Legal Case Tracker

Improve efficiency and organization effort through the use of this Legal Case Tracker template. Keep tabs on all active cases, staff, and payments required to run your law firm smoothly. Never think twice about where to find business information such as which staff member is working on a case or the status of the case. Reduce the risk of errors with billing calculations. Let this template do all the calculations and organizational legwork while you focus on growing your legal practice!

Managing all aspects of your legal cases and accurately billing can get complex (especially with multiple cases at once), but it doesn’t have to! This Legal Case Tracker template simplifies what would otherwise be a much more daunting process. It provides insights and overviews for each case, staff member, and all billing entries. Reduce the amount of time your firm regularly spends on organizing operational data and calculating billed hours to create invoices. Focus on the cases themselves, and let this template do the rest! Understand this template’s features, by table:


It’s critical for a law firm to stay on top of their active cases regardless of where they are in the litigation process. This table contains all case info including the case status, the type of case, staff working the case, total hours worked on the case, and so forth. This table provides quick access to an overview of all cases the firm is responsible for.


  • Title. The case’s title.
  • Status. The case’s status.
  • Number. The case number.
  • Type. The type of case.
  • Description. The case’s description.
  • Date opened. The case’s opening date.
  • Associated contacts. This field is linked to the Contacts table to highlight the contacts associated with the case.
  • Billing entries. This field is linked to the Billing entries table, identifying all billing entries related to the hours worked on the case.
  • Staff assigned. This field looks to the Billing entries table to identify the staff members that worked and billed for the case.
  • Total billed. This formula field is linked to the Billing entries table to calculate the total amount the company billed for the case.
  • Total hours worked. This formula field calculates the total number of hours the staff members worked on the case. The data is pulled from the Billing entries table.
  • Invoice. This field looks to the Invoices table to show the invoice related to the case.


  • All cases. Displays all cases sorted in ascending order of the Date opened field.
  • Resource-intensive. Displays cases that required more than 60 Total hours worked sorted by highest number of hours to lowest.
  • High profit. Displays cases that have been billed more than 40,000 of any currency sorted by highest amount to lowest amount.
  • By status. Displays all cases stacked by Status in a kanban view.
  • By type. Displays all cases stacked by Type in a kanban view.
  • New case. Displays a shareable form used to add a new case to the docket.


In any field, staff members typically have varying billing rates in accordance with experience. This serves to host all staff contact data alongside all work related calculations such as total number of hours billed and number of cases worked on.


  • Name. The staff member’s name.
  • Photo. The staff’s photo.
  • Role. The staff’s role.
  • Email. The staff’s email.
  • Phone number. The staff’s phone number.
  • Specialty. A multi-select field that highlight’s the staff member’s law specialty.
  • Cases worked. A field that looks to the Billing entries table to identify which cases the staff member has worked on.
  • Number of cases. The number of cases the staff member worked on.
  • Billing rate per hour. The staff’s hourly billing rate.
  • Total hours billed. A formula field that calculates the total number of hours the member has billed.
  • Related billing entries. This field links to the Billing entries to identify each billing entry the member reported.


  • All staff. Displays all staff sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Highest billing rates. Displays staff with a Billing rate per hour above 600 of any currency sorted by highest rate to lowest rate.
  • Tax law specialists. Displays staff members with a Specialty in tax law sorted in alphabetical order. This filter can be applied to any specialty.
  • Staff gallery. Displays all staff members in the form of a gallery view sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By role. Displays all staff stacked by Role in the form of a kanban view.
  • New staff member. Displays a shareable form used to add new staff members to the roster.


Contacts related to cases can consist of clients, opposing counsels, judges, and more. This table houses all contact data regardless of relationship to the case in question.


  • Name. The contact’s name.
  • Email. The contact’s email.
  • Phone number. The contact’s phone number.
  • Type. The contact type.
  • Related cases. This field is linked to the Cases table.
  • Related invoices. This field is linked to the Invoices table to display invoices to be sent or already sent to the contact.


  • All contacts. Displays all contacts sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By type. Displays all contacts stacked By type in the form of a kanban view.
  • New contact. Displays a shareable form used to enter a new contact.

Billing entries

All data used for billing purposes lies within this table. There are fields created to pull all data from related tables to most accurately calculate the amount billed for a staff member’s work on a case. All staff can use the New entry view where they must select their name, the case they worked on, and the number of hours they worked to be able to create a new entry to be used for invoicing the client.


  • Case number and staff. This formula field create a combination of the case number and the Staff member billing hours for the particular case.
  • Date entered. The date the billed hours were entered.
  • Case. This field is linked to the Cases table to identify the Case the Staff member is billing for.
  • Case number . This field looks to the Cases table to highlight the number associated with the case.
  • Staff member. The staff member billing hours pulled from the Staff table.
  • Staff rate. The Staff member 's billing rate pulled from the Staff table.
  • Hours worked. The number of hours the member has worked on the Case.
  • Amount billed. The number of Hours worked multiplied by the Staff rate to calculate the final charge the member is billing.
  • Amount billed number. This field is used purely for calculation purposes and is hidden from all views.


  • All billing entries. Displays all billing entries sorted in chronological order of Date entered.
  • Big charges. Displays billing entries that charge more than 50,000 of the currency sorted by highest charge to lowest charge.
  • New entry. Displays a shareable form used to enter hours being billed.


Plenty of effort goes into working legal cases. This table enables you to create invoices to get paid for all the hard work and effort the staff has put into the case. Quickly identify unpaid invoices, the person the invoice should be sent to, and a copy of the invoice itself.


  • Number. The invoice number.
  • Case. This field indicates which Case from the Cases table the invoice pertains to.
  • Total billed. The total amount billed on the invoice. This data is pulled from the Billing entries table.
  • Date sent. The date the invoice was sent out.
  • Contact billed. This field indicates which Contact from the Contacts table was the recipient of the invoice.
  • Copy. A copy of the invoice.
  • Paid. Whether the invoice was paid or not.


  • All invoices. Displays all invoices sorted first by paid invoices, then by earliest date first.
  • Unpaid. Displays invoices that haven’t been paid yet sorted in chronological order of Date sent.
  • New invoice. Displays a shareable form that can be used to add a new invoice to the list.