New Hire Onboarding
HR and Recruiting

As your company grows and the number of employees does too, it can be hard to get new hires used to your company’s environment and get them up to speed quickly on how things work. A good way to handle bringing on new employees is to come up with standard tasks and streamline all of the necessary onboarding activities. A better way to do this is to use this template to help you organize tasks. Each new hire gets a checklist of things to do. This template also lets you quickly keep track of new hires by job title, department, and office location. This template has a number of tables and views that help you monitor the things that need to be done when a new employee starts.

When a business hires a lot of new people, it’s important to have a process for getting them up to speed. Managing onboarding the right way can make it easier to keep track of tasks and speed up the process. This template is a flexible tool that can help you keep track of how your organization is onboarding new people. Whether you’re in HR or a manager of a small or large team, this template will help you. Most, if not all, of the standard types of information for onboarding, are already set up for you in this template. To use this template’s features, you must first populate its lookup tables. Start with the Titles table, then move on to the Departments table, and finally, the Office locations table. Then, you can start putting your employees’ contact information, including that of new hires, in the Employees table. Next, add all of your standard onboarding tasks to the Tasks table. Last, use the Tasks table as a reference to make customized checklists for each new hire to the Checklists table. Check out this template’s tables and views to see how it can help you!


The Tasks table contains and organizes all of the standard onboarding tasks that can be included in every new hire’s checklist. It also identifies who in the company is in charge of overseeing and keeping track of certain onboarding tasks.


  • Title. A short name for the task.
  • Priority. A single select field for indicating how important this task is.
  • Category. A single select field that lets you choose the classification of this task.
  • Type. A single select field that says what kind of session the task is, like a class, an online meeting, processing paperwork, etc.
  • Description. A complete description of this task.
  • Deadline. A single select field that lets you choose when the task is due and how long it should take. This field is used as an input in the formula field with the same name in the Checklists table.
  • Office location. This field is linked to the Office locations table, which shows where this task is likely to be done.
  • Task leader. This field is linked to the Employees table and tells you which employee is in charge of this task and is responsible for keeping it up-to-date.
  • Resources. This field allows you to attach documents related to the task.
  • Web reference. The URL where you can find more information about this task.
  • Related checklists. This field is linked to the Checklists table, which links all checklists that included this task. Hidden by default.


  • All tasks. Displays all common onboarding tasks without any filters.
  • By priority. Displays a kanban view of all onboarding tasks stacked by Priority.
  • By category. Displays a kanban view of all onboarding tasks stacked by Category.
  • By type. Displays a kanban view of all onboarding tasks stacked by Type.
  • By deadline. Displays a kanban view of all onboarding tasks stacked by Deadline.
  • Add new task. Displays a form view that allows you to add more common onboarding tasks.


This table has all the checklists for each new employee at your company. A formula field was added to make it easy to group onboarding tasks for each employee and also to use background color to add emphasis to groups. This table lets you make as many shareable grid views that focus on new hires as you need.


  • ID. This field is the record’s unique identifier, which is automatically generated.
  • New hire. This field is linked to the Employees table, specifying the new hire this checklist is for.
  • Task. This field is linked to the Tasks table, which links this record to the onboarding task and gives more information about what needs to be done for the checklist.
  • Status. A single select field indicating the current state of the task.
  • Priority. This is a lookup field that gets the task’s assigned priority based on the selected data in the Task field.
  • Category. This is a lookup field that gets the task’s assigned category based on the selected data in the Task field.
  • Type. This is a lookup field that gets the task’s assigned type based on the selected data in the Task field.
  • Mentor. This field is linked to the Employees table, indicating the assigned onboarding mentor for this task.
  • Description. This is a lookup field that gets the task’s description based on the selected data in the Task field.
  • Deadline. This is a formula field that calculates the due date of this task based on the new hire’s Start date from the Employees table and the task’s Deadline from the Tasks table.
  • Office location. This is a lookup field that gets the task’s office location based on the selected data in the Task field.
  • Web reference. This is a lookup field that gets the task’s web reference based on the selected data in the Task field.
  • Notes. This long text field is for any remarks or notes related to the task.
  • Attachments. This field allows you to attach documents related to the task.
  • Group bgcolor. This is a formula field that assigns a group background color for every checklist. Hidden by default.
  • New hire for sorting. This is a formula field that converts the value of the New hire field into text to make it sortable. Hidden by default.
  • Deadline for sorting. This is a formula field that converts the value of the Deadline field into text to make it sortable. Hidden by default.


  • All checklists. Displays all checklist recorded in the database without any filters, sorted alphabetically by New hire for sorting and then by Deadline for sorting.
  • Checklist for Donald K. Wright. Displays a customized and shareable grid view of onboarding tasks specifically assigned to the new hire, Donald K. Wright.
  • Checklist for Lena C. Hogan. Displays a customized and shareable grid view of onboarding tasks specifically assigned to the new hire, Lena C. Hogan.
  • Checklist for Nora I. Mott. Displays a customized and shareable grid view of onboarding tasks specifically assigned to the new hire, Nora I. Mott.
  • Checklist for Sandra B. Love. Displays a customized and shareable grid view of onboarding tasks specifically assigned to the new hire, Sandra B. Love.
  • Checklist for Thomas R. Nickson. Displays a customized and shareable grid view of onboarding tasks specifically assigned to the new hire, Thomas R. Nickson.
  • Add a checklist item. Displays a form view that enables adding or inserting an onboarding task onto the new employee’s onboarding checklist.


