Competitor Analysis
Business Strategy

Understanding your position in the market and finding your sweet spot is essential for business success. By scoring your organization against competitors on key features such as price, quality, brand awareness,… you can identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This structured approach enables data-driven actions and decisions, helping you stay ahead of the competition and refine your strategies for growth.

The Competitors table holds all the basic information about the competitors and formula fields to indicate how your organization compares with them.

The Features table holds all the key features you want to use when comparing your organization with others. This can be the price, quality, sustainability, etc. of your products and services. it also has a field to indicate the Weight of each feature, since some are more important than others.

The Feature Comparison table is where the magic happens. Each record in this table compares your organization with a competitor on a single feature. This is expressed in a score between 1 and 5.

  • 1 = competitor has a major advantage for this feature
  • 5 = we have a major advantage for this feature

The template contains an application that offers a user-friendly approach to enter a new comparison without having to manually add new records in the table for each feature.

The formula fields in this table automatically calculate the absolute and relative score for each feature. The higher the score, the better you are compared to the competitor. When the score is low, it is a good practice to set up Actions that can improve this score. Those Actions are stored in the corresponding table and linked to a comparison.

Each table comes with multiple views allowing you to get the best insights in the data. Explore and customize these predefined table views to make competitor analysis easier and more efficient.

Database: Competitor Analysis



  • Name (Text)

  • Product or service (Text)

  • Major strength (Single select)

  • Major weakness (Single select)

  • Market Share % (Number)

  • Notes (Long text)

  • Type (Single select)

  • Feature Comparison (Link to table)

  • Avg Score vs. Them (Rollup)

  • Avg % vs Them (Rollup)

  • ID (Formula)


  • All competitors (grid)

  • Primary competitors (grid)

  • Secondary competitors (grid)

  • Competitors with market share > 10% (grid)

  • Competitors with market share < 10% (grid)

  • Competitors without comparison score (grid)

  • Competitors with comparison score (grid)

  • Competitors with comparison score < 50% (grid)

  • Competitors with comparison score > 50% (grid)

Feature Comparison


  • Name (Formula)

  • Score (Us vs. Them) (Rating)

  • Competitor (Link to table)

  • Action Item(s) (Link to table)

  • Feature (Link to table)

  • Weighted score (Formula)

  • Highest possible weighted score (Formula)

  • Score % (Formula)

  • Competitor (name) (Rollup)

  • Feature (name) (Rollup)

  • Competitor (ID) (Rollup)


  • All comparisons (grid)

  • All comparisons grouped by competitor (grid)

  • All comparisons grouped by feature (grid)

  • Comparisons with a low score (1 - 2) (grid)

  • Comparisons with a maximum score (5) (grid)



  • Task (Text)

  • Description (Long text)

  • Feature Comparison (Link to table)

  • Comparison % (Rollup)

  • Priority (Formula)

  • Competitor (Rollup)

  • Feature (Rollup)


  • All actions (grid)

  • All actions grouped by priority (grid)

  • All actions grouped by competitor (grid)

  • All actions grouped by feature (grid)



  • Name (Text)

  • Weight (Number)

  • Feature Comparison (Link to table)

  • Average score (Rollup)

  • Competitor IDs (Formula)


  • All features (grid)

Application: Competitor Analysis App


Data sources

  • Competitors without score

  • Competitors with score


Data sources

  • Competitor

  • Features without score

  • Features with score

Actions (event)

  • create_row (click)

  • refresh_data_source (click)

  • refresh_data_source (click)