Elementary School Management

Managing an elementary school is no easy task. There are many different pieces that must fit within the plan such as all of the teacher, the cleaning crew, classrooms, janitorial staff, parking spots, textbooks, and the list goes on. School managers bear the responsibility of maintaining proper organization and structure of the school. These decisions can shape the teachers development, determine the educational goals of the school, and ensure the students and teachers have proper materials and space required for educational purposes among many other responsibilities. This template serves as a perfect resource for a school manager, a principal, vice principal, or anyone that plays a role in the school management system. This table is used to organize all of the different pieces within an elementary school, providing the teachers and students with all necessary resources and structure required.

Managing anything in the education system is difficult, but when you factor in every component that goes into people, materials, locations, and more, it poses the ultimate challenge. Having a proper game plan and the resources to execute the plan are critical, and this table allows you to do just that. It keep track of all staff, students, parents, materials, classrooms, etc. This ensures that students can stay focused on their education and meet the standard objectives. This allows teachers to focus on their lesson plans without having to worry about the allocation of classrooms, materials, or even parking spaces. This table simplifies the elementary school management significantly. Let’s dive into the features of this template, by table:


A list of all staff can get very lengthy between all the teachers, cleaning crew, lunch crew, security, etc. This table organizes all the staff’s personal details including their parking spot and schedule down to their designated parking space. The table also enables the school manager to identify which staff is on site during any given time.


  • Name. The name of the staff member.
  • Role. This is a single select field indicating the role of the staff member.
  • Picture. An uploaded picture of the staff member.
  • Days. A multiple select field indicating all the days the staff member is working.
  • Start time. A lookup field that displays the time the staff is required to be onsite to begin their responsibilities.
  • End time. A lookup field that displays the time the staff’s schedule ends, and the staff member is no longer guaranteed to be onsite.
  • Phone number. The phone number of the staff member.
  • Email. The email of the staff member.
  • Parking space. This field links to the Parking spaces **table, identifying which parking space the staff member is assigned to.
  • Classes. This field links to the Classes **table, identifying the specific class the staff member teachers if they are a teacher.
  • Schedule start. This field is linked to the Periods table, specifying the staff’s first period. This field is hidden by default.
  • Lunch schedule. This field is linked to the Lunch schedule table, indicating the staff’s lunch period. This field is hidden by default.
  • Schedule end. This field is linked to the Periods table, specifying the staff’s last period. This field is hidden by default.


  • All staff. Displays all staff in the database sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Teachers. Displays all staff with the role of “teacher” sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Non-teachers. Displays all staff with the role other than “teacher” sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Staff onsite during business hours. Displays all staff that is scheduled to work Monday through Friday sorted in alphabetical order.
  • On demand. Displays all staff that is onsite only on demand sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Staff gallery. Displays a gallery of all staff, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.


The most critical piece of keeping a school running is having enough students enrolled. Tracking all of the students, their allergies, emergency contacts, classes, etc. can be quite a bit to handle. This table serves as a long roster for each student and additional important details.


  • Name. The name of the student.
  • Emergency contacts. This field links to the Emergency contacts **table, connecting the emergency contacts to the specific student.
  • DOB. The date of birth of the student in year-month-day format.
  • Allergies. This is a single multiple select field that indicates what the specific student is allergic to.
  • Class . This field links to the Classes **table, identifying which class the student is a part of.


  • All students. Displays all students without any filters sorted in alphabetical order.
  • With allergies. Displays all students with listed allergies in alphabetical order.

Emergency contacts

As a school administrator, you must always be prepared for the unexpected. Student minds are quite unpredictable, and children are often reckless or excessively silly. Incidents can range from something as innocent as a child unknowingly sharing their peanut butter and jelly sandwich with another child that is allergic to peanuts. Emergency contacts frequently get contacted whether an incident occurs with a child, or whether the student just isn’t feeling well and the nurse has cleared them to go home. This table tracks all of the emergency contacts required for the unexpected events that come with managing an elementary school.


  • Name. The name of the emergency contact.
  • Student. This field links to the Students **table, identifying the student the specific emergency contact is responsible for.
  • Relationship. The relationship the contact has with the specific student.
  • Phone number. The phone number of the contact.
  • Email. The email of the contact.


