Car Maintenance Log

Staying up to date with your car maintenance is a critical responsibility that comes with owning a car. There are endless services that must be performed whether they are routine, optional, or a response to a specific car issue. It’s easy to lose track of which service was last performed and when you’re due for the next. Performing preventative maintenance allows for a much safer and reliable method of transportation. Taking the preventative measures also lowers the risk of paying much more expensive mechanical bills down the line. Use this template to log all the details necessary for staying on top of all your required car maintenance.

Cars are not cheap, and even the ones that may seem relatively inexpensive typically come with pricey maintenance bills. The easiest way to reduce the total amount of money spent on a car is to properly maintain it and keep track of which routine services are coming up in the future. Maintaining your car in the best shape contributes to a much more reliable, safe car all together. You’ve got enough things to track on a regular basis, so take advantage of this template that makes it easy to log the different services performed on your car by which trusted mechanic at which location. This template if perfect for anyone with a car whether you’re owning or leasing the vehicle. It’s a great way to stay on top of all the car maintenance required to keep your car bills low and your car safety high. Here are a few of the template’s features and highlights, by table:

Service reports

Typically when you take your car in for service, you are given a report for all the services received that exact visit. This table details every Auto shop visit and details pertaining to the specific services and state of the car.


  • Report date. The date on the service report. This is also the date that the car was taken in to be serviced.
  • Copy of file. An uploaded copy of the report detailed with information about the services performed on that visit.
  • Total cost. The total cost of the services received on the specific date.
  • Services received. This field links to the Services table, identifying which service(s) were received on that specific visit.
  • Mechanic(s). This field links to the Mechanics **table, indicating which specific mechanic worked on the car.
  • Auto shop. This field links to the Auto shops **table, displaying the company the car was serviced.
  • Related accident. This field links to the Accidents table, allowing you to select if the car was taken in on the given date in response to a specific accident.
  • Satisfaction level. A single select field indicating how happy you were with the visit and services received that day.
  • Notes. A field that allows for more detailed notes regarding the service report.


  • All service reports. Displays all service reports organized by the most recent date.
  • Expensive. Displays service reports with a minimum total cost threshold of 199 or higher, sorted by most recent to oldest date. Of course, this threshold can be changed at any time.


There are an endless number of services when it comes to vehicle maintenance ranging from a routine oil change to the installation of a rear bumper. This table includes all common services offered by most body shops.


  • Service. The name of the service.
  • Category. The category that describes whether the service is routine, something optional, or if it an incidental service.
  • Average cost. The typical cost associated with the service.
  • Average duration (minutes). The typical amount of time it takes in minutes to complete the service.
  • Favorite mechanic. This field links to the Mechanics table, indicating which is the preferred mechanic for the service.
  • Favorite location. This field links to the Auto shops table, indicating the preferred auto shop to get this service from.
  • Dates serviced. This field links to the Service reports **table. It indicated on what dates the vehicle received this particular service.


  • All services. Displays all services sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Routine services. Displays all services that have the category listed as routine. The services are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Optional services. Displays all services that have the category listed as optional. The services are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Incidental services. Displays all services that have the category listed as incidental. The services are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Drop-off services. Displays all services that are estimated to require drop off due to their long duration and more expensive nature.
  • By category. Displays all services in a kanban view, stacked by the service category.


There’s always peace of mind associated with the thought that a mechanic you trust is working on your car. If a mechanic has services your car in the past and you were satisfied, why not return to the same mechanic? This table helps you do just that, track which mechanics perform which services so that you can return to the same mechanic when you need the same service performed.


  • Name. The name of the mechanic.
  • Notes. More notes/details about the specific mechanic.
  • Services performed. This field links to the Services **table, indicating which services this mechanic has performed for your car in the past.
  • Auto shop. This field links to the Auto shops **table, indicating the company the mechanic is employed with.
  • Dates serviced. This field links to the Service reports **table, displaying the dates this mechanic has serviced your car.
  • Expertise. Use this ratings field to denote the mechanic’s overall level of expertise and/or familiarity with your automobile.


  • All mechanics. Displays all mechanics associated with the auto shops sorted in alphabetical order.

Auto shops

Some auto shops are easy to return to for routine service, but you may have a different auto shop you prefer to take your car in for more advanced services. This table lists all the body shops you have used or are considering using as well as which mechanics and which services are associated with the auto shop.


  • Name. The name of the auto shop.
  • Mechanics. This field links to the Mechanics **table, identifying which mechanics are associated with the particular body shop.
  • Address. The address of the auto shop.
  • Phone number. The phone number associated with the shop.
  • Rating. The overall rating of the auto shop on a scale of 1-5.
  • Dates serviced. This field links to the Service reports **table, identifying the dates you took your car to the particular auto shop.


  • All auto shops. Displays all auto shops without any filters, sorted by name.


Unfortunately, even the best of us get into car accidents whether we are to blame or not. This table lists the difference accidents that would have lead to the incidental service performed on the car. Maintaining an accident table can also be helpful when it comes time to sell the car. Hopefully, this table stays primarily empty due to a lack of accidents to report!


  • Report number. The police report number associated with the accident.
  • Date. The date the incident occurred.
  • Picture. Upload your pictures of the damage done to do the car.
  • Insurance claim #. The claim number associated with the accident report sent to insurance.
  • Description. A description of the incident.
  • Location. A brief description of approximately where the accident occurred.
  • Service reports. This field links to the Service reports table in order to denote the dates the car was serviced relating to the accident.


  • All accidents. Displays a list of all accidents that have occurred, sorted by date in descending order.
  • Accidents. Displays a gallery view of accidents that have occurred, sorted by date in descending order.


This table serves as a virtual glove box compartment. It includes a copy of the insurance card, registration, license, etc.


  • Name. The name of the specific document.
  • Cost. The cost of acquiring the paperwork.
  • Receipt. A copy of the receipt of the document.
  • Date completed. The date the documents were updated or renewed.
  • Expiring. The date the record will expire.


  • All records. Displays all the records sorted by the records that are going to expire the soonest.