Growth Experiments

All companies must deal with uncertainty when it comes to growing at a continuous (and sustainable) rate. Growth experiments are the key to identifying what works and what doesn’t on a much smaller scale without having to commit all resources to a single growth path. With these growth experiments comes the need to keep an eye on key metrics, such as the number of new users and the amount of money spent on the experiment. This template does it all. You can track revenue from new and existing customers participating in the growth experiment, the total amount spent on on the experiment, and the number of new users interested in the experiment. The template organizes all the data in a clear, easy to understand manner that fuel strategic decisions, while also identifying which efforts keep existing customers happy and involved.

Growth experiments are a solid way for a company to figure out the best way to reach and market to their target audience. They have generally lower overhead costs and require less work than a resource-heavy campaign. Key metrics such as number of new customers as well as money spent are useful pieces of information that businesses use when determining in which direction the company should expand. This template organizes the growth experiment process, partnerships, customers new and existing, and so much more to provide a clear overview of all growth experiments. Learn more about about this template by taking a look around at the tables and their functionality below:


All experiments and results are nested in this table. Pull up all previous or existing experiments in this table to identify what has worked in the past and which experiments did not have much of an impact. Use this growth experiment overview to fuel future growth experiment directions.


  • Title. The experiment’s title.
  • Type. The type of experiment.
  • Promotion code. The experiment’s promotion code, if applicable.
  • Partnered with. This field links to the Partners table to identify the partners used for the experiment.
  • Description. A brief description of the experiment.
  • Start date. The experiment’s start date and time.
  • End date. The experiment’s end date and time if applicable.
  • Duration. The duration of the event if there is an end date. Displayed as X days or a number of hours.
  • Participating customers. This field links to the Customers table to identify which customers were interested in the experiment.
  • Discount amount per user. The discount offered to each user with the promotion code in any currency.
  • Total amount spent. The sum of discounts offered to the users.
  • Number of new customers. The number of new customers acquired during the growth experiment.
  • Total customer engagement. The number of total customers involved with the experiment.
  • Subscription revenue. The recurring amount of money spent by users involved in the experiment for the quarter. This field is hidden in all views, and it is used for another table.
  • Quarter. This field links to the Quarters table to reflect the specific quarter the experiment was a part of.


  • All experiments. Displays all experiments sorted by earliest start date to latest start date.
  • Ongoing. Displays experiments that do not have an end date sorted by earliest start date to most recent.
  • High engagement. Displays experiments that have a total customer engagement higher than 4 sorted by highest customer engagement to lowest.
  • By type. Displays all experiments, stacked by Type in a kanban view.
  • New experiment. Displays a shareable form used to add a new growth experiment to the list.


Keeping track of new and existing customers alike is helpful when deciding on new growth experiments, especially considering that it costs more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing customer. Ensuring existing customers are happy goes a long way towards keeping a business successful. This table identifies all customers and their engagement with various growth experiments. Use this information to determine which experiments existing customers appreciated, and which experiments attracted new customers.


  • Name. The customer’s name.
  • Email. The customer’s email.
  • Phone number. The customer’s phone number.
  • Is an active customer. Whether or not the customer is active.
  • Monthly recurring charges. The customer’s monthly recurring charges for a subscription.
  • Member since. This field automatically inputs a date when a customer is created.
  • Experiment participation. This field links to the Experiments table, displaying the experiments the user interacted with.
  • Number of experiments involved with. This field calculates how many experiments the customer was associated with.


  • All customers. Displays all customers sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New customers. Displays new customers acquired through one of the growth experiments sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Active subscribers. Displays existing subscription customers of the platform sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New customers form. Displays a form used to enter new customers to the mix.


It’s always great to see businesses link with other respected partners in the same field to produce additional high quality content or events. This table logs all previous partners used for various campaigns or growth experiments regardless of the method. The partners could have been given a referral code or they could be part of a collaboration. Regardless of which it is, all partners are listed in this table.


  • Name. The partner’s name.
  • Photo. The partner’s photo(s).
  • Description. A brief description of the partner.
  • Organization email. The partner’s email.
  • Phone number. The partner’s phone number.
  • Related experiments. This field links to the Experiments table to display the various experiments the partners have been involved with.
  • Frequency involved. This formula field calculates the number of times the partner was involved with a growth experiment.


  • All partners. Displays all partners sorted in alphabetical order. All repeat partners have a light green background.
  • Repeat partners. Displays partners that have been involved in more than one growth experiment, sorted by highest frequency involved to lowest frequency involved first, and secondly in alphabetic order.
  • Partners gallery. Displays all partners in a gallery view.
  • New partner. Displays a form used to add a new partner to the list.


Typically, budgets are spread out over the span of a 3 month quarter. This table provides an overview of new customers and money spent for the duration of each quarter. Many campaigns also are set to run for the duration of a quarter, making it easier to identify which growth experiments were successful and which ones had a smaller impact.


  • Year and quarter. The year and quarter number (1-4).
  • Growth experiments launched. This field links to the Experiments table to display the title of each experiment launched during the quarter.
  • Number of new customers. This field calculates the number of new users interested in the campaign.
  • Amount spent. This formula field calculates the total amount spend on all experiments during the quarter.
  • Revenue from experiment associated customers. Revenue earned from customers that were associated with the growth experiments during the quarter.
  • Notes. Any additional details about the quarter.


  • All quarters. Displays all quarters sorted in chronological order. The rows with the highest number of new customers have a light green background.
  • Best quarters. Displays quarters that have a subscription revenue of over 3000 and more than 4 new customers sorted by highest number of customers to lowest number of customers.