In the Employees table, you can find contact information for each person in the organization. This table is linked to all the other tables in this database.


  • Full name. A formula field that combines the last, first, and middle names of the employee.
  • Is new hire. A formula field that checks if the employee is a new hire by looking in the Checklists table for incomplete employee task records.
  • Photo. The employee’s photograph.
  • Last name. The employee’s last name.
  • First name. The employee’s first (given) name.
  • Middle initial. The employee’s middle initial.
  • Title. This field is linked to the Titles table, indicating the employee’s current title or position in the organization.
  • Department. This field is linked to the Departments table, which indicates the department the employee belongs.
  • Office location. This field is linked to the Office locations table, indicating the location of the employee’s office.
  • Local extension number. The employees local or extension number based on the organization’s trunk line.
  • Phone number. The employee’s current phone or mobile number.
  • Email. The employee’s email address.
  • Address. The employee’s home address.
  • Zip code. The mailing zip code of the employee’s home address.
  • Supervisor.. The full name of the employee’s supervisor.
  • Remarks. This field is for recording any notes or remarks about the employee.
  • Start date. The date the employee joined the organization.
  • End date. The date the employee left the organization. This is used when the employee is inactive or has left the organization.
  • Status. The employment status of the employee.
  • Is active. A checkbox that indicates whether the employee is still with the organization or not.
  • Row ID. A formula field that gets the row ID of the employee’s record so that the employee’s onboarding tasks are grouped together in the Checklists table. Hidden by default.
  • Related tasks. This field is linked to the Tasks table and shows which tasks this employee is in charge of and is responsible for. Hidden by default.
  • Related checklists. This field is linked to the Checklists table and shows all the specific tasks in the employee’s checklist that have to do with the employee’s onboarding. Hidden by default.
  • Related checklists as mentor. This field is linked to the Checklists table and shows what tasks this employee does as a mentor for a new hire. Hidden by default.


  • All employees. Displays all employees without any filters sorted by Full name in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Add new employee. Displays a form view for the purpose of simplifying the entry of basic contact information for employees.
  • New hires. Displays a gallery of all new hires alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Active employees. Displays a gallery of all active employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Full-time employees. Displays a gallery of all active, full-time employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Part-time employees. Displays a gallery of all active, part-time employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Seasonal employees. Displays a gallery of all active, seasonal employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Temporary employees. Displays a gallery of all active, temporary employees sorted alphabetically by Full name from A to Z.
  • Employees by status. Displays a kanban view of active employees stacked by Status.


You can keep and manage a list of job roles and their descriptions with this table. As an example, this template has a set list of titles for a software development business. Use this table to keep track of new hires for every job role/title.


  • Name. The position name.
  • Level. A select field that indicates the level of the title in the organization.
  • Description. A description of the title, which may include position specifics and responsibilities.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of active employees with this title.
  • New hire count. A formula field that counts the number of new hires with this title.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, identifying all employees or staff members using this title.


  • All titles. Displays all the titles or staff designations in an organization without any filters.
  • Business analysis. Displays all titles related to business analysis.
  • Quality assurance. Displays all titles related to quality assurance.
  • Software engineering. Displays all titles related to software engineering.
  • Human resources. Displays all titles related to human resources or recruitment.
  • Executive. Displays all titles related to the company’s executives.
  • By level. Displays a kanban view of all titles stacked by Level.


There are many different kinds of departments, such as those for finance, law, human resources, advertising, and so on. In large and medium-sized businesses, it’s common for these departments to work together to accomplish business tasks. Use this table as needed to fit your business. This table can be used to keep track of new hires in all departments.


  • Name. The name of the department.
  • Description. A short description of the department.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of active employees under this department.
  • New hire count. A formula field that counts the number of new hires under this department.
  • Is active. A checkbox that indicates whether the department is active or not.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, identifying all employees or staff members assigned to the current department.


  • All departments. Displays all departments sorted in alphabetical order by Name from A to Z.
  • Active departments. Displays a gallery of active departments arranged in alphabetical order by Name from A to Z.

Office locations

Your office space will get bigger as your business grows. There is a good chance that you will grow into new places and spaces. With this table, you can keep track of where your offices are. Using this table, you can also quickly find out how many new employees are assigned to certain locations.


  • Location. The name or identifier of the specific location.
  • Photo. A photograph of the building or office room identifying this location.
  • Floor. This specifies the building level or floor where the office room is located.
  • Street. This is the street where this office is located.
  • City. This is the city where this office is located.
  • State. This is the state where this office is located.
  • Zip code. The mailing zip code of this office location.
  • Phone number. The main or trunk line phone number of this location.
  • Employee count. A formula field that counts the number of active employees in this location.
  • New hire count. A formula field that counts the number of new hires in this location.
  • Related employees. This field is linked to the Employees table, identifying all employees or staff members assigned in this location.
  • Related tasks. This field is linked to the Tasks table and shows which tasks are likely to be completed in this location. Hidden by default.


  • All locations. Displays all the locations of the organization’s offices without any filters sorted by Location in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Locations. Displays a gallery of the organization’s offices.