Home Remodeling
Personal and Hobbies

Whether you’re looking to re-tile your bathroom floor or build a new man cave in the basement, this template organizes all your remodeling tasks. Remodel one room, one floor, or one home at a time. This template simplifies the entire home remodeling process beginning from each individual task down to the cost of an entire room. Let the template organize all remodeling details while you focus on the remodeling itself!

Regardless of whether your home remodeling is structurally necessary or a mere preference, planning is essential. This template helps identify the various tasks associated with each room as well as the costs associated with each task. Effortlessly identify the total cost of each room’s reparations. Rapidly identify previous vendors used for a task that is required for a different room. Keep track of previous companies and workers used, permits required, and task completion with this template. Take a tour through this template, organized by table:


Whether you’re remodeling your home room by room or you’re tackling the entire home all at once, this table helps track the state of each room and the tasks associated with it.


  • Name. The room name.
  • Floor. The floor level the room is located.
  • Photo. The room’s photo.
  • Size (m²). The room’s size measured in squared meters.
  • Related tasks. This field is linked to the Tasks table, identifying the individual tasks created for the room.
  • Number of tasks. The number of tasks to be completed for the room.
  • Total spent. This formula field calculates the total amount spent for the room.


  • All rooms. Displays all rooms sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Rooms gallery. Displays all rooms in the form of a gallery sorted in alphabetical order.
  • High task count. Displays rooms that have a high number of tasks sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By floor. Displays rooms stacked by Floor level in the form of a kanban view.
  • New room. Displays a form that can be used to add a new room to the list.


All task details including the room, budget, vendor, and much more are housed in this table. It serves as a general overview of the tasks associated with the remodeling. Use this table to quickly identify which tasks have already been taken care of when you start to feel overwhelmed with the remodeling process, or take a peek at all remaining tasks when you’re feeling motivated. Stay on top of all tasks every step of the way with this table.


  • Title. The task’s title.
  • Description. The task’s description.
  • Room. The room the task is associated with pulled from the Rooms table.
  • Priority. The task’s priority on a level of 1-5.
  • Status. The task’s status.
  • Requires permit. This field denotes whether the task requires a permit.
  • Budget. The task’s allocated budget.
  • Amount charged. The amount the vendor charged for the task.
  • Labor cost. The cost of the labor to complete the task calculated from the contractor’s hourly rate pulled from the Contacts table and the time required for the task.
  • Cost of materials. The calculated cost of materials
  • Completed by. This field looks to the Contacts table to identify the worker contracted for the task.
  • Vendor name. This field looks to the Contacts table to identify the company the worker is associated with.
  • Completed on. The task’s completion date.
  • Related permit. The permit required for the task pulled from the Permits table.
  • Estimated time (hours). The task’s estimated duration in hours.
  • Over/under budget. A formula field that calculates the amount the task went over budget or was under budget.


  • All tasks. Displays all tasks sorted by unfinished tasks first and finished tasks in chronological order.
  • Over budget. Displays all tasks that have cost more than was allocated in the budget sorted by lowest amount to highest amount over budget.
  • Require permit. Displays tasks that require a permit sorted by unfinished tasks at the top followed by Completed on chronologically.
  • Top priority. Displays tasks that have the Priority rated as a 4 or 5 on a scale of 1-5 sorted by unfinished tasks first and finished tasks in chronological order.
  • By status. Displays tasks stacked by Status in the form of a kanban view.
  • New task. Displays a shareable form used to enter the details for a new task.


Take note of all vendors used for remodeling. If you’re struggling to remember which company did spectacular work on your kitchen, easily identify the company and contact info. If you’re satisfied with a vendor’s work, lock down their info to use the for other remodeling projects!


  • Name. The vendor’s name.
  • Related contacts. Contacts related to the vendor pulled from the Contacts table.
  • Phone number. The vendor’s phone number.
  • Email. The vendor’s email.
  • Website. A link to the vendor’s website.
  • Number of tasks contracted. The number of tasks the vendor was used to accomplish tasks.


  • All vendors . Displays all vendors sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Most frequently used. Displays vendors that have been used for the most tasks sorted by highest number of tasks first and then in alphabetical order.
  • New vendor. Displays a shareable form used to add a new vendor to the list.


Even though you may have a great relationship with a vendor as a whole, you may appreciate one specific contractor or contact’s work in particular. Easily identify which contact worked on which task, and ask for this same contact when reaching out to the vendor for additional work.


  • Name. The contact’s name.
  • Representing. The Vendor the contact is representing.
  • Email. The contact’s email.
  • Phone number. The contact’s phone number.
  • Role. The contact’s role or area of expertise.
  • Hourly rate. The contact’s hourly rate.
  • Related tasks. Tasks the contact has been contracted for.


  • All contacts. Displays all contacts sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Most affordable. Displays contacts with an Hourly rate below 95 sorted by lowest rate first.
  • By role. Displays all contacts stacked By role in a kanban view.
  • New contact. Displays a shareable form used to enter new contacts.


Many regions require building permits for regular remodeling tasks including the addition of new electricity outlets, plumbing, and the installation of new stoves. If caught remodeling without the proper permit, you could receive some big fines. This table holds all permit information, making it easy to identify information such as permit status or expiration date.


  • Number. The permit number.
  • Type. The permit type.
  • Copy. A copy of the permit.
  • Used for. The tasks the Permits were submitted for.
  • Description of work. This field looks to the Tasks table to highlight a brief description of the task.
  • Issue status. The permit’s current status. Has the permit been issued? Was it denied?
  • Issued to. This field looks to the Tasks table to identify the vendor that will be using the permit.
  • Expiration date. The permit’s expiration date.
  • Notes. Any additional notes pertaining to the permit.


  • All permits. Displays all permits sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By issue status. Displays all permits stacked by Issue status.
  • By type . Displays all permits stacked by Type .
  • New permit. Displays a shareable form used to add new permits to the list.