Online Freelancer Management
Business Operations

Matching online freelancers to projects and clients has many moving pieces, especially when you maintain a long list of professionals and projects. Add to that the fact that you could be serving various industries. Clients also have their own preferences and requirements, which can make it even harder to manage your professionals and projects. Don’t forget the budget that you also have to work with. The rates of different freelancers vary depending on their work experience and skills. This template is especially useful for talent managers. Since this database template includes formulas for automatically calculating budgets, so it assists you in your management decisions and guidance.

If you are responsible for managing online freelancers, you’ll find this template to be far more helpful than a generic spreadsheet. You have all the information centralized and you can view them in a variety of ways that could help you manage online freelancers more efficiently. As an added bonus, you’ll find several useful budget allocation formulas included. First, put all the information about your freelancers in the Freelancers table. Some of the information is populated for you automatically, but don’t forget to enter the individual hourly rates for each of your freelancers. A few formulas in the database will need these. Then, fill out the Clients table with information about your clients. The information given will help a lot when it comes to assigning professionals to the right projects. Finally, enter your clients’ projects in the Projects table. You could use this table as a guide to propose new projects to your clients as well. Check out this template’s tables and views to see how they all work together to make your life easier.


Keeping track of all the skilled individuals in a database table is easier with the different types of views available. In this table, the key information fields are already set up for your business. Note that you have to record the hourly rate for each freelancer for this database to be more useful. When a freelancer doesn’t have an hourly rate set, the row will have a red left border on it.


  • Name. The freelancer’s full name.
  • Photo. The freelancer’s photograph.
  • Skill level. The freelancer’s work experience level.
  • Field of work. This is the field or industry where the freelancer would most like to work. The default selection options are set to the most popular online freelance industries. This field can be used as a reference to match the Project table’s Field of work field.
  • Skills. The freelancer’s skills. The default selection options are set to the most popular online freelance skills.
  • Hourly rate. This is the freelancer’s rate per hour. This is a required field and helps the cost estimation formula found in the Projects table.
  • Project count. A formula field that adds up the number of projects that this freelancer has and is currently working on.
  • Has ongoing project. A formula field that determines whether or not this freelancer is presently assigned to a project.
  • Region. The geographical location information of the freelancer. The default selection options are set to the most popular online freelancer countries.
  • Phone number. This is the freelancer’s current phone number.
  • Email. This is the freelancer’s email address.
  • Online portfolio. This is the URL of the freelancer’s website or online portfolio.
  • Rating. This field is a rating field, which indicates the freelancer’s overall performance feedback.
  • Notes. This field is for notes or remarks about the freelancer.
  • Attachments. This field allows you to attach files to the freelancer’s record. Files may include the freelancer’s resume, contract, and other work-related documents.
  • Related lead work. This field is linked to the Projects table, indicating the projects this freelancer has been a project lead for. Hidden by default.
  • Related projects. This field is linked to the Projects table, specifying the projects this freelancer has been a part of. Hidden by default.


  • All freelancers. Displays all online freelancers without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • With ongoing project. Displays online freelancers that are assigned and are working on open or ongoing projects, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Without ongoing project. Displays online freelancers that are not assigned to any ongoing project, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Without a project. Displays freelancers which have never been assigned to a single project, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Freelancers gallery. Displays a gallery view of all freelancers without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Freelancers by field. Displays a kanban view of all freelancers, stacked by Field of work. This is especially useful for quickly matching freelancers to projects.
  • Freelancers by skill level. Displays a kanban view of all freelancers, stacked according to the Skill level field.
  • Freelancers by region. Displays a kanban view of all freelancers, stacked according to the Region field.
  • Add a freelancer. Displays a form view that facilitates adding more or new freelancers into this table.


This is more than just a list of your clients. This table tells you which clients have projects going on and which don’t, so it’s easy to know which ones to talk to next. With this table, you’d never leave a client feeling like they were ignored. The client records that don’t have any projects are highlighted with a red background.


  • Name. This is the client’s complete business name.
  • Description. This field is for the client’s business profile.
  • Project count. A formula field that adds up the client’s completed projects and those that are still in progress.
  • Has ongoing project. A formula field that determines whether or not this client has an ongoing project.
  • Industry. A single select field that indicates the client’s industry or business domain. The default selection options are set to the most common business industries.
  • Company size. This is a single select field that specifies the number of employees that this client has currently employed.
  • Contact person. This is the client’s main contact person.
  • Contact phone. This is the contact person’s current phone number.
  • Contact email. This is the contact person’s email address.
  • Website. This is the URL of the client’s official website.
  • Address. This is the business address of the client.
  • Notes. This field holds notes or remarks about this client.
  • Related projects. This field is linked to the Projects table, indicating the client’s projects. Hidden by default.


  • All clients. Displays all clients without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • With ongoing project. Displays clients with open or ongoing projects, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Without ongoing project. Displays clients without ongoing projects, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Clients by industry. Displays a kanban view of all clients, stacked according to the Industry field.
  • Clients by company size. Displays a kanban view of all clients, stacked according to the Company size field.
  • Add a client. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new or more clients to this table.


This table has formulas that will help you match freelancers that fit the needs and budget of your project. In this way, talent management works efficiently. Estimates of the project costs are computed based on the duration of the project and the freelancers or project leads assigned. Projects that cost more than their budgets are highlighted in red.


  • Name. This is the project’s unique title or name that serves as this record’s identifier.
  • Field of work. This is the related industry category for the project. This can help you quickly find the right people to work on this project by matching the similarly named field in the Freelancers table.
  • Description. This long text field is for the project’s details, scope, and other related instructions that this project may require.
  • Client. This field is linked to the Clients table, indicating the client this project is for.
  • Client industry. This field is a lookup field, which fetches the client’s industry from the Clients table.
  • Is repeat client. A formula field that indicates whether the client has previous or other projects in the database.
  • Status. This is a single select field that indicates the project’s current status.
  • Kickoff date. This is the date on which the project’s implementation will begin.
  • Due date. This is the date on which the client expects the project to be completed.
  • Duration (weeks). A formula field that computes the number of weeks this project is expected to be completed based from Kickoff date to Due date.
  • Budget. This is the client’s budget for this project.
  • Estimated freelancer cost. A formula field that computes for the combined estimated cost of freelancers and projects leads working on this project based on the project’s duration and freelancers’ Hourly rate. By default, this formula assumes a freelancer works 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
  • Over/under. A formula field for calculating the difference between the Budget and the Estimated freelancer cost. The entire record row’s background color will turn red if the Estimated freelancer cost goes over the Budget. This field is hidden by default.
  • Region. The client’s preferred or required geographical location for its freelancers. The default selection options are set to the top hiring countries for online freelancers.
  • Project lead. This field is linked to the Freelancers table, indicating the freelancer or freelancers leading this project.
  • Freelancers. This field is linked to the Freelancers table, specifying the freelancer or freelancers assigned to work on this project.
  • Notes. This field is for additional notes or remarks about this project.
  • Attachments. This field allows you to attach files to this project. Contracts, technical documents, resource photos, references, and any other documents related to the project can be included as files.
  • Estimated working days. A formula field that estimates the number of working days from Kickoff date to Due date. Hidden by default.


  • All projects. Displays all projects without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Add a project. Displays a form view that facilitates adding a new project to this table.
  • Projects by status. Displays a kanban view of all projects, stacked according to the Status field.
  • Projects by category. Displays a kanban view of all projects, stacked according to the Field of work field.