  • All contacts. Displays all emergency contacts sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Parents and guardians. Displays all emergency contacts that are either parents or legal guardians to one or more students sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Other relatives. Displays all emergency contacts that are related to the other students but are not parents or guardians of the students sorted in alphabetical order.


While some staff teach all the subjects to a specific classroom, other staff may be in charge of educating only a specific domain such as art or computer science. This table organizes the different classes, times, teachers, and other important information that can be used to easily identify details pertaining to a student’s class.


  • Class code. The unique code associated with the specific class.
  • Year. This field is linked to the Years **table, indicating the year level the class is geared towards.
  • Taught by. This field is links to the Staff **table, identifying which teacher leads the class.
  • Subjects taught. This field links to the Subjects **table, displaying the subjects the professor teaches.
  • Start time. This is a lookup field that displays the time the class begins at.
  • End time. This is a lookup field that displays the time the class ends at.
  • Student count. This is a formula field that calculates how many students are registered for the respective class.
  • Students. This field links to the Students **table, identifying the individual students that are registered for the class.
  • Lunch group. This field links to the Lunch schedule table, indicating which lunch group the specific classroom pertains to.
  • Lunch times. This formula field combines both lunch start and end time into a single text.
  • Lunch time. This is a lookup field based from the Lunch group field, fetching the lunch group’s Start time. This field is hidden by default.
  • Lunch end time. This is a lookup field based from the Lunch group field, fetching the lunch group’s End time. This field is hidden by default.


  • All classes. Displays all classes sorted in ascending order of the class code.
  • Smaller classes. Displays all classes with less than 10 students sorted in ascending class code order.

Parking spaces

Depending on the location of the school, parking can be quite difficult for staff in a busy area. Designated staff parking is a highly appreciated perk that often comes with being part of the school staff. This table indicates which parking space is reserved for which staff member.


  • Space number. The parking space number printed in the parking space.
  • Staff assigned. This field is linked to the Staff **table, identifying which staff member the parking space is designated for.


  • All parking spaces. Displays all parking spaces sorted in ascending order by space number.
  • Available spaces. Displays all parking spaces that are available to be used as visitor parking. They are not currently assigned to a staff member sorted in ascending order by space number.

Lunch schedule

The kitchen staff works hard to prepare and serve food for all the students. Different classrooms are usually put into larger groups that go to the cafeteria to eat lunch during a certain time. This helps maintain order in the cafeteria and ensure that the lunch line does not get too long. Additionally, this helps avoid overwhelming the lunch staff with an excessive amount of students in the cafeteria all at once. This table groups together certain classes and identifies which groups are assigned to each lunch time.


  • Groups. The specific group.
  • Start time. This formula field looks to the Periods table to identify the start time the lunch group would be attending lunch.
  • End time. This formula field looks to the Periods table to identify the end time the lunch group would be leaving lunch.
  • Lunch staff on duty. This field links to the Staff table, indicating which staff would be working the kitchen during the specific group’s lunch.
  • Classes. This field links to the Classes **table, identifying the different classes that make up the specific group.
  • Year. This field links to the Years **table, identifying the grade level of the students. This can be helpful for lunch staff when interacting with the students. Being aware of the children’s year/grade can indicate the level of assistance the students may require.
  • Period. This field is linked to the Periods table, specifying the period this lunch group coincides with. This field is hidden by default.


  • All groups. Displays all the groups that will be attending lunch and the group makeup.


In order to best assistant teachers and their classrooms, the school managers must allocate appropriate resources for the class. Ensuring that teachers have classrooms big enough in size to fit all the students with the proper number of desks can enhance the learning environment for the students. Having a centralized location to keep track of the rooms, desks, and occupation is a big help. This table does just that.


  • Room. The classroom number.
  • Type. A drop down select field categorizing the room. Is it a classroom, auditorium, janitors closet, bathroom, etc.
  • Desks. The number of desks in the room.
  • Status. This field indicates whether the room is currently in use or if it is available for use.
  • Hardware. This field is linked to the Hardware **table, identifying which computers or tablets are in the current room.
  • # of devices in room. This is a formula field that counts the number of devices located in the classroom.
  • Textbooks in room. This field is linked to the Textbooks **table, indicating which textbooks are located in the room.


