Car Dealership Inventory
Business Operations
Sales and CRM

If your business is selling cars and you are in charge of one or more dealerships, this template will help you get a good start on managing your vehicle inventory. Automotive inventory isn’t cheap—it’s a lot of money, with heavy overhead. When handling your list, it makes sense to be extra careful and organized. This template lets you store and track other information that affects your business, such as your staff, dealership branches, customers, and sales that are related to every vehicle on your list. With this easy-to-use centralized inventory, it won’t be difficult to customize and share your inventory data and forms with your coworkers.

This template is a car dealership-specific database for tracking inventory. It could be used by salespeople as a reference when dealing with customers and potential buyers, and by dealership managers as a quick report. Use this template to keep track of your inventory and serve as a directory of your employees and customers. The Branches, Employees, and Makes and models tables are the first ones you should populate before putting this template to use in your operations. Then you’re free to work on the Cars, Sales, and Customers tables. Simply put, it’s as easy as that. Get the wheels rolling and take this template for a spin by familiarizing yourself with every table:


This table should be used to keep track of all the cars at a dealership or across all dealerships owned by the same company. It should also be used as the main inventory for all the cars. When the record’s status is “Available,” a green bar shows up at the left edge. When the record’s status is “Sold,” a gray bar shows up at the left edge, and the whole row’s background color turns gray if a sold vehicle is missing a sale reference.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this vehicle record or row.
  • Photo. Any photo or photos of the actual vehicle/stock/unit can be uploaded and attached to this field. You may include photos of this vehicle’s engraved ID numbers.
  • Model. This field is linked to the Makes and models table, indicating this vehicle’s model and variant/trim.
  • Make. This is a lookup field that specifies this vehicle’s maker or brand; the information was referenced from the Model field.
  • Year. The year this vehicle was manufactured or released from factory.
  • Type. This is a lookup field that shows the type of body or category of this vehicle; the information was referenced from the Model field.
  • Status. A single select field that shows the current inventory status of this vehicle. Do note that you have to manually update this field whenever a vehicle is sold and released to the customer.
  • Condition. A single select field that indicates this vehicle’s current condition.
  • Mileage. The current number of miles on this vehicle’s odometer.
  • Color. This vehicle’s exact color name defined by the manufacturer.
  • Plate number. The vehicle’s specific registration plate number.
  • Breakeven cost. The overall cost of this vehicle’s acquisition, maintenance, storage fee, and repairs.
  • Suggested markup (%). The suggested percentage over the cost for this vehicle.
  • Suggested price. A formula field that calculates the suggested price based on this vehicle’s cost and markup.
  • Sale reference. This field is linked to the Sales table, so if this vehicle has been sold, it will link the details of the transaction to this field.
  • Actual profit. A formula field that calculates the difference between this vehicle’s Breakeven cost and the Price sold field of the Sales table.
  • Accessories. A long text field for listing all accessories or modifications on this vehicle.
  • VIN. This vehicle’s unique chassis number or frame number.
  • Engine number. The vehicle’s unique engine block identification number.
  • Date acquired. The date this vehicle was acquired by your dealership.
  • Branch. This field is linked to the Branches table, specifying the dealership where this vehicle is located or stored.
  • Acquired by. This field is linked to the Staff table and shows which staff member is in charge of getting this vehicle.
  • Remarks. Any other notes or brief description about this vehicle.
  • Certificate of title. Upload all legal documents associated with this vehicle.
  • In stock. A formula field that returns the boolean true if the vehicle is still in stock; otherwise, it returns false. This field is hidden by default.
  • Model for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Model, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.
  • Make for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Make, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All vehicles. Displays all vehicles without filters, sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting, Model for sorting, Year, and Status.
  • In stock. Displays vehicles that are in stock, sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting, Model for sorting, Year, and Status.
  • Sold. Displays vehicles that are sold, sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting, Model for sorting, Year, and Status.
  • On PMS. Displays vehicles that are on Preventive Maintenance Schedule (PMS), sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting, Model for sorting, Year, and Status.
  • Under repair. Displays vehicles that are under repair, sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting, Model for sorting, Year, and Status.
  • All vehicles gallery. Displays a gallery of all vehicles, sorted by in stock first, then alphabetically by Make for sorting and Model for sorting, and finally by Year, from most recent to oldest.
  • In stock in CD Fremont. Displays a gallery of vehicles located or stored at the CD Fremont dealership, sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting and Model for sorting, and finally by Year, from most recent to oldest.
  • In stock in CD La Mesa. Displays a gallery of vehicles located or stored at the CD La Mesa dealership, sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting and Model for sorting, and finally by Year, from most recent to oldest.
  • In stock in CD Pomona. Displays a gallery of vehicles located or stored at the CD Pomona dealership, sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting and Model for sorting, and finally by Year, from most recent to oldest.
  • In stock in CD San Leandro. Displays a gallery of vehicles located or stored at the CD San Leandro dealership, sorted alphabetically by Make for sorting and Model for sorting, and finally by Year, from most recent to oldest.
  • By status. Displays a kanban view of all vehicles, stacked by Status.
  • By condition. Displays a kanban view of all vehicles, stacked by Condition.
  • Add vehicle. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new vehicles to this table.

