Meeting Room Booking
Business Operations

Most offices have meeting rooms that can be used by anyone who works there. And, of course, you need to book or reserve a room in advance to make sure there are meeting rooms for every meeting and to avoid scheduling conflicts. In order to get the most out of your office space, your company may also decide to rent out meeting rooms that employees rarely use. Sometimes these office spaces are too big for typical meetings, or they were acquired as investment assets. In any case, this template should help you manage your office’s meeting rooms and keep track of which rooms are booked for which meetings.

This simple template lets you manage your office’s meeting rooms and keep track of which rooms are reserved for which meetings. Aside from being easy to use, it also has different table views where you can quickly see information about meeting rooms and bookings. Anyone in your office should be able to use this template. This template helps you organize and figure out basic information about the meeting rooms and room reservations in your office. To begin using this template, you must first populate the directory tables. Start with the Titles table, then move on to the Departments table, then the Office locations table, then the Meeting rooms table, and finally the Employees table. Once all of the directory tables have been filled in, you can start making meeting room reservations using the Bookings table. Check this template’s tables and table views to understand how this template can help your organization:


This table contains all bookings made for meetings in every meeting room at your organization’s or company’s office locations. You can use this table’s form view to book meeting rooms for your meetings. However, before booking a meeting room, check the other table views to see if the meeting room is free or available. This will help you avoid booking conflicts.


  • ID. An autogenerated unique identifier for this booking record or row.
  • Room. This field is linked to the Meeting rooms table, identifying the specific meeting room for this booking.
  • Type. This field is a lookup field based on this record’s Room field, specifying the meeting room’s setup and style.
  • Office location. This field is a lookup field based on this record’s Room field, indicating the location where the meeting room can be found.
  • Booked by. This field is linked to the Employees table, identifying the employee who made this booking or the employee this booking is for.
  • Time start. The date and time when the use of the meeting room starts.
  • Time end. The date and time when the use of the meeting room ends.
  • Duration (minutes). This is a formula field that calculates how long the meeting room is going to be used based on the difference between the Time start and Time end fields.
  • Participant count. This is a formula field that counts the total number of meeting attendees or participants based on the Booked by and Participants fields.
  • Participants. This field is linked to the Employees table and shows a list of all the employees who have been invited to this meeting.
  • Notes. This is a quick description or remarks about this booking or meeting.
  • Room text. This is a formula field that turns the link-to-table field named Room into sortable text. This field is hidden by default.


  • All bookings. Displays all meeting room bookings without any filters, sorted by the oldest to the most recent Time start, then by Room text from A to Z.
  • Bookings today. Displays all meeting room bookings scheduled for today, sorted by the oldest to the most recent Time start, then by Room text from A to Z.
  • Bookings before today. Displays all meeting room bookings scheduled before today, sorted by the oldest to the most recent Time start, then by Room text from A to Z.
  • Bookings after today. Displays all meeting room bookings scheduled after today, sorted by the oldest to the most recent Time start, then by Room text from A to Z.
  • Bookings this week. Displays all meeting room bookings scheduled this week, sorted by the oldest to the most recent Time start, then by Room text from A to Z.
  • Bookings this month. Displays all meeting room bookings scheduled this month, sorted by the oldest to the most recent Time start, then by Room text from A to Z.
  • Book a meeting room. Displays a form view that allows users to schedule or book meeting rooms.

Meeting rooms

This table lists all of the meeting rooms in your organization’s or company’s office locations. Rows with a red left bar by the left border are meeting rooms that are currently inactive.


  • Name. The room’s name that also serves as a unique identifier for this meeting room.
  • Photo. A field where you can store and upload pictures that have to do with this meeting room.
  • Accommodates. The seating capacity of this meeting room.
  • Size (m²). The size of this meeting room in square meters.
  • Type. The meeting room’s setup and style.
  • With big screen. A boolean field that specifies whether this meeting room has a big screen or not.
  • With whiteboard. A boolean field that specifies whether this meeting room has a whiteboard or not.
  • Office location. This field is linked to the Office locations table, indicating the location where this meeting room can be found.
  • Local extension number. The meeting room’s local or extension number based on the organization’s trunk line.
  • Booking total. A formula field that indicates how many times this meeting room has been booked.
  • Remarks. A short description or remarks about this meeting room.
  • Is active. A boolean field that indicates whether this meeting room is available for bookings or not.
  • Related bookings. This field is linked to the Bookings table, which links all booking records to this meeting room.


