Email Marketing Campaigns

Whether you’re a solo freelancer or a multi-person digital marketing agency, you likely have a handful of clients that you’re running email campaigns for. You and your team (that includes your pet, if you’re solo) need to be on the same page when developing each email campaign, which includes everything from the subject line to the UTM parameters that you’re using. This template allows you to keep a comprehensive overview of each email marketing campaign from idea to completion, with a clear description of all the technological, human, and creative elements involved in the process.

What’s required to create and set a coherent, repeatable, and measurable plan aimed to set highly engaging and converting email campaigns? The answer is easy: A flexible and customizable template that allows you to centralize all aspects of your email marketing campaigns. This template is designed for all you email marketers out there who dream of a coherent, and structured process that results in streamlined email campaigns that make subscribers want you in their inbox, rather than in their spam folder. Here are some of the template’s features and highlights, by table:

Email Campaigns

Email campaigns are part of every marketing strategy. Even when experts express mixed opinions about the effectiveness of sending emails to promote products and services, the truth is that emails continue to be a reliable part of your marketing strategy to reach your audiences, and create long-term relationships with them. Also, email campaigns are a good and reliable source to measure your sales strategy effectiveness. And creating powerful email campaigns demands a good organization, from general to specific core activities that can be easily followed in this template.


This table gathers the information related to your email campaigns. The Email Marketing Campaign template displays a total amount of 15 preloaded fields to collect the most important details to carry on and control your email campaigns, as for example:


  • Campaign name. The name of the campaign. In this template, the name of the campaign is coupled with the brand code in order to help you easily identify which campaign it is. Though it’s easy to keep track of campaigns when you only have a few, as you grow, you’ll want to identify them more uniquely. This feature helps you do just that.
  • Brand. The name of the brand that the campaign is for.
  • Subject Line. In email marketing, it’s all about the subject line. Make it catchy, engaging, and want to open your email campaign!
  • Image(s). Images that you’ll be adding to the email.
  • Purpose. Not all emails are created equally. This field ensures you designate a purpose for the email campaign. It could be a promotional offer, a newsletter campaign, follow-up email, or something else.
  • Start Date. The date you’re planning on initiating the email campaign.
  • End Date. The date you’re planning on concluding the email campaign.
  • List(s) Used. This is a linked field to the Email Lists table. Use it to link to various email lists that you might be using for each specific campaign.
  • Draft Link. Email campaigns often go through various iterations before they reach a final version. This field is a URL that sends you straight to wherever you’re hosting your campaign draft.
  • Status. The status of the email campaign. Has it been approved? Sent? Scheduled? Jot it down here.
  • Campaign Link. The actual URL of the campaign. In this example, it’s set with UTM parameters to help you track the efficacy of the campaign. Of course, these can be altered or removed altogether, depending on your campaign preferences.
  • Short Link. Campaign URLs are usually long, and typically aren’t shared without converting them to a short link first. This field lets you match the short link to the respective campaign.
  • Landing Page. Email campaigns often have their own landing pages. Whether yours do or don’t, you can use this field to map the campaign to the page subscribers should land on when clicking on your main CTA button in your campaign.
  • Collaborators. This is a linked field to the Team Members table. It displays every team member that was a part of your campaign, regardless of the role they played.


  • All Campaigns. Displays all campaigns, sorted by Start Date from earliest to latest.
  • Require action. Displays all campaigns that have not been sent, sorted by Start Date from earliest to latest.
  • Sent. Displays all campaigns that have been sent, sorted by Start Date from earliest to latest.
  • Q4 2021. Displays all campaigns that are set to run in quarter four of the year 2021, sorted by Start Date from earliest to latest.
  • Campaign suggestions. Displays a shareable form where users can suggest a new email campaign to be added to the repository.
  • By status. Displays a kanban view of all campaigns grouped together by the status.
  • By purpose. Displays a kanban view of all campaigns grouped together by the purpose.


Every email campaign corresponds to a particular brand. The campaigns tailor their messages and content to the brand target audience. Brands can also have a variety of campaigns when testing out the water for responsiveness. This table holds all brands and their respective campaigns.


  • Name. The name of the brand.
  • Code. A unique three-letter code for the brand. This helps prevent needing to write out the brand name.
  • Description. A brief description about the brand—who they are, and what they do.
  • Project Type. This field denotes the type of engagement for the project.
  • Campaign(s). This is a linked field to the Campaigns table. It allows you to link the brand with the respective campaign.
  • Campaign Count. The number of campaigns associated with this brand.


  • All Brands. Displays all brands, sorted alphabetically by name.
  • New Brand Form. Displays a shareable form used to add new brands to the roster.

Email Lists

In this day and age, we get bombarded with emails on a regular bases. Having specific email lists can hone in on the target audience for the specific campaign, increasing chances of positive engagement. Direct each campaign toward the proper group of subscribers, making the campaign as successful as possible instead of increasing the amount of users that unsubscribe due to the high frequency of emails. This table helps organize the different email lists and the campaigns they are frequently used for.


  • Name. Every email list is unique. The name should be too.
  • Description. A space to write a brief description of what the list is about or contains.
  • Value. This number field allows you to set a number from one to ten (ten being the highest), which denotes the value of the email list. Some lists may be more valuable than others, depending on your scoring criteria. Either way, it’s up to you to determine what and how much you value each list.
  • Frequency used. This formula field calculates the amount of campaigns the list has been used for.
  • Used In. This is a linked field to the Campaigns table. Use it to display which email campaigns each list was used in.
  • Used to. This lookup field displays the purpose of the campaign this list was used for. Super helpful when deciding which list to use for future campaigns.


  • All Lists. Displays all email lists, sorted in descending order from highest to lowest value.
  • High Value. Displays only high value lists, or those with a value set to 8 or higher. Also sorted in descending order from highest to lowest value.
  • Lists used. Displays lists that have been used for campaigns in the past sorted by most frequency used.
  • Unused. Displays lists that have not been used for any email marketing campaigns, sorted by highest value to lowest.

Team Members

The hard work and skill of all the team members truly make campaign successful. This table identifies which team members have worked on which campaigns. Identifying the strengths and experience with different marketing tactics of each team member can help identify which team member is best suited for which campaign.; In turn, this will improve the success of the campaign itself.


  • Name. The team member’s full name.
  • Role. The team member’s role. By default, this template is set to Designer, Copywriter, and Editor.
  • Photo. An uploaded picture of the team member.
  • Phone number. A phone number the team member can be reached at.
  • Email. The team member’s email address.
  • Campaigns associated. This is a linked field to the Campaigns table. It allows for a way to easily display which email campaign(s) each team member contributed to.
  • Campaign count. This formula field calculates the number of campaigns the team member has contributed toward.


  • All Team Members. Displays all team members, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • Designers. Displays all team members with a Designer role, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • Copywriters. Displays all team members with a Copywriter role, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • Editors. Displays all team members with an Editor role, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • Experienced. Displays team members that have been on 5 campaigns or more sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Team Gallery. Displays all team members sorted in alphabetical order in the form of a gallery view.
  • By role. Displays all team members grouped together by role in a kanban view.