Makes and models

This is a table where you can look up the make, model, and variant of all vehicles, as well as details about the trim.


  • Model and variant. The manufacturer’s defined model and variant.
  • Make. The manufacturer’s name or brand.
  • Photo. The official marketing photo or photos of the vehicle can be uploaded and attached to this field.
  • Year model. This is the year this specific model or trim was launched by the manufacturer.
  • Type. The type of body or category of this vehicle
  • Engine size (L). The total volume of the engine’s cylinders in Liters.
  • Transmission. A single select field specifying the type of transmission for this vehicle model and variant.
  • Fuel type. A single select field indicating the type of fuel required for this vehicle model and variant.
  • Seat count. The number of passenger seats, including the driver’s, inside this vehicle model and variant.
  • Body length. The overall body length of this vehicle model and variant.
  • Body width. The overall body width of this vehicle model and variant.
  • Body height. The overall body height of this vehicle model and variant.
  • In stock count. A formula field that counts all vehicles in your current inventory with this make, model, and variant.
  • History count. A formula field that counts all vehicles that have ever been listed in your inventory with this make, model, and variant.
  • Related cars. This field is linked to the Cars table, specifying all vehicles with this make, model, and variant. This field is hidden by default.


  • All makes and models. Displays all vehicle makes and models, sorted alphabetically by Make and Model and variant fields, and finally by Year, from most recent to oldest.
  • Makes and models. Displays a gallery of all vehicle makes and models, sorted alphabetically by Make and Model and variant fields, and finally by Year, from most recent to oldest.
  • By make. Displays a kanban view of all vehicle makes and models, stacked by Make.
  • By type. Displays a kanban view of all vehicle makes and models, stacked by Type.
  • By transmission. Displays a kanban view of all vehicle makes and models, stacked by Transmission.
  • By fuel type. Displays a kanban view of all vehicle makes and models, stacked by Fuel type.


This table only has the details of every vehicle sale to a customer. It is also used to keep track of all the stocks or units in the inventory, along with more information like where or to whom the unit was released.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this sale record or row.
  • Car ID. This field is linked to the Cars table, indicating the vehicle sold in this transaction.
  • Year. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing the year this vehicle was manufactured or released from factory.
  • Make. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing the vehicle’s maker or brand.
  • Model. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing the vehicle’s model and variant.
  • Color. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing the vehicle’s color.
  • Type. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing the vehicle’s body type.
  • Plate number. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing the vehicle’s registration plate number.
  • VIN. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing the vehicle’s unique chassis number or frame number.
  • Engine number. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing the vehicle’s unique engine block identification number.
  • Branch sold. This field is a lookup based from the Car ID field, showing which dealership branch the vehicle was sold.
  • Date sold. The date this vehicle was sold to the customer.
  • Date released. The date this vehicle was released or delivered to the customer.
  • Financing option. This is a single select field indicating the type of payment used in this transaction.
  • Price sold. The price of this vehicle paid by the customer.
  • Customer. This field is linked to the Customers table and shows which customer bought the vehicle in this transaction.
  • Customer address. A formula field that shows the customer’s address.
  • Sold by. This field is linked to the Staff table, indicating the staff member who sold the vehicle in this transaction to the customer.
  • Transaction docs. Any or all transaction documents related to this sale.
  • Branch for filtering. A formula field that converts the Lookup field, Branch sold, into text for filtering purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All sales. Displays all sales records, sorted by Date sold, from the earliest to the most recent.
  • Sales in CD Fremont. Displays all of CD Fremont dealership’s sales records, sorted by Date sold, from the earliest to the most recent.
  • Sales in CD La Mesa. Displays all of CD La Mesa dealership’s sales records, sorted by Date sold, from the earliest to the most recent.
  • Sales in CD Pomona. Displays all of CD Pomona dealership’s sales records, sorted by Date sold, from the earliest to the most recent.
  • Sales in CD San Leandro. Displays all of CD San Leandro dealership’s sales records, sorted by Date sold, from the earliest to the most recent.
  • By financing option. Displays a kanban view of all sales records, stacked by Financing option.
  • Add sale information. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new sales records to this table.


