Household Chores
Personal and Hobbies

Keeping your home clean and well-maintained goes a long way to reduce stress. Knocking off each task as it comes along makes cleaning much easier in the future. Reduce both physical and mental clutter in your home regularly with this template. Log all required tasks, their frequency, deadlines, and chore completion entries to never miss another chore in the future. Keep your home squeaky clean and fresh effortlessly by distributing the work as needed

Although completing chores is not generally considered fun for most, knocking tasks off the list goes a long way to keeping a home clean and safe. Whether your family has a list of chores that you assign to each individual, or you have a different process for handling tasks around the home, this chores template provides the ultimate organization for any option. Don’t let annual tasks and maintenance slip through the cracks. Log each household task completion, identify the member that completed the task, and view deadlines for each task all in this template. Take a tour through this template, organized by table:


An entry should be created for each time the chore is due. Assign the task to a specific family member, or leave it up to them to assign and decide which tasks they want to complete. Check the status of all due tasks, identifying which ones have not been picked up and must be assigned. Use this table to view all chore entries, completed, open, and assigned.


  • Date and task completed. This formula field joins the date the task was completed and the task into one unique combo.
  • Status. The task’s current Status. Is the task open? Has anyone assigned themselves to it?
  • Date of task completion. The date the task was completed and the entry was submitted.
  • Deadlines. This field looks to the Tasks table to identify the various deadlines associated with each task.
  • Tasks completed. This field is linked to the Tasks table to highlight the name of the task that was completed.
  • Tasks completed by. This field is linked to the Family members table to display the member’s Name.
  • Notes. Any additional notes about the completion of the task are required here.


  • All entries. Displays all entries sorted by most recent completion date to earliest completion date.
  • Complete. Displays entries with tasks that have a Status of completed sorted by most recent entries to oldest.
  • Incomplete. Displays entries with tasks that have not yet been finished sorted by most recent entries to oldest.
  • By status. Displays all entries stacked by Status in the form of a kanban view.
  • New entry. Displays a shareable form that can be used to submit and new entry.


This table serves as a complete task overview or task catalog. View all unique tasks in this table. Identify their frequency, deadlines, and task type. Effortlessly add new tasks to the ongoing list as they’re discovered.


  • Title. The task’s title.
  • Type. The type of task.
  • Description. The task’s description
  • Frequency. The frequency the task must be completed.
  • Deadline. The task’s calculated deadline based on the Frequency.
  • Dates completed. This lookup field pulls the dates the task was completed from the Entries table.
  • Completion count. The number of times the last has been marked as completed according to the Entries table.
  • Date and tasks. This field links to the Entries table to display the date and task combination. This field is hidden on all views and is used for calculations of other fields.
  • Weekly deadline. This hidden field calculates the Deadline of a task if the task Frequency is weekly.
  • Biweekly deadline. This hidden field calculates the Deadline of a task if the task Frequency is biweekly.
  • Monthly deadline. This hidden field calculates the Deadline of a task if the task Frequency is monthly.
  • Annual deadline. This hidden field calculates the Deadline of a task if the task Frequency is annual.


  • All tasks. Displays all tasks sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Frequently completed. Displays tasks that have a Completion count higher than 1 sorted by most frequently completed first, then in alphabetical order.
  • By type. Displays all tasks stacked by Type in the form of a kanban view.
  • By frequency. Displays all tasks stacked by Frequency in the form of a kanban view.
  • New task. Displays a shareable form used to add a new task to the list.

Family members

All family members are housed in this table. Depending on how you operate, you may want to ensure the load is being evenly disbursed among family members. Identify the number of tasks each member has completed and the dates of each task completion with this table.


  • Name. The family member’s name.
  • Photo. The family member’s photo.
  • Phone number. the family member’s phone number.
  • Email. The family member’s email.
  • Chore entries completed. This field links to the Entries table to displays the various date and task the family member completed.
  • Entry count. The number of chores the family member completed.


  • All family members. Displays all family members sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Family gallery. Displays all family members in the form of a gallery sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Most chores completed. Displays family members that have completed over 3 chores sorted by highest number of entries first then in alphabetical order. This view can be used as a bit of a chore leader board to create healthy competition.