  • All rooms. Displays all rooms without a filter sorted in ascending order by the room number.
  • Classrooms. Displays all classrooms sorted in sorted in ascending order by the room number.
  • Classrooms available. Displays all rooms classified as classrooms and with a status of “open” sorted in ascending order by the room number.
  • Offices. Displays all rooms that are labeled as offices sorted by room number.
  • Rooms with devices. Displays all rooms with either a computer or a tablet located in the room. sorted in ascending order by the room number.
  • Big classrooms. Displays all rooms with over 20 desks sorted in ascending order by the room number.
  • By status. Displays a kanban view of rooms, stacked by Status field.


As the world continues to advance technology, schools must do their part to give students access to proper resources. Having proper computers or other devices for the students to access and do research allows students to expand their knowledge and develop their research skills. This table tracks all the devices and ensures they are in a good state for students to use.


  • Item ID. The unique ID of the item as set by the school.
  • Status. The status of the item indicating whether it is working, broken, etc.
  • Type. The type of device such as a computer or a tablet.
  • Serial number. The serial number listed on the device.
  • Brand. The brand of the computer.
  • Located in room. This field links to the Rooms table, identifying where the computer is located.


  • All devices. Displays all devices sorted in ascending order using the Item ID.
  • Computers. Displays all computers sorted in ascending order using the Item ID.
  • Tablets. Displays all tablets sorted in ascending order using Item ID.
  • Projectors. Displays all projectors sorted in ascending order using item ID.
  • Smartboards. Displays all Smartboards sorted in ascending order using item ID.
  • Available devices. Displays all devices that are not currently in use, sorted in ascending order of Item ID.
  • By status. Displays a kanban view of all hardware devices, stacked by Status field.


Textbooks serve as the foundational literature from which students are primarily taught. They contain structure and a proper flow of information that the teachers can build off of. Schools carry a certain number of textbooks to be lent out to students throughout the school year. This table keeps track of the inventory and the status of the inventory.


  • ISBN. The 10 digit ISBN of the textbook.
  • Title. The title of the book.
  • Author. The author’s name.
  • Condition. A drop down select field of the condition of the group of books to be able to determine when more books need to be purchased.
  • Subject. This field links to the Subjects **table, identifying which subjects the textbook falls under.
  • Quantity. The number of textbooks.
  • Located. This field links to the Rooms **table, indicating which room the textbooks are kept.


  • All textbooks. Displays all textbooks sorted by the lowest quantity to the greatest.
  • Low quantity. Displays all textbooks that need more copies ordered due to the low quantity, sorted by the lowest quantity books to the greatest.
  • Poor condition. Displays all textbooks that need more copies ordered due to the poor condition of the books, sorted by the lowest quantity books to the greatest.
  • Great condition. Displays all textbooks that are in great condition sorted by the lowest quantity to the greatest.
  • By condition. Displays a kanban view of textbooks, stacked by Condition field.


Usually schools divide their classes or “suggested dedicated time per subject” into a measurement called periods. The amount of time per period is subjective to the school unless specified by local laws. This table identifies which times make up which periods in order to build an effective schedule for all staff and students alike.


  • Period. The period identifier.
  • Start time. The time the period begins.
  • End time. The time the period ends.
  • Staff. This field is linked to the Staff table, connecting this record to related staff. This field is hidden by default.
  • Staff - Schedule end. This field is linked to the Staff table, connecting this record to related staff. This field is hidden by default.
  • Lunch schedule. This field is linked to the Lunch schedule table, connecting this record to lunch groups. This field is hidden by default.


  • All periods. Displays all periods without any filters.


Some teachers focus on single subjects while other teachers focus on a plethora of subjects. this table identifies different subjects that must be taught throughout elementary school.


  • Name. The name of the subject.
  • Description. A brief description of the subject.
  • Classes. This field is linked to the Classes table, connecting this record to classes. This field is hidden by default.
  • Textbooks. A link to the Textbooks table, linking the textbook to the subject.


  • All subjects. Displays all subjects without any filter sorted in alphabetical order.


It is important to know the age of a student when interacting with them because it can be an indication of the amount of help or attention they require. It is also an indication of what their academic levels should entail. This table identifies each year’s age groups.


  • Year. The name says it all.
  • Age. The age range that the year is associated with.
  • Classes. This field links to the Classes **table, identifying the classes that are for the specific year.


  • All years. Displays all years, with no filter or sorting applied.