expired orders are documented in this table. The table identifies details pertinent to the order and the contents of the order, making it much easier for the representative to identify which product the customer is calling about. The information in this table also informs the representative with the amount the customer paid, if a refund needs to be issued.


  • Order number. The unique number associated with the order.
  • Product(s). This field links to the Products table, indicating which specific products were sold.
  • Order date. The date of the order.
  • Cost. The cost of the product in any currency.
  • Account. The account number from the Accounts table linked to this order.
  • Name. This lookup field links to the account member’s name from the Accounts table.
  • Estimated delivery window. This indicates the estimated delivery date for the product. This field includes the month name and the date range.
  • Product count. This is a hidden field that calculates the number of products for each order. This field is used as a filter for a view.


  • All orders. Displays all orders sorted in ascending order number from 0-9.
  • Multiple products. Displays orders that contain more than one product sorted by ascending order number from 0-9.


The representatives are the real magic behind a call log center. This table identifies each employee, their role, and experience with the call logs among other details. The table also displays the employee rating, which is helpful for identifying who will be receiving the employee of the month, or which employees need more training.


  • Name. The name of the employee.
  • Photo. A photo of the employee.
  • Role. The role the employee currently holds. This helps representatives know who to hand off a call to if a customer wants to escalate their concerns.
  • Phone number. The employee’s phone number.
  • Email. The employee’s email.
  • Hire date. The date the employee was hired.
  • Calls handled. This formula field calculates the number of calls the employee has handled.
  • Calls. A field that links to the Calls **table, indicating the calls the employee handled.
  • Rating. The rating the employee has received overall.


  • All employees. Displays all employees sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • Highest rated. Displays all employees with a rating of 5 sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • More training required. Displays employees that have a rating of 2 or less and require more training to increase their rating and better serve customers. This view is sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • Representatives. Displays employees with a role of representatives, sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • Managers. Displays employees with a role of manager, sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.


Typically, there are several common issues that customers share. This table logs those issues and serves as a resource for the representatives to more easily use the issue code to identify the problem on the call instead of writing every single detail in the notes section. This table also helps management identify reoccurring common problems in order to address, resolve, and prevent the same set of issues from occurring again and costing the business money.


  • Issue code. The specific code pertaining to the issue.
  • Description. A brief description of the common issue encountered.
  • Calls. The calls that has the respective issue as the source for the call linked to the Calls **table.
  • Issue count. This formula field calculates the number of customers that cited this issue as the reason for calling.


  • All issues. Displays all issues sorted by the most frequent issues to the least common.


Onto the best part: solutions. Representatives are always happy to offer the customer a solution they are satisfied with. This table identifies all pre-approved solutions that the representatives can offer the customers to address their concerns.


  • Solution. The solution offered.
  • Description. A brief description of the solution with more details.
  • Calls. This field links to the Calls table, identifying the specific call where this solution was used.
  • Used frequency. This field counts the amount of times this solution was used.


  • All solutions. Displays all solutions sorted by most frequently used to least frequently used.
  • Most used. Displays solutions most frequently used sorted by the number of times used, most frequent first.


The main reason for the call, the product. This table lists all of the products and associated details. Products from this table get linked to the orders table, identifying which items have been sold and are still in stock. This is a helpful tool when representatives are offering a customer an exchange for a product. This table serves as a primary inventory of the product.


  • Product ID. The unique product Id used for inventory.
  • Brand. The brand of the product.
  • Product. ****A single select field that indicates the product.
  • Storage (GB). The amount of storage the phone currently has.
  • New/used. A single select that indicates whether the product is brand new, new without tags, or if it is used.
  • Condition. A single select field that identifies the condition the product is in.
  • Price. The cost of the item.
  • Price per GB. This formula field calculates the cost per GB of storage.
  • Orders. A field that is linked to the Orders table, indicating which order the product was sold as a part of.


  • All products. Displays all products sorted by ascending product ID order from 0-9.
  • Available. Displays products that have not yet been sold and are not associated with any orders. This view is sorted by ascending product IDs from 0-9.
  • Sold. Displays products associated with an order and therefore sold. This view is sorted by ascending product IDs from 0-9.
  • New condition. Displays products with in a new condition, with or without tags. This view is sorted by ascending product IDs from 0-9.
  • Used condition. Displays products that have been previously used. This view is sorted by ascending product IDs from 0-9.
  • Budget friendly. Displays products that cost less than 650. This view is sorted by ascending product IDs from 0-9.
  • Apple. Displays products that have the brand name listed as Apple sorted by ascending product ID from 0-9.
  • Samsung ****Displays products that have the brand name listed as Samsung sorted by ascending product ID from 0-9.
  • Best value. Displays products with the best value, calculated by price per GB of storage, sorted by ascending price per GB.
  • By new/used. Displays all products in a kanban view, stacked by new/used status.