Some dealerships have more than one place where they sell cars. Use this table to find out more about each branch of the dealership.


  • Location. The name of the dealership branch.
  • Photo. Any photo or photos of the actual dealership branch can be uploaded and attached to this field.
  • Street. This is the street where this dealership branch is located.
  • City. This is the city where this dealership branch is located.
  • State. This is the state where this dealership branch is located.
  • Zip code. This is the zip code where this dealership branch is located.
  • Phone number. This dealership branch’s main phone number.
  • Cars in stock. A formula that sums all the current inventory of vehicles in this dealership branch.
  • History count. A formula field that counts all vehicles that have ever been listed in your inventory and assigned to this dealership branch.
  • Personnel count. A formula that counts all the staff members assigned to this dealership branch.
  • Related cars. This field is linked to the Cars table, specifying all the vehicles in this branch’s history. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related staff. This field is linked to the Staff table, specifying all the staff members assigned to this branch. This field is hidden by default.


  • All branches. Displays all dealership branches, sorted alphabetically by State, City, and Location fields.
  • Branches. Displays a gallery of all dealership branches, sorted alphabetically by Location.


In this table, you can find the contact information for the people on your staff.


  • Name. The full name of the staff member.
  • Photo. Any photo or photos of the staff member can be uploaded and attached to this field.
  • Role. A single select field specifying the role, title, or responsibility of this staff member.
  • Branch. The dealership branch this staff member is currently assigned.
  • Local extension number. The staff member’s local extension number.
  • Phone number. The staff member’s phone number.
  • Email address. The staff member’s email address.
  • Remarks. Any other notes or brief description about this staff member.
  • Sales count. A formula field that sums all of the staff member’s vehicle sales.
  • Is active. A checkbox field that indicates whether this staff member is still active or still with your business.
  • Related acquired cars. This field is linked to the Cars table and shows all the cars that this staff member has acquired for the dealership. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related sales. This field is linked to the Sales table and shows all the sales that this staff member has closed for the dealership. This field is hidden by default.


  • All staff. Displays all staff members from all dealership branches, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • By role. Displays a kanban view of all staff members from all dealership branches, stacked by Role.
  • Staff members. Displays a gallery of active staff members from all dealership branches, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • Add staff member. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new staff members to this table.


Use this table to find out how to get in touch with your customers.


  • Name. The customer’s full name.
  • Photo. Any photo or photos of the customer can be uploaded and attached to this field.
  • Street. This is the street of the customer’s address.
  • City. This is the city of the customer’s address.
  • State. This is the state of the customer’s address.
  • Zip code. This is the zip code of the customer’s address.
  • Phone number. The customer’s phone number.
  • Email address. The customer’s email address.
  • Transaction count. A formula that counts all the sales this customer had.
  • Remarks. Any other notes or brief description about this customer.
  • Related sales. This field is linked to the Sales table and shows all of the vehicles that this customer has bought. This field is hidden by default. Views
  • All customers. Displays all customers from all dealership branches, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • Customers. Displays a gallery of all customers from all dealership branches, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • Add customer. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new customers to this table.