  • All meeting rooms. Displays all meeting rooms without any filters, sorted by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest, then by Accommodates from biggest to smallest.
  • With big screen. Displays all active meeting rooms with a big screen, sorted by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest, then by Accommodates from biggest to smallest.
  • With whiteboard. Displays all active meeting rooms with a whiteboard, sorted by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest, then by Accommodates from biggest to smallest.
  • Most booked rooms. Displays all meeting rooms with bookings or that were previously booked, sorted from the most booked to the least, then by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest.
  • Meeting rooms. Displays a photo gallery of active meeting rooms, sorted by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest, then by Accommodates from biggest to smallest.
  • By location: One world square. Displays a photo gallery of active meeting rooms in the One world square location, sorted by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest, then by Accommodates from biggest to smallest.
  • By location: Net cube - executive floors. Displays a photo gallery of active meeting rooms in the Net cube - executive floors location, sorted by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest, then by Accommodates from biggest to smallest.
  • By location: Net cube - operations 3F. Displays a photo gallery of active meeting rooms in the Net cube - operations 3F location, sorted by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest, then by Accommodates from biggest to smallest.
  • By location: Net cube - operations 5F. Displays a photo gallery of active meeting rooms in the Net cube - operations 5F location, sorted by Size (sqm) from biggest to smallest, then by Accommodates from biggest to smallest.
  • Room types. Displays a kanban view of active meeting rooms stacked according to the meeting rooms’ Type field.


The Employees table provides the contact information for each member of your organization. This table is connected to most of the other tables that are present in this database. Feel free to add or remove fields in this table to suit or comply with your organization’s security policy.


  • Full name. A formula field that shows the employee’s full name.
  • Photo. The employee’s photograph.
  • Last name. The employee’s last name.
  • First name. The employee’s first (given) name.
  • Middle initial. The employee’s middle initial.
  • Booking total. A formula field that indicates how many times this employee made meeting room bookings.
  • Title. This field is linked to the Titles table, indicating the employee’s current title or position in the organization.
  • Department. This field is linked to the Departments table, which indicates the department the employee belongs.
  • Office location. This field is linked to the Office locations table, indicating the location of the employee’s office.
  • Local extension number. The employee’s local or extension number based on the organization’s trunk line.
  • Phone number. The employee’s current phone or mobile number.
  • Email. The employee’s email address.
  • Address. The employee’s home address.
  • Zip code. The mailing zip code of the employee’s home address.
  • Supervisor. This field is linked to the same table and shows who this employee’s immediate supervisor is.
  • Remarks. This field is for recording any notes or remarks about the employee.
  • Start date. The date the employee joined the organization.
  • End date. The date the employee left the organization. This is used when the employee is inactive or has left the organization.
  • Status. The employment status of the employee.
  • Is active. A checkbox that indicates whether the employee is still with the organization or not.
  • Related bookings. This field is linked to the Bookings table, indicating all meeting room bookings made by this employee. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related invites. This field is linked to the Bookings table and shows all of the bookings to which this employee was invited. This field is hidden by default.


  • All employees. Displays all employees without any filters sorted by Full name in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Add new employee. Displays a form view for the purpose of simplifying the entry of basic contact information for employees.
  • Active employees. Displays a gallery of all active employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Full-time employees. Displays a gallery of all active, full-time employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Part-time employees. Displays a gallery of all active, part-time employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Seasonal employees. Displays a gallery of all active, seasonal employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Temporary employees. Displays a gallery of all active, temporary employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Employees by status. Displays a Kanban view of active employees stacked by Status.


This table allows you to maintain and manage a list of job roles with their descriptions. As an example, this template has a predefined list of titles for a software development business.


  • Name. The position name.
  • Level. A single select field specifying the position’s level in the hierarchy of roles.
  • Description. A description of the title, which may include position specifics and responsibilities.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of active employees with this title.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, identifying all employees or staff members using this title. This field is hidden by default.


  • All titles. Displays all the titles or staff designations in an organization without any filters.
  • Business analysis. Displays all titles related to business analysis.
  • Quality assurance. Displays all titles related to quality assurance.
  • Software engineering. Displays all titles related to software engineering.
  • Human resources. Displays all titles related to human resources or recruitment.
  • Executive. Displays all titles related to the company’s executives.
  • By level. Displays a kanban view of all titles stacked by Level.


Among the many types of departments are those dealing with finance, law, human resources, advertising, and so on. It’s common practice in large and medium-sized companies for these departments to collaborate with each other to carry out business functions, so use this table as needed to fit your organization.


  • Name. The name of the department.
  • Description. A short description of the department.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of active employees under this department.
  • Is active. A checkbox that indicates whether the department is active or not.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, indicating all employees assigned to the current department. This field is hidden by default.


  • All departments. Displays all departments sorted in alphabetical order by Name from A to Z.
  • Active departments. Displays a gallery of active departments arranged in alphabetical order by Name from A to Z.

Office locations

As your business grows, so will the size of your office. Expanding into new locations and spaces is a distinct possibility. You can use this table to keep track of where your offices are located.


  • Location. The name or identifier of the specific location.
  • Photo. A photograph of the building or office room identifying this location.
  • Floor. This specifies the building level or floor where the office room is located.
  • Street. This is the street where this office is located.
  • City. This is the city where this office is located.
  • State. This is the state where this office is located.
  • Zip code. The mailing zip code of this office location.
  • Phone number. The main or trunk line phone number of this location.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of active employees in this location.
  • Meeting room count. This is a formula field that counts all meeting rooms found in this office location.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, identifying all employees or staff members assigned to this location. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related rooms. This field is linked to the Meeting rooms table, which links every meeting room found in this location.


  • All locations. Displays all the locations of the organization’s offices without any filters sorted by Location in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Locations. Displays a gallery of the organization’s offices.