Car Hunt

Buying a car is sometimes the first big purchase someone makes in life. There are plenty of car brands, makes, and models to select from. There are also tons of dealerships and individual sellers that have listed automobiles for sale. It can become overwhelming very quickly when trying to keep track of the mileage, tank capacity, fuel efficiency, and more. This template simplifies the process by organizing all of the details and comparing each options against each other. What’s most important to you? Relative price? Fuel capacity? The year? Warranty? Low mileage? This template contains views that isolate each component that may be of value to you when considering your options, narrowing down the search drastically and tailoring the options to your most valued details.

Purchasing a new car does not need to be a headache! Regardless of car type or condition, this template helps you keep track of all the options you look at, organized by a variety of factors. Enter the details of the different cars you come across, and use Baserow to dive into the nitty gritty of each car. Instead of flipping through papers in a binder trying to find which cars were listed below MSRP or which cars fell within your budget and are fuel efficient, leverage the views and formulas within the template to ensure you make the best possible decision. Take a closer look at each of these tables and the template’s features below:


This table serves as your general overview for all your car options. Use the various views to narrow down your options to only car with any of the factors you’re most interested in. Even if two cars are of the same make and model, their mileage will be different, and their accident history might be different as well. This table accounts for each individual option you’ve got your eye on.


  • VIN. The unique vehicle identification number associated with the car for sale.
  • Pic. A picture of the car.
  • Make and model. This field links to the Make and models table.
  • Used. This boolean field displays a check mark if this specific car is a used car and not brand new.
  • Price. The price of the car, native to any currency.
  • Over/under budget. This formula field uses a hardcoded budget number the car purchase. It subtracts the price of the car from the allotted budget. (The default budget is 17,000.)
  • Over/under market value. This formula field references the Makes and Models table to pull in the MSRP of the car. This allows the field to then calculate whether the listed price of the car is above or below the MSRP and by how much.
  • Dealer. This field links to the Dealers table and displays the dealer used when viewing the car.
  • Dealership. This field links to the Dealerships **table, indicating which dealership the car can be found at.
  • Mileage. The mileage of the car. Typically, mileage below 30,000 miles is ideal!
  • Rating. The rating of this car on a scale of 1-5 stars, with 5 being the best.
  • Tags. Additional identifiers associated with this car such as whether it is certified preowned (which means it has been checked through and any reparation already been applied), or if it is brand new, etc.
  • History report. This field links to the Reports table, displaying the report ID associated with this specific car if you want to take a closer look at the car history.
  • Notes. Any additional notes about the car can be included here.


  • All cars. Displays all cars sorted by highest rating to lowest rating.
  • Brand new. Displays cars that are new and have not being previously owned sorted by lowest mileage to highest mileage.
  • New-ish. Displays cars that have a mileage below 25,000 and are certified preowned meaning they’ve been thoroughly inspected. These cars have very lightly been used but are still in pretty new condition, sorted by lowest mileage to highest.
  • Used. Displays cars that have been used and previously owned by someone else, sorted by lowest mileage to highest mileage.
  • Within budget. Displays cars that fall within the allotted budget, sorted by cheapest price to most expensive.
  • With warranty. Displays cars that still have a valid warranty during time of sale, sorted by lowest price to highest price.
  • New options. Displays a form that can be shared with friends or family for them to enter details about a new car option you can add to the list of cars you are considering.