Moving Company Manager
Business Operations
Personal and Hobbies

This template compiles all necessary requirements for each moving job, providing a clear overview of each job and its requirements. The template accounts for many details, ranging from employee availability, to the number of flights of stairs the employees must carry the furniture. Easily identify which vehicle and employees are available for each moving job with first time or repeat customers. Store all moving job data in this template to make the job orchestration process more efficient.

Moving is widely regarded as one of the most stressful things you can do in life. Simplify your customers’ lives by providing them with a smooth transition process facilitated by the company’s hard workers. Compile all components of each move into one primary location to keep an eye on repeat customers and locations. Easily view the workers’ availability and experiences. Quickly identify all details required to make an informed decision about the best vehicle to use, the best suited employees to assign to the job, and the best time for the move. This template is designed to minimize the stress of moving for all the parties involved. Don’t just take our word for it, though—drive through our template’s many roads, organized by table:


This table serves as a job overview. It identifies all the most important pieces of each job, including the customers, pick up location, destination, workers, and vehicles associated with the job. Whether you’re trying to identify which employee worked on a specific job or date, this table makes the search process nearly effortless. Having a job overview provides insight for how the company’s business is doing.


  • Job ID. A unique ID for the job.
  • Customer(s). The name of the customer(s).
  • Date and time. The move date and time.
  • Moving from. The address the customers are moving from. This field is linked to the Locations table.
  • Moving to. The address the customers are moving to. This field is also linked to the Locations table.
  • Distance (km). The distance from the source address to the target address calculated in km.
  • Required flights of stairs. A formula field that calculates the flights of stairs a user must climb if the building does not have an elevator. This field looks to the Locations table to gather the necessary data.
  • Big furniture. A multi select option that indicates the different large or fragile pieces of furniture that must be moved. This is helpful when determining how much protective gear and wrapping the movers should bring to the job.
  • Vehicle used. This field looks to the Vehicles table to select the VIN of the vehicle used for the job.
  • Number of workers required. The number of workers the job requires.
  • Notes. Additional notes about the job.
  • Workers assigned. This table links to the Employees table to identify which workers have been assigned to the job.
  • Workers still needed. This formula field calculates the number of workers that are still needed for the job.


  • All jobs. Displays all jobs sorted by earliest date to most recent date.
  • Need workers. Displays all jobs that need additional workers sorted by the highest number of workers still needed to the lowest.
  • Labor-intensive. Displays jobs that require 4 or more movers sorted by the highest number of movers to the lowest amount.
  • Long distance. Displays jobs that require travel over 20 km sorted by farthest distance to shortest.
  • New job. Displays a form used to add a new job to the list.


Assisting with relocations for customers can be a physical challenge for many. This table identifies all of the employees at the company that work hard to make the moving process as smooth for the customer. All of their contact info as well as previous jobs they’ve worked on are included in the table.


  • Name. The employee’s name.
  • Photo. The employee’s photo.
  • Phone number. The employee’s phone number.
  • Email address. The employee’s email address.
  • Hire date. The employee’s start date at the company.
  • Availability. The employee’s availability pulled from the Shifts table.
  • Worked jobs. The various jobs the employee worked pulled from the Jobs table.
  • Number of jobs. A formula field that calculates the number of jobs the employee worked.


  • All employees. Displays all employees in alphabetical order.
  • Experienced. Displays employees that have worked more than a number of jobs, in this case 3 jobs. This view is sorted by most jobs worked to least number of jobs.
  • Available weekday mornings. Displays employees that are available to work Monday-Friday in the mornings sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Available on weekends. Displays employees that are able to work any shift on the weekends sorted in alphabetical order.
  • All employees gallery. Displays all employees in the form of a gallery also sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New employee. Displays a form that can be used to enter the details of a new employee.


Once customers have a successful move facilitated by a moving company, they tend to turn back to the same moving company for all future moving needs if/when possible. Building the trust with customers is key to keeping a healthy business blooming. This table identifies all customers that have used the moving service as well as which jobs they were a part of.


