Non-emergency Call Center
Health and Wellness

Non-emergency call centers play a critical role in keeping the community safe and addressing civilian’s concerns. These concerns can range in importance and priority, anywhere from potholes being filled, all the way to vandalism or property theft. This template simplifies the call logging, complaint filing, and ticket creating process from start to finish, rapidly improving the efficiency of the non-emergency call center responsible for such related activities.

Non-emergency centers are tasked with resolving a multitude of concerns. They must pick up each call, take note of all issues, identify the department responsible for addressing said issue, and submit a ticket for that department. This template serves as a one stop shop. It reduces the time spent searching for appropriate documents, existing complaints, and departments responsible. The increased efficiency of the non-emergency call center could have a very significant impact in the community. Take a stroll through the template, organized by table:


Logging and addressing each call is critical to resolving all non-emergency issues reported. Use this table to rapidly identify whether the caller’s phone number already exists in the system. If they do, the caller’s name will automatically be displayed. If not, effortlessly add a new phone number and name in the database. As you’re recording the caller’s concerns, quickly pull up a list of the most common complaints to select the reason for the call. Each common complaint has a designated department responsible, directing you to the department website used to submit a ticket on the caller’s behalf. If the complaint is not a common one, add all details to the notes and determine the most appropriate department to submit a ticket. Regardless of whether the caller has been in the system for years calling about the most common complaint or whether the caller is a first time caller with a complicated request, this table guides you through the center logging process!


  • Reference ID. The call’s unique ID.
  • Date and time. The date and time the call ocurred.
  • Taken by. This field links to the Employees table to identify the employee Name that took the call.
  • Caller ID. The phone number displayed from the Phone numbers table.
  • Name(s). This lookup field peeks at the Phone numbers table to identify the names that are associated with the phone number on the Caller ID.
  • New caller. This boolean field identifies whether the call was made by a first time caller.
  • Category. A single select field identifying the Category the call falls under.
  • Common reason for call. This field is linked to the Common complaints table to allow for an easy selection of one of the common complaints or reasons for calls. If the reason for the call is not on the list of common complaints, this field can be left empty and all information can be included in the Notes field.
  • Notes. Additional information or notes about the call.
  • Department to contact. This field looks to the Common complaints table to highlight the department responsible for the complaint if it is found within the table.
  • Ticket created. This field links to the Tickets table to display the ID of the ticket created in response to the call.


  • All calls. Displays all calls sorted in chronological order of Date and time.
  • From new callers. Displays all calls from first time callers sorted in chronological order of Date and time.
  • October 2022. Displays all calls received in October of 2022 sorted in chronological order of Date and time.
  • By category. Displays all calls stacked by Category in the form of a kanban view.
  • New call. Displays a shareable form used to enter a call’s details.


All employees details are stored in this table. It can also be easily referenced for metrics such as identifying the employee with the highest number of calls answered.


  • Name. The employee’s name.
  • Photo. The employee’s photo.
  • Role. The employee’s role.
  • Phone number. The employee’s phone number.
  • Email. The employee’s work email.
  • Calls taken. The calls pulled from the Calls table the employee answered.
  • Number of calls taken. The number of Calls taken by the employee.


  • All employees. Displays all employees sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By role. Displays all employees stacked by each Role in the form of a kanban view.
  • Employees gallery. Displays all employees in the form of a gallery view sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Top responders. Displays the employees with the highest number of calls taken sorted by the highest number to the lowest first and then in alphabetical order.
  • New employee. Displays a shareable form used to enter a new employee’s details.


View every individual that has called the non-emergency call center in this table. Regardless of whether they’ve changed their phone number, all caller information would remain in this table with a new phone number added to the caller’s record. If you get disconnected, identify other phone numbers the caller can be reached back at within seconds.


  • Name. The caller’s name.
  • Phone number. The caller’s phone number.
  • Date of birth. The caller’s date of birth.
  • Calls made. A field that looks at the calls made using the Phone number they are associated with.
  • Number of calls made. A formula field that calculates the number of Calls made.


