Media Tracking

Monitoring media performance is essential for understanding audience engagement. By tracking publications and measuring interactions such as likes, clicks, and shares, you gain valuable insights into how your content resonates with your audience. Efficiently managing this data helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your media efforts, refine your strategies, and enhance your overall impact in reaching and engaging with your target audience.

The Publications table is the main table in this template. It links to the Publishers and Contacts table.

Each publication contains general information like a Title, Description and Publication date. Besides this general information it contains multiple fields such as Views, Likes, Comments and Shares that allows to calculate the Engagement rate of the publication. There is a formula field that categorizes this engagement rate as excellent, good or average.

This information is also used in the Publishers table to offer a quick insight on which publishers deliver an excellent engagement rate.

Each table comes with multiple views allowing you to get the best insights in the data. Explore and customize these predefined table views to make media tracking easier and more efficient.

Database: Media Tracking



  • Title (Text)

  • Publish Date (Date)

  • Description (Text)

  • Link (Url)

  • Tags (Multiple select)

  • SEO Rating (Number)

  • Backlink Rating (Number)

  • UTM code (Text)

  • Views (Number)

  • Category (Single select)

  • Likes (Number)

  • Comments (Number)

  • Shares (Number)

  • Other interactions (Number)

  • Engagement rate (Formula)

  • ER Category (Formula)

  • Author (Link to table)

  • Publisher (Link to table)

  • Interal (Boolean)

  • Publisher (name) (Rollup)


  • All publications (grid)

  • Publications this month (grid)

  • Internal publications (grid)

  • External publications (grid)

  • Publications with SEO ratings >= 90% (grid)

  • Publications with backlink rating >= 80% (grid)

  • Publications with excellent engagement rate (grid)

  • Publications with good engagement rate (grid)

  • Publications with average engagement rate (grid)

  • All publications grouped by category (grid)

  • All publications grouped by publisher (grid)

  • All publications grouped by E.R. category (grid)

  • Calendar: all publications with publication date (calendar)

  • Add new publication (form)



  • Name (Text)

  • Type (Single select)

  • Industry (Single select)

  • URL (Url)

  • Audience Size (Number)

  • Contact Person (Link to table)

  • Publications (Link to table)

  • International (Boolean)

  • Publications count (Count)

  • Excellent ER publications (Formula)


  • All publishers (grid)

  • All publishers grouped by type (grid)

  • All publishers grouped by industry (grid)

  • Publishers with audience size >= 300k (grid)

  • Publishers with multiple publications (grid)

  • Publishers with multiple excellent - rated publications (grid)



  • Name (Text)

  • Title (Text)

  • Phone (Phone number)

  • Email (Email)

  • Image (File)

  • Publisher (Link to table)

  • Publications (Link to table)

  • Industry (Lookup)


  • All contacts (grid)

  • Gallery: all contacts (gallery)