  • Name. The customer’s name.
  • Photo. The customer’s photo.
  • Phone number. The customer’s phone number.
  • Email address. The customer’s email address.
  • Related jobs. This linked field shows the customer’s related jobs, based on the Jobs table.
  • Number of jobs. This formula field calculates the number of jobs the customer has contracted the company for.


  • All customers. Displays all customers sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Repeat customers. Displays customers that have used the moving company more than once sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Customers gallery. Displays all customers in a gallery view sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New customer. Displays a form that can be shared to add a new customer to the list.


The requirements for moving can vary largely depending on where the pick-up location is and where the destination is. This table identifies each previous location used as either a source or a destination for a move. It contains all details about the homes including the flights of stairs and the space size. If you’ve had a move to or from the same home, easily pull up all the necessary details without needing to reenter all of the location details. What a breeze!


  • Address. The location address.
  • Type. The type of home.
  • Size (m²). The size of the home in square meters.
  • Has elevator. A boolean field that depicts whether the building has an elevator or not.
  • Flights of stairs. The number of slights of stairs required to reach the unit.
  • Used as a pickup for. This field pulls the ID from the Jobs table for the jobs where this location was used as the pick up location.
  • Used as a target for. This field pulls the ID from the Jobs table for the jobs where this location was used as the target location.


  • All locations. Displays all locations sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Stairs required. Displays locations that require the movers to take the stairs sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Large spaces. Displays locations that are larger than 80 sq meters sorted by largest space to smallest space.
  • By type. Displays all locations stacked by type in the form of a kanban view.
  • New location. Displays a form used to add more locations to the list.


Moving vehicles are a critical investment for a moving company. Having trucks of various sizes and capacities helps the movers use a vehicle that fits all of the customer’s belongings in one go. The fewer trips required for a move, the greater the efficiency. Keep a log of all vehicles, the jobs they are used for, and the employees that are using them in this table.


  • VIN. The vehicle’s vehicle identification number.
  • Photo. A picture of the vehicle.
  • Used for. The primary recommended uses for the vehicle.
  • Jobs used for. A linked field to the Jobs table to identify which jobs the vehicle was used for.
  • Used on. A field that looks to the Jobs table to display the date the vehicle was used.
  • Interior length (m). The vehicle’s interior length in meters.
  • Interior width (m). The vehicle’s interior width measurement in meters.
  • Interior height (m). The vehicle’s interior height measurement in meters.
  • Deck height from ground (m). The height of the deck from the ground measured in meters.
  • Deck length (m). The deck’s length in meters.
  • Gross vehicle weight (kg). The maximum number of kilograms the truck can support.
  • Has load ramp. A boolean field that indicates whether the truck has a ramp used for loading or not.
  • Seats. The number of seats the vehicle has.
  • Frequency used. A formula field that calculates the number of times the vehicle has been used for jobs.


  • All vehicles. Displays all vehicles sorted by most frequently used to least frequently used.
  • Vehicles gallery. DIsplays all vehicles in the form of a gallery sorted by most commonly used to less frequently used.
  • New vehicle. Displays a form that can be used to add a new vehicle to the list.


This table breaks the week apart into different shifts that cover company moving hours. It allows employees to select their availability as well as display which shifts have the most available employees for moving jobs.


  • Day and time range. The shift’s day of the week and time range in 24 hour format.
  • Duration (hours). The number of hours the shift is composed of.
  • Employees available to work. Pulls the employees that are available to work the shift from the Employees table.
  • Number of employees available. Counts the number of employees available to cover the shift. This is a great field to reference when deciding what time would be best for moves if the client has flexibility.


  • All shifts. Displays all days and times of the week broken down into shifts.
  • Most employees available. Displays shifts that have over 5 employees available.
  • By duration. Displays all shifts stacked by their duration in the form of a kanban view.