Emergency Triage Log
Business Operations
Health and Wellness

The emergency unit of a healthcare facility handles the most critical cases where time and accurate documentation are of great importance. Needless to say, a good database and case logging system are critical in making an emergency unit work as well as possible, regardless of the variables at hand. Each emergency has to go through a triage process to prioritize which patients should be seen first, based on the severity of the situation. This template makes use of a five-level emergency severity index that can be customized for your department’s triage to ensure you and your team have a clear, versatile way of organizing necessary information for every emergency.

The triage system helps a lot when there are more people who need emergency services than there are people working in the emergency unit. This template has a customizable, five-level emergency severity index (ESI) that is already set up and ready to use. It includes information about the maximum number of minutes a physician needs to get to a patient, as well as a few details about each level of ESI. To get started with this template, fill out the Doctors and Nurses tables. Then, for every emergency, a triage nurse fills out the patient’s information in the Patients table, followed by the patient’s vital signs in the Vital signs table. Finally, assign the emergency’s ESI level in the Emergency admissions table. If a patient already has a record in the Patients table, there is no need to create a new record for that patient. However, the triage nurse must still log the patient’s vital signs to the Vital signs table and record them in their current state every time the patient is admitted for emergency care. Take a deeper look at each table and the functionality for each:

Emergency admissions

Each emergency that has been recorded in this database is listed here. This table essentially contains the most basic auditable information on every emergency admitted to your hospital or healthcare facility.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this emergency admission.
  • ESI level. This field is linked to the Emergency severity indices table, identifying the appropriate emergency severity index level for this emergency.
  • Admission time. The date and time of this emergency admission.
  • Attention needed within. A lookup that gets the number of minutes that the patient needed to be treated by a doctor.
  • Attend patient before. A formula that calculates the latest date and time that the patient needs to be treated by a doctor.
  • Patient. This field is linked to the Patients table, and it tells which patient is being taken in for this emergency.
  • Patient vitals. This field is linked to the Vital signs table, as a link to the patient’s vitals during the emergency admission.
  • Attending doctors. This field is linked to the Doctors table, which lists the doctor(s) who will be taking care of this patient in this emergency.
  • Attending nurses. This field is linked to the Nurses table, which lists the nurse(s) who will be taking care of this patient in this emergency.
  • Discharge status code. A two-digit code that tells where the patient is at the conclusion of a health care facility encounter.
  • Date logged. The date and time this emergency record was entered in this database.
  • Last updated. The most recent date and time this emergency record was modified.
  • Week number in the year. A formula field for computing the week number in the year of the recorded Admission time field. Hidden by default.


  • All emergency admissions. Displays all emergency admissions without filters, sorted by Week number in the year from the most recent to the oldest, then by Admission time from the earliest to the most recent.
  • Log new emergency. Displays a form view that facilitates logging new emergencies to the database.
  • Doctors needed. Displays all emergency admissions without assigned doctors, sorted by Admission time from the earliest to the most recent.
  • Ongoing emergencies. Displays all open or ongoing emergencies, sorted by Admission time from the earliest to the most recent.
  • Discharged patients. Displays a Kanban view of patients, and they are stacked according to discharge status.


All of your patients’ nearly constant information is recorded in this table. For other pertinent patient data that may be relevant to particular emergencies, please refer to the Vital signs table.


  • Full name. The patient’s full name.
  • Photo. The patient’s photograph for record keeping and security purposes.
  • Date of birth. The date the patient was born.
  • Sex. The patient’s sex.
  • Address. The patient’s home address.
  • Phone number. The patient’s current phone number.
  • Email. The patient’s email address.
  • Blood type. The patient’s blood type.
  • Allergies. The patient’s known allergies.
  • Medical history. The patient’s detailed medical history.
  • SSN. The patient’s social security number or tax identification number.
  • Is insured. A checkbox that indicates whether this patient is insured or not.
  • Insurance name. The name of the patient’s insurance carrier.
  • Last visit. The date and time of this patient’s last visit.
  • Notes. Any remarks or notes regarding this patient.
  • Emergency contact name. The patient’s emergency contact’s full name.
  • Emergency contact phone. The patient’s emergency contact’s current phone number.
  • Emergency contact relation. This field indicates the relationship of the contact to the patient.
  • Date added. The date and time this patient was added to the database.
  • Last updated. The most recent date and time this patient record was modified.
  • Related vitals. This field is linked to the Vital signs table as a link to the patient’s vital signs. Hidden by default.
  • Related emergency admissions. This field is linked to the Emergency admissions table as a link to this patient’s emergency admissions. Hidden by default.


