Copy Management
Content Marketing

Copywriting is a vital part of any successful marketing strategy. Aside from simply sharing information, you must also consider the various tones of your work. As a professional, you’ll almost certainly be working with a team of copywriters. Organizing snippets, writers, and media can quickly become extremely complicated. Furthermore, organizing your written output in so many different ways may help you establish a better writing style for publication. Whether you’re writing for a small business or a large corporation, it’s critical to organize your work so that the most effective copy or snippet you’ve used stand out. Here’s a template that can assist you in organizing all of your creative written work, industry contacts, and published materials across multiple platforms.

Businesses rely on professional copywriters to market their products. A company may require a lot of copy materials as well as regular publication in various media. Prior to publication, all text snippets must be reviewed and organized. Sorting through all of the snippets of your company or product can quickly become overwhelming. Aside from content, you or your organization will need to keep track of copywriters and publishing media. You can use this database template to keep track of your copywriters, publications, and other copy-related information. This template also aids in the evaluation of promotional content for your company. A table for snippets that shows all the information about each one was provided in this template. The details include information about the copywriter, the copyeditor, the platforms where each snippet was released, and many more. A separate table, called Platforms, contains information on where each snippet was published. In addition, the Copywriters table, which is linked to other copy information, was made available. You need to populate this table first before using the Snippets table. Check out these tables and views in this template to see how they can help you out.


This table contains all the promotional snippets that you or your organization used, whether they were published or not. This table is linked to both the other tables in this template. A red left border appears on a record whenever you forget to create and link a media or platform for the record.


  • Title. This is the title of the copy or snippet, and it also serves as the identifier of the record.
  • Priority. A single select field that indicates the priority of the snippet.
  • Category. A multiple select field that specifies the categories this snippet belongs to.
  • Brief. A short description, or can even be a quick instruction of what this snippet should be.
  • Text. The full text of the copy or snippet.
  • Platforms. This field is linked to the Platforms table and lists all of the places where this snippet was released or should be published.
  • Rating. A graphical representation of how well this snippet is written, with 5 thumbs up being the best and 1 thumbs up being the worst.
  • Character count. A formula field that counts the number of characters in the Text field.
  • Due date. The date this snippet is due for publication.
  • Status. The progress status of this snippet related to publication.
  • Copywriter. The author of this snippet.
  • Proofreader. A fellow copywriter that proofread this snippet.
  • Copyeditor. The copyeditor of this snippet.
  • Is SEO friendly. A checkbox that indicates whether this snippet is SEO friendly for online publication.
  • Attachments. Any supporting document or image used with this snippet for publication.
  • Date created. This is the date this record was created.
  • Platform count. This field counts the number of platforms or media this snippet was released to. This field is hidden by default.


  • All snippets. Displays all snippets without filters, sorted by Due date then alphabetically by Title from A to Z.
  • All published snippets. Displays snippets that are published, sorted alphabetically by Title from A to Z.
  • Snippets by priority. Displays a kanban view of snippets stacked by priority.
  • Snippets by status. Displays a kanban view of snippets stacked by status.
  • Add snippet. Displays a form view that allows copywriters to add a snippet to the database.


You may find the medium of publication where each and every snippet is made available here. Each snippet can be released on more than one platform. A record in this table is linked to only one snippet, while a snippet may be linked to several records in this table.


  • Id. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this platform.
  • Snippet title. This field is linked to the Snippets table, specifying the copy that this platform is related to.
  • Type. This is a single select field that specifies this platform’s type of media.
  • Channel. The media channel or identifier.
  • Notes. Any notes or remarks about this platform.
  • Published date. The date the snippet was published on this platform.
  • Published URL. The website URL where this snippet was published.
  • Attachments. Any document or image file that was published with the snippet.


  • All platforms. Displays all platforms without filters.
  • Media type. Displays a kanban view of snippet publications stacked by Type.
  • Add platform. Displays a form view facilitating adding a platform where a copy was or is to be published.


Whenever the time comes, you may find this directory of copywriters useful. One day, you may find that you need the services of a proofreader or copyeditor. The number of snippets written by each copywriter and the algorithmic rating are both recorded in this table.


  • Name. The full name of the copywriter.
  • Photo. The photo of the copywriter.
  • Expertise. This is a multiple select field, indicating this copywriter’s various fields of expertise.
  • Profile. This is a long description or the biography of the copywriter.
  • Average snippet rating. This is a formula field that gets the average rating of all the copywriter’s snippet in the database.
  • Phone number. This is copywriter’s phone number.
  • Address. This is the copywriter’s mailing address.
  • Email. This is the copywriter’s email address.
  • Website. This is the copywriter’s website.
  • Snippets written. A formula field that indicates the number of snippets this copywriter has in the database.
  • Notes. This long text field is for any notes or remarks about this copywriter.
  • Related snippets. This field is linked to the Snippets table, indicating the snippets this copywriter has authored. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related proofing. This field is linked to the Snippets table, indicating the snippets that this copywriter helped proofread. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related edits. This field is linked to the Snippets table, indicating the snippets that this copywriter was a copyeditor for. This field is hidden by default.
  • Snippet ratings. This is a lookup field based on the Related snippets field, fetching the ratings of the snippets that this copywriter wrote. This field is hidden by default.


  • All copywriters. Displays all copywriters without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Copywriters. Displays a gallery view of copywriters, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Copywriters with snippets. Displays a gallery view of copywriters with snippets assigned or published, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Copywriters without snippets. Displays a gallery view of copywriters without snippets assigned in this database, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Add a copywriter. Displays a form view that facilitates adding a copywriter to the database.