Hotel Bookings
Business Operations

The key to making impactful business decisions is to be equipped with plenty of information from existing customers and bookings. If your hotel company is looking to pivot their marketing, their operations, or any other component of the company, it’s important to look at the data. Where are bookings coming from? Are they coming from the hotel’s website or from third party platforms? Which customers are repeat customers? What times of year are most expensive? Which bed type seems to be in the highest demand? The answer to all these questions can be found from the data structured and organized within this template. Use this template to gain insight to existing reservations, customers, room demand, and hotel booking profits.

Take a deeper dive into all the reservations for your hotel rooms. Explore the methods of booking most used to reserve rooms within your hotel. Identify unique customers and repeat customers that frequent the hotel. View each of the hotel rooms, their features, cost, and capacity. This template structures and organizes  all data related to the hotel reservations, providing you with all necessary information to either make further decisions or enhance the experience for future reservations. Get an inside look at the template details:


Different types of hotel rooms let guests know what to expect when booking their stay at the hotel. Two friends booking a hotel room might want two queen sized beds. On the other hand, active sleepers may prefer a California king bed that allows for plenty of room to not bother their partner. This table identifies all rooms and their properties that can be booked.


  • Number. The number associated with the room.
  • Photo. A picture of the hotel room. Hotel rooms are often very similar, but also have their own theme or a different touch.
  • Accommodates. The number of adults the room can accommodate.
  • Size (sq. m.). The size of the room in meters squared.
  • Bed type. The type of bed in the room.
  • Allows smoking. By default, most hotels are smoke-free in all of the rooms. If your hotel does have some rooms that allow for smoking within the hotel room, add a check mark for the specific room that permits smoking.
  • Price per night. The regular rate per night for the room.
  • Bookings. This field links to the Reservations table to display the various reservations for the room.
  • Dates booked. A date range for when the room is booked according to the Reservations table.
  • Number of bookings. A formula field that calculates the amount of times this room was booked.


  • All rooms. Displays all rooms sorted in order by the smallest room number to the largest room number.
  • Accommodates two. Displays rooms that can accommodate a maximum of 2 adults, sorted by the smallest room number to the largest room number.
  • Accommodates four. Displays rooms that can accommodate a maximum of 4 adults, sorted by the smallest room number to the largest room number.
  • Smoke-friendly. Displays rooms that permit smoking, sorted by the smallest room number to the largest room number.
  • By bed type. Displays all rooms grouped together by their bed type in the form of a kanban view.
  • Rooms gallery. Displays all rooms in the form of a gallery view. This view is sorted by ascending room numbers.
  • New room. Displays a form to be able to easily add new rooms if and when they become available at the hotel.


The goal of reservations is to gather all details in order to determine which rooms would best fit the reservation. This table hosts all important information pertaining to each reservation. Use this information to further analyze all the data. With this table you can identify during which time of year guests were willing to pay higher prices for the rooms. During what month did people book the longest stays? Those answers and plenty more can be answered by the information homed here!


  • Code. The unique reservation code.
  • Customer name. This field is linked to the Customers table to display the name of the customer that made the reservation.
  • Number of adults. The number of adults on the reservation.
  • Room(s). The number of the room that is being held for this reservation from the Rooms **table.
  • Date checking in. The date the people on the reservation will be checking in.
  • Date checking out. The date the people on the reservation will be checking out.
  • Duration of stay (days). This formula field calculates the number of days the reservation is for.
  • Platform used. This field links to the Platforms table to display the platform that was used to book the hotel, whether it is a 3rd party website or if it was an in person reservation.
  • Amount paid. The amount the reservation was charged for the hotel stay.
  • Net profit. This formula field looks to the Platforms table to identify the commission the platform charges, and it is deducted from the amount paid to display the net profit.
  • % discounted/upcharged . This formula field looks to the Rooms table to identify the average cost per night at the hotel. It calculates the percentage the customer was either discounted (a negative number) or u-charged (a positive number.) Prices fluctuate during touristy seasons.
  • Notes. Any additional notes about the reservation should go here. Did the customer request extra pillows? Did they want a late check out?


  • All reservations. Displays all reservations sorted by earliest check in date to latest check in date.
  • Extended stays. Displays reservations that are for longer than 5 days, sorted by shortest to longest stays.
  • 2022. Displays reservations that fall within the year of 2022, sorted in chronological order.
  • New reservation. Displays a shareable form that can be used to enter a new reservation in the system.


Keeping a log of all customers, especially repeat customers, can help your hotel create experiences that meet your customer’s needs. Identifying repeat customers that frequent your hotel enables the management team to go above and beyond the customer’s expectations as a rewards for their loyalty. Identifying the number of distinct customers vs repeat customers can fuel future management or marketing decisions for the hotel. This table can also be used to house details of each customer in order to send them information about their stay or to send them future offers.


  • Name. The name of the customer.
  • Phone number. The customer’s phone number.
  • Email. The email the customer used to make the reservation.
  • Address. The customer’s home address.
  • Booking(s). This field links to the **Reservations table, displaying the specific reservations the customer has made.
  • Number of bookings. This formula field calculates the number of bookings the customer has made at the hotel overall.


  • All customers. Displays all customers sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Return customers. Displays customers that have visited the hotel more than once and are likely to return to the same area again in the future. This view is also sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New customer. Displays a shareable form that can be used to add new customers to the list.


To gain more traction, many hotels leverage a third-party booking platform. The platforms typically charge a fee based on an agreed-upon commission percentage. This table can be used to identify which platforms have resulted in the highest number of bookings. Data from this table can feed future decisions about which platforms to continue with and which platforms to learn from when establishing your own hotel reservation system.


  • Name. The name of the platform.
  • Website. The URL to the platform’s website, if applicable.
  • Commission (%) . The percentage of the sale the platform gets paid in commission.
  • Booking(s). This field links to the Reservations table to display the various reservations placed from this website.
  • Number of bookings. This formula field calculates the number of bookings that used the specific platform to reserve a room.
  • Total paid. Calculates the total amount of money the hotel company has paid as a fee due to the method of booking used.


  • All platforms. Displays all platforms sorted in alphabetical order.
  • High commission. Displays all platforms that have a commission fee of over 20% of the price paid, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Frequently used. Displays platforms that have been used by a certain number of bookings. In this example, all platforms that have been used for over 2 bookings are displayed, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New platform. Displays a form that can be used to submit a new platform to the mix.