  • All patients. Displays all patients without filters, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Add new patient. Displays a form view that allows adding new patients to the database.
  • Uninsured. Displays patients without insurance, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Allergies. Displays patients with allergies, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Patients. Displays a gallery of patients, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.

Vital signs

This table stores up-to-date patient information at the time of the emergency admission. Not that anyone is wishing for it, yet a patient can have many sets of vital sign records equivalent to the patient’s emergency admissions.


  • Date gathered. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this record.
  • Patient. This field is linked to the Patient table, identifying the patient associated with these vitals.
  • Symptoms. An account of the patient’s symptoms as they existed at the time of this data entry.
  • Pain. The patient’s pain can be rated on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most excruciating.
  • Body temperature. This is the patient’s current body temperature from a thermometer reading.
  • Blood pressure. Recorded blood pressure reading for this patient as of the specified date.
  • Pulse rate. The patient’s pulse rate (number of heart beats per minute) at the moment of this encoding.
  • Respiratory rate. he patient’s respiratory rate (number of breaths per minute) at the time of this encoding. T
  • Oxygen saturation. The patient’s oxygen saturation (blood oxygen level) at the moment.
  • Tobacco use. A selection field that tells whether or not the patient smokes.
  • Alcohol consumption. A selection field that tells how often the patient consumes alcohol.
  • Current medications. The patient’s current medications.
  • Height (cm). The patient’s height in centimeters.
  • Weight (kg). The patient’s weight in pounds.
  • Laboratory tests. A file field for attaching laboratory test results.
  • Last updated. The most recent date and time this patient’s vitals was modified.
  • Related emergency admissions. This field is linked to the Emergency admissions table as a link to this patient’s emergency admission. Hidden by default.


  • All vital signs. Displays all sets of vital signs without filters, sorted by Date gathered from the most recent to the oldest.
  • Add patient vital signs. Displays a form view that facilitates adding up-to-date patient information at the time of the emergency admission.


All of the doctors at your healthcare facility should be listed in this table along with their details, specialties, and means of contact.


  • Full name. The doctor’s full name.
  • Photo. The doctor’s photograph for identification.
  • Specialty. A multiple select field which specifies this doctor’s specialties or medical field(s) of expertise.
  • Is on duty. A checkbox that indicates whether this doctor is currently on duty or not.
  • Local phone extension. A field for the doctor’s clinic’s land line or local phone extension.
  • Mobile number. The doctor’s mobile number.
  • Notes. Any remarks or notes regarding this doctor.
  • Is active. A checkbox that indicates whether this doctor is still working for the hospital or clinic.
  • Related emergency duty. This field is linked to the Emergency admissions table as a link to the emergencies this doctor has attended. Hidden by default.


  • All doctors. Displays all doctors without filters, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Doctors on duty. Displays a gallery of available doctors on duty, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Active doctors. Displays a gallery of active doctors, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Add new doctor. Displays a form view that allows adding new doctors to the database.


This table should list all of your hospital’s nurses along with their names, status, and contact information.


  • Full name. The nurse’s full name.
  • Photo. The nurse’s photograph for identification.
  • Is on duty. This nurse’s availability can be indicated by checking or unchecking this checkbox.
  • Local phone extension. A field for the nurse’s land line or local phone extension.
  • Mobile number. The nurse’s current mobile number.
  • Notes. Any remarks or notes regarding this nurse.
  • Is active. A checkbox that indicates whether this nurse is still working for the hospital or clinic.
  • Related emergency duty. This field is linked to the Emergency admissions table as a link to the emergencies this nurse has attended. Hidden by default.


  • All nurses. Displays all nurses without filters, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Nurses on duty. Displays a gallery of available nurses on duty, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Active nurses. Displays a gallery of active nurses, sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Add new nurse. Displays a form view that allows adding new nurses to the database.

ESI levels

This table has a five-level emergency severity index that can be changed to fit your needs. This index is used in the healthcare emergency department or unit triage algorithm.


  • ESI level. This is the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) level, crucial to be identified during emergency admission triage.
  • Attention needed within. This is the number of minutes that patients need to be attended to by a doctor.
  • Brief summary. A brief description of this ESI.
  • Details. The details and other pertinent information of this ESI.
  • Related emergency admissions. This field is linked to the Emergency admissions table as a link to the emergency admission records. Hidden by default.


  • All ESI levels. Displays all emergency severity index levels, sorted alphabetically by ESI level.