Electronic Health Record
Health and Wellness

Effective management of patient information is crucial in healthcare. This system ensures that doctors have quick access to a patient’s complete medical history, including allergies, vaccinations, medications, and examination records. By centralizing all this information in one place, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions, improving the quality of care and patient safety.

The database in this template focuses on providing patient information to doctors. Patients have a doctor as their general practitioner, but they can also get in touch with other Doctors that have Specialities in a certain field.

The Patients table holds general information about the patient and his insurance. Besides this, it also keeps track of a couple of healthcare parameters such as Vaccines, Medications, Allergies and Examinations. All those parameters have their own table(s) in the database.

The Allergies, Vaccines and Medicines tables are straight forward. They contain a name and a link to the patients that related to a certain record. The final field is a count field that offers an overview of which records are frequently used over others.

The Prescriptions table holds track of all the prescriptions for a patient. A prescription must always contain a patient, a medicine, a dose and a period of time in which the medicine must be taken.

The Examinations table contains all the scheduled and past examinations. It is linked to a patient and a doctor, has a certain Examination type, takes place at a certain time and has status fields to indicate is the examination is completed and if the results are available.

Each table comes with multiple views allowing you to get the best insights in the data. Explore and customize these predefined table views to make keeping track of all patient info easier and more efficient.

The application in this template focuses on presenting the patient info to the doctor. To keep the data confidential, the doctor must first authenticate to the application. This can be done with the email address and the default password which is template.

Once authenticated, the doctor only has access to the patients where he or she is the general practitioner. Each patient file has the possibility to modify the data. It also comes with a print button to create a read-only overview of the file.

Doctors can also see the examinations they need to take. In the detail page of an examination, they can consult the read-only version of the patient file.

Database: Electronic Health Record



  • Name (Text)

  • Last examination (Rollup)

  • Allergies (Link to table)

  • Family medical history (Long text)

  • Personal medical history (Long text)

  • Vaccinations (Link to table)

  • Address (Text)

  • Email (Email)

  • Phone (Phone number)

  • Medications (Link to table)

  • Photo (File)

  • General practitioner (Link to table)

  • Insured (Boolean)

  • SSN/TIN (Text)

  • Insurance name (Text)

  • Date of birth (Date)

  • Examinations (Link to table)

  • Insurance symbol (Formula)

  • Age (Formula)


  • All patients (grid)

  • Patients >= 18yo (grid)

  • Patients < 18yo (minors) (grid)

  • Patients with allergies (grid)

  • Patients without insurance (grid)

  • Patients with examinations (grid)

  • Patients with upcoming examinations (grid)

  • Gallery: all patients (gallery)

  • Add new patient (form)



  • Name & speciality (Formula)

  • Speciality (Link to table)

  • Patients (Link to table)

  • Examinations (Link to table)

  • Photo (File)

  • Email (Email)

  • Password (Password)

  • Name (Text)


  • All doctors (grid)

  • Doctors that are general practitioner (grid)

  • Gallery: all doctors (gallery)



  • Name (Text)

  • Associated doctors (Link to table)

  • Shortcode (Text)


  • All specialties (grid)



  • Name (Text)

  • Patients with allergy (Link to table)


  • All allergies (grid)



  • Name (Text)

  • Patient (Link to table)

  • Producer (Text)

  • Count usage (Count)


  • All vaccines (grid)

  • All vaccines grouped by producer (grid)



  • Name (Formula)

  • Patient (Link to table)

  • Dose (Text)

  • Times a day (Number)

  • From (Date)

  • Until (Date)

  • Medicine (Link to table)

  • Medicine (name) (Rollup)

  • Patient (name) (Rollup)


  • All prescriptions (grid)

  • All prescriptions grouped by patient (grid)

  • All prescriptions grouped by medicine (grid)

  • Prescriptions started this week (grid)

  • Prescriptions ending this week (grid)

  • Add new prescription (form)



  • Examination ID (Formula)

  • Notes (Long text)

  • Completed (Boolean)

  • Patient (Link to table)

  • Doctor (Link to table)

  • Examination type (Link to table)

  • Time (Date)

  • Time (format) (Formula)

  • Doctor contact (Rollup)

  • Results (Formula)

  • Test results (File)

  • Patient name (Rollup)

  • Examination name (Rollup)

  • Completed symbol (Formula)

  • Results symbol (Formula)

  • Created on (Created on)

  • Formula (Formula)


  • All examinations (grid)

  • All examinations grouped by doctor (grid)

  • All examinations grouped by patient (grid)

  • All examinations grouped by type (grid)

  • Completed examinations (grid)

  • Completed examinations  without results (grid)

  • Examinations  with results (grid)

  • All examinations in calendar view (calendar)

  • Add new examination (form)

Examination types


  • Name (Text)

  • Purpose (Long text)

  • Examinations (Link to table)

  • Count usage (Count)


  • All Types (grid)



  • Name (Text)

  • Producer (Text)

  • Medications (Link to table)

  • Count usage (Count)


  • All medicines (grid)

  • All medicines grouped by producer (grid)

Application: Patient file


Data sources

Actions (event)

  • open_page (after_login)


Data sources

  • My patients

  • My examinations

Actions (event)

  • logout (click)

  • open_page (click)

Patient file

Data sources

  • Patient

  • Medications

  • Examinations

  • Allergies (patient)

  • Vaccines (patient)

  • Vaccines (available)

  • Allergies (available)

Actions (event)

  • update_row (submit)

  • notification (submit)

  • refresh_data_source (click)

  • update_row (click)

  • refresh_data_source (click)

  • refresh_data_source (submit)

  • refresh_data_source (click)

  • refresh_data_source (click)

  • logout (click)

  • open_page (click)

  • update_row (click)

Examination details

Data sources

  • Examination

Actions (event)

  • logout (click)

  • open_page (click)

Patient file (print)

Data sources

  • Patient

  • Medications

  • Examinations

  • Allergies (patient)

  • Vaccines (patient)

  • Vaccines (available)

  • Allergies (available)