  • All callers. Displays all callers sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Repeat callers. Displays callers that have made more than one call sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New caller. Displays a shareable form used to add a new caller to the list.

Phone numbers

Using this table, you can quickly identify details associated with the phone number, pull up the Associated names of the callers, and make any necessary adjustments such as remove previous callers no longer associated with the phone number.


  • Phone number. The registered phone number.
  • Associated name(s). This field looks to the Callers table to identify various names associated with the Phone number.
  • Calls made. This field looks to the Calls table to highlight the various calls dialed stemming from the phone number.
  • Number of calls made. A formula field calculating the number of Calls made from the phone number.


  • All phone numbers. Displays all phone numbers sorted in ascending order of Phone number./in
  • New phone number. Displays a shareable form used to add a new phone number to the list.

Common complaints

When an issue arises, it’s common for several people to call to report the same issue. Often times, the same general set of complaints tend to be most frequent such as an abandoned car or a noise complaint. This table compiles and stores a list of the most common complaints or reasons for calling the non-emergency call center.


  • Issue. A brief description of the issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Priority. The complaint’s priority rating on a scale of 1-5.
  • Related call IDs. This linked field looks to the Calls table to identify the various calls that have been made with the same complaint.
  • Number of related calls. This formula field calculates the number of calls that have been made pertaining to the complaint. This is helpful in identifying the most common complaints received by the call center.
  • Department to call . This field links to the Departments table to show the department that is responsible for resolving the problem.


  • All common complaints. Displays all common complaints sorted in alphabetic order.
  • Most common. Displays complaints related to the highest number of calls received sorted by most common first, then in alphabetical order of the Issue.
  • Top priority. Displays complaints that must be addressed right away based on their high Priority ranking sorted in alphabetical order.


When receiving a complaint at a non-emergency call center, the employee often has to write the complaint information several times at different points including the initial complaint intake and the ticket creation. This table allows the operators taking the calls to fill out the call information only once and have all the information already entered be pulled in automatically for a complete issue overview. To avoid duplicate tickets to the departments responsible, each ticket allows for multiple calls to be linked to the same ticket. Easily identifying the highest number of calls pertaining to a ticket can be useful downstream for ticket prioritization within the appropriate department.


  • ID. The ticket’s ID.
  • Related call. This field looks to the Calls table to identify the call that the ticket was created in response to.
  • Date reported. This field also looks to the Calls table to pull the date the complaint was received.
  • Created or modified by. This field pulls the name of the employee that took the call and therefore created the report or modified the report by adding more details from an additional call from the Calls table.
  • Submitted. This boolean field displays a check mark if the ticket has been submitted or not.
  • Department to contact. This field peeks at the information in the Calls table to identify which department the ticket should be submitted to.
  • Complaint information. This field combines the Common complaint for the call and the Notes from the Calls table for a complete overview of the reason for the call.
  • Number of calls. The total number of calls related to this ticket.


  • All tickets. Displays all tickets sorted by ascending ID.
  • Submitted. Displays tickets that have been Submitted sorted in ascending order of ID.
  • Require Action. Displays tickets that Require Action to be Submitted sorted in ascending order of ID.
  • New ticket. Displays a shareable form to submit a new ticket. Although not all fields are visible in this form since they are lookup fields, they will be filled in and can be viewed in the grid view upon submission.


All the different departments responsible for handling various issues that arise are stored in this table. Easily identify common responsibilities of each department, open up their website, and submit a ticket or claim.


  • Name. The department name.
  • Logo. The department’s logo.
  • Description. A brief description of the department.
  • Responsible for. This field looks to the Common complaints table to identify the usual complaints or issues the department is responsible for handling.
  • Website. The department’s website.


  • All departments. Displays all departments sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Departments gallery. Displays all departments in the form of a gallery view sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New department. Displays a shareable form used to add a new department.