Lightweight CRM
Sales and CRM

This Lightweight Customer Relationship Management template is designed for people who want a solid and customizable foundation to manage their business relationships. It helps you with your opportunities pipelines, your contacts, and all activities related to build solid business relationships. It could be a perfect fit for freelancers, founders, entrepreneurs and business owners that are looking for a solid but customizable starting point to quickly start managing their business relationships.

While CRM tools provide a solid relationship management solution, most CRM tools make too many assumptions about how a CRM should work for you, forcing you to work in a way that doesn’t fit your workflow. More than often, these tools can be overly complex, meaning you end up with a huge number of features you don’t put in use because you don’t have the time to learn all of them. This lightweight CRM is perfect for freelancers, founders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners who need to manage relationships of all types. It will give you a starting point to manage many relationships for your business and you can and customize it to fit your unique needs.

This template consists of 4 tables in your database. These tables are:

  • Contacts: For keeping track of individuals.
  • Companies: For keeping track of organizations that individuals belong to.
  • Pipelines: For keeping track of the opportunities with individuals.
  • Activities: For keeping track of the activities you’ve done related to the individuals.

Each table is designed to make as few assumptions as possible about the information you want to track, so they only include fields that are necessary to help you start as soon as possible to manage your business relationships.

Database: Lightweight CRM


This table contains the general information about a company and statistics about the number of pipelines and their status.


  • Name. The company’s name.
  • Address. The company’s address.
  • Industry. This single select field indicates the type of industry the company is active in.
  • Size. This single select field indicates the company’s number of employees.
  • Website. The company’s website.
  • Notes. This long text field contains additional notes about the company.
  • Contacts. This linked field to the Contacts table shows an overview of all the contacts associated with the company.
  • Pipelines. This linked field to the Pipelines table shows an overview of all the pipelines associated with the company.
  • Pipelines count. This count field counts the company’s number of pipelines.
  • Active pipelines count. This formula field calculates the number of pipelines that are currently active.
  • Total contract value. This rollup field calculates the sum of all contracts.
  • Total closed won. This formula field calculates the sum of all won contracts.
  • Total closed lost. This formula field calculates the sum of all lost contracts.
  • Total in progress. This formula field calculates the sum of all contracts that are still in progress.


  • All companies. Displays all companies without filters, sorted by Name.
  • All companies grouped by size. Displays all companies without filters, grouped by Size, sorted by Name.
  • Companies with active pipelines. Displays the companies where the Active pipelines count is higher than 0.


This table contains general information about contacts and the activities that are associated with them.


  • Name. The contact’s name.
  • Title. The contact’s job tile.
  • Company. This linked field to the Companies table specifies the contact’s company.
  • Email. The contact’s e-mail.
  • Phone. The contact’s phone.
  • LinkedIn. The contact’s LinkedIn profile.
  • Activities. This linked field to the Activities table shows an overview of all the activities associated with the contact.
  • Activities count. This count field counts the number of activities related to the contact.
  • Last activity. This rollup field calculates the date of the last activity with the contact.
  • Company name. This rollup field holds the name of the company. The field is hidden by default since it is only used to create a group by view.
  • Employee. This formula field holds the e-mail address of the contact. This field is hidden by default since it is only used by the Application Builder.


  • All contacts. Displays all contacts without filters, sorted by Name.
  • Contacts without recent activity. Displays that contacts where the Last activity is less than a month.
  • All contacts grouped by company. Displays all contacts without filters, grouped by Company, sorted by Name.
  • Add contact. Displays a form view that facilitates adding a new contact to the database.


This table contains general information about pipelines and the activities that are associated with them.


  • Opportunity. The pipeline’s opportunity name.
  • Company. This is a linked field to the Companies table, which specifies the company associated with the pipeline.
  • Description. The pipeline’s description.
  • Stage. This single select field indicates the current stage of the pipeline.
  • Expected close date. The pipeline’s expected close date.
  • Contract value. The pipeline’s contract value.
  • Notes. This long text field contains additional notes about the pipeline.
  • Activities. This linked field to the Activities table shows an overview of all the activities associated with the pipeline.
  • Activities count. This count field counts the number of activities.
  • Owner. This linked field to the Employee table specifies the employee that is responsible for the pipeline.
  • Company name. This rollup field holds the name of the company. The field is hidden by default since it is only used to create a group by view.
  • Owner name. This rollup field holds the name of the owner. The field is hidden by default since it is only used to create a group by view.
  • Owner e-mail. This formula field holds the e-mail address of the owner. This field is hidden by default since it is only used by the application builder.


