Event Staffing
Business Operations

Organizing events is a tricky business. It’s especially tricky when you need to make sure you have enough staff—whether they are employees or volunteers—available to set up, facilitate, and clean up each event. Having the right staffing ensures the event runs smoothly, participants can find their way around, and all components of the event stay on schedule. Using this template will not only keep you up to date on upcoming and past events, but also help you visualize the staff that’s allocated to each event. This includes having insight into which events may be over- or understaffed. Having staff properly allocated to events can help the event coordinator focus more on the content of the event itself, and less on the smaller details, enhancing the event for everyone around!

With so many moving parts, and it can be tricky to stay on top of all of the different components. This template makes the staffing component a breeze. Allocate staff members and volunteers as needed to each event. Don’t waste time trying to find which staff member has the most experience and how many events they’ve participated in. Don’t struggle identifying which volunteer has helped with the most events. Use the prebuilt views and create new ones to identify which people have the most experience and allocate them as necessary. Let’s jump into some of the template’s top highlights, by table:


This table serves as a general overview of all events previously held, and all events scheduled. Use it to identify events that require more staff or events that have a surplus of staff. You can also use it to see the event’s duration, staff, volunteers, and coordinators.


  • Event ID. The unique ID related to the event.
  • Date and time. The date and time of the event in ISO format, including time in 24 hours.
  • Event. This field links to the Events **table, displaying which of the events occurred (or will occur).
  • Location. This field displays the location’s name, pulled from the Locations table, identifying where the event is hosted.
  • Duration (hr). This field looks to the Events table to find the duration in hours that this event is scheduled for.
  • Required staff. This field looks to the Events table to find the number of staff required for the event.
  • Staff scheduled. This formula field adds the number of staff and volunteers assigned to the event.
  • Staff surplus/deficit. This formula field calculates the over/under on the number of people tied to the staffing needs of the event. It adds the staff and the volunteers, then subtracts those from the required staff field.
  • Coordinator. This field denotes the person in charge of coordinating the event from the Staff table.
  • Team members. This field indicates which team members of those in the Staff **table will be working the event.
  • Volunteers. This field displays which unpaid volunteers will be assisting the employees for the event. This info is collected from the Volunteers **table.


  • All scheduled events. Displays all events, regardless of date. This view is sorted in chronological order by Date and time .
  • Current year. Displays events that have a date and time within the current year. Once next year strikes, the view does not need to be updated, because it’s set to display events within the present calendar year. This view is sorted by the earliest scheduled event to the latest.
  • 2021. Displays all events that were hosted in 2021. This date range is hard coded, and regardless of the current year, this view will not change. This view is sorted by earliest event date to latest in the year.
  • Schedule event. Displays a form that allows you to request an event and even associated staff.


All employees that work to create events are identified in this table, making it easy to organize future events by identifying which staff members can be used for each event.


  • Full name. The name of the employee.
  • Role. The role/title the employee holds.
  • Phone number. The individual’s phone number.
  • Email. The individual’s company email.
  • Number of events. This formula field counts the number of events this staff member has worked.
  • Events worked. Displays all the events from the Events **table that the staff member has worked.
  • Events coordinated. Displays the events from the Events table that the staff member has coordinated.
  • Number of events coordinated. Counts the number of events the staff member has coordinated.


  • All staff. Displays all staff, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Team members. Displays staff members that have the role of team member, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Coordinators. Displays staff members that have a higher role and are capable of coordinating an event, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Experienced. Displays staff members that have either worked in or coordinated over 3 events, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New employee. Displays a form that lets you easily add all required info to add a new staff member to the roster.
  • By role. Displays all staff members by role in a kanban view.


Events often change locations to spice things up. Whether the event is hosted in a public outdoor space or in at the company’s headquarters, all locations are included in this table. When planning an event, take a peek at this table to identify where the event has been hosted in the past or where you can host it in the future.


  • Name. The name of the location.
  • Picture. Because it’s always nice to have an idea of what the location looks like.
  • Address. The address of the location.
  • Type. The different important attributes associated with the location. Is it outdoors? Is there a trail? Tag those attributes here.
  • Events hosted. This field links to the Schedule table, identifying which events were hosted at this location.
  • Number of events hosted. This field counts the number of events hosted at the location.


  • All locations. Displays all locations, sorted from the highest number of events hosted to the lowest.
  • Outdoor space. Displays locations with an outdoor space, sorted by the highest to lowest frequency of events hosted…
  • Has trail. Displays locations that have a trail onsite, sorted by the highest to lowest frequency of events hosted.
  • Location gallery. A gallery view of all locations, sorted from the highest number of events hosted to the lowest.


Events typically require a decent amount of staff, and it can get very pricy for a company to pay for each individual member. Different people love getting involved in their communities and helping out with a variety of events. This table records all volunteers interested in helping run events.


  • Name. The volunteer’s name.
  • Phone number. The volunteer’s phone number.
  • Email. The email the volunteer can be reached at.
  • Event count. The amount of events the volunteer has participated in.
  • Events. This field links to the Schedule **table to identify which specific events the volunteer has helped with.


  • All volunteers. Displays all volunteers sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Experienced. Displays volunteers that have helped with a minimum of 3 events, sorted in descending order by event count.
  • Become a volunteer! This intake form can be shared with prospective volunteers so that they can join the roster.


Finally, the events themselves! Even though the schedule holds individual dates and times for each event, most events are recurring. This table hold all information pertaining to a specific event including the number of staff and the duration, simplifying the digging the coordinator has to do to find the details of past events of this same type.


  • Name. The name of the event.
  • Description. A brief overview of what the event consists of.
  • Schedule. This field links back to the Schedule table, identifying every time the event was scheduled.
  • Required staff. This number field indicates the number of staff that is required to throw the event.
  • Duration (hr). The number of hours the event is scheduled to take.
  • Frequency. This formula field counts the number of times each event was hosted.


  • All events. Displays all events sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Long duration. Displays events that take more than 4 hours, sorted in descending order by duration.
  • Recurring. Displays events that have taken place more than once, sorted in descending order by frequency.
  • One-time. Displays events that were unique and only scheduled once, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Staff-heavy. Displays events that require 15 or more staff members, sorted in descending order by the number of required staff.
  • New event request. Displays a shareable form that can be shared with the community to allow them to request new events.