  • All pipelines. Displays all pipelines without filters, sorted by Expected close date.
  • All pipelines grouped by company. Displays all pipelines without filters, grouped by Company, sorted by Expected close date.
  • All pipelines grouped by owner. Displays all pipelines without filters, grouped by Owner, sorted by Expected close date.
  • Pipelines without activities. Displays the pipelines where that Activities count is higher than 0.
  • Pipelines with high contract values. Displays the pipelines where the Contract Value is higher than 10,000.
  • All pipelines stacked by stage. Displays all pipelines stacked by Stage.
  • All pipelines in calendar view. Displays all pipelines in a calendar view.
  • Add pipeline. Displays a form view that facilitates adding a new pipeline to the database.



  • Activity. This single select field indicates the type of activity.
  • Contact. This linked field to the Contacts table specifies the contact that is involved in the activity.
  • Pipeline. This linked field to the Pipelines table specifies the pipeline associated with the activity.
  • Date. The activity’s date.
  • Notes. This long text field contains additional notes about the activity.
  • Employee. This lookup field to the Pipelines table shows the owner of the pipeline.
  • Attachment. This file field allows to upload documents associated with the activity.
  • Contacts name. This rollup field holds the name of the contact. The field is hidden by default since it is only used to create a group by view.
  • Pipeline name. This rollup field holds the name of the pipeline. The field is hidden by default since it is only used to create a group by view.
  • Employee email. This formula field holds the e-mail address of the employee. This field is hidden by default since it is only used by the Application Builder.
  • Employee name. This formula field holds the name of the employee. This field is hidden by default since it is only used by the Application Builder.


  • All activities. Displays all activities without filters, sorted by Date.
  • Upcoming activities.
  • All activities grouped by pipeline. Displays all activities without filters, grouped by Pipeline, sorted by Date.
  • All activities grouped by contacts. Displays all activities without filters, grouped by Contact, sorted by Date.
  • All activities in a calendar view. Displays all activities in a calendar view.
  • Add activity. Displays a form view that facilitates adding a new activity to the database.



  • Name. The employee’s name.
  • Email. The employee’s email.
  • Phone. The employee’s phone number.
  • Pipelines. This linked field to the Pipelines table shows an overview of all the pipelines where the employee is responsible for.
  • Total pipelines count. This count field counts the number of pipelines.
  • Active pipelines count. This formula field calculates the number of active pipelines.
  • Password. This password field is by default set to template. This password field is used by the Application Builder.


  • All employees. Displays all employees without filters, sorted by Total pipelines count.

Application: CRM application


This page allows to user to identify themselves.


  • After login: the authenticated user is redirected to the Homepage.


This page shows an overview of the contacts, pipelines and upcoming activities of the authenticated user. There are buttons to add contacts, pipelines and activities through a shared form view.

Data sources

  • My contacts. All Contacts of the authenticated user.
  • My pipelines. All Pipelines of the authenticated user.
  • Upcoming activities. The Activities of the authenticated user that have a date in the future.


This page shows an overview of all the companies in a table element. The table has a link to the details of each pipeline.

Data sources

  • All companies. All Companies that are available in the database.

Company details

This page shows the details of a single company. It also shows that associated pipelines and contacts in a table element. There are buttons to add pipelines and contacts through a shared form view.

Data sources

  • Company. A single Company based on the ID.
  • Related pipelines. All Pipelines that are associated with the company.
  • Related contacts. All Contacts that are associated with the company.


This page shows an overview of all the contacts in a table element. The table has a link to the details of each contact. There is a button to add a new contact through a shared form view.

Data sources

  • All contacts. All Contacts that are available in the database.

Contact details

This page shows the details of a single contact. It also shows the associated activities in a table element. There is a button to add a new activity through a shared form view.

Data sources

  • Contact. A single Contact based on the ID.
  • Related activities. All Activities that are associated with the company.


This page shows an overview of all the pipelines in a table element. The table has a link to the details of each pipeline. There is a button to add a new pipeline through a shared form view.

Data sources

  • All pipelines. All Pipelines that are available in the database.

Pipeline details

This page shows the details of a single pipeline. It also shows the associated activities in a table element. There is a button to add a new activity through a shared form view. There is a form to update the notes about the pipeline.

Data sources

  • Pipeline. A single Pipeline based on the ID.
  • Related activities. All Activities that are associated with the company.


  • On click:
    • Updates the notes in the Pipelines table.
    • Shows a notification that the operation was successful.


This page shows an overview of all the activities in a table element. The table has a link to the details of each activity.

Data sources

  • All activities. All Activities that are available in the database.

Activity details

This page shows the details of a single activity. There is a form to update the notes about the activity. The iFrame element allows to show the attachment if this is an image or PDF document.

Data sources

  • Activitiy. A single Activity based on the ID.


  • On click:
    • Updates the notes in the Activities table.
    • Shows a notification that the operation was successful.