Personal Health Log
Personal and Hobbies

Having an app to track each individual facet of health can be very overwhelming. Swapping between apps to log workouts, meals, mood, blood pressure, and other variables makes it difficult to keep all the different pieces organized. Having a one-stop place to enter both qualitative and quantitative details of your health journey is critical to tracking the change and continue making progress. Taking note of these trends in your health and making the necessary adjustments is the best way to build healthier habits and continue working towards a better you.

If you notice your resting heart rate has gone up, identify common details between days when your resting heart rate was elevated. Are there common poor food choices associated with the elected heart rate? Too intense of a workout paired with work deadlines? Identifying the associated factors can help you make adjustments such as pairing lower intensity workouts around days where more intensive work deadlines loom. Modifying these habits based on the logged information can help you adjust your habits to improve your habits and your health with maximum observability and minimum effort. After a long day of work, logging details may seem daunting, even if it is for the betterment of your health. Anything you can do to ease that burden is super beneficial, however, because it allows you to keep track of your meals, mood, workouts, blood pressure, and much more. Here are a few template features and highlights, by table:

Daily tracker

Use this table to track meals eaten, workouts and more on a regular basis. Keeping a daily log helps you make much more health conscious decisions and it can help identify trends.


  • Day. Jot the date down in any format whether it is January 1st, 2021 or 1/1/2021.
  • Workout. Record which muscle groups the daily workout focused on. This field is linked to the Workouts table to see each exercise that is part of the workout.
  • Meals eaten. Include which meals you have eaten that day . Linked to the Meal plans table where you can find each the foods that form the recipe that was used for that particular meal.
  • Total calories + macros. A formula field that displays the total calories eaten as well as the number of grams of each macronutrient consumed.
  • Number of meals. The number of meals eaten that day calculated by using a formula field.
  • Hours of sleep. How many hours of rest did you receive the previous night?
  • Enough sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? this field uses a formula to display whether there were enough hours of sleep or not.
  • Sleep quality . A drop down multiple select field allowing you to rate the quality of the previous night’s sleep.
  • Weight (kg). Daily weight measured in the morning before eating or drinking water.
  • Blood pressure. Systolic over diastolic reading.
  • Resting HR. Measured resting heart rate as taken by a smart fitness watch or manually by counting bpm/30 sec * 2 after several minutes of sitting without physical activity.
  • Overall mood. What was the dominant mood experienced the majority of the day?
  • Notes. Any additional notes or details about the day you’d like to include.
  • Overall stats. This field is linked to the Overall stats table, linking data from this table to the Overall stats table. This field is hidden by default.


  • All dates. Displays all dates, sorted by date from earliest to latest.
  • Happy days. Displays all the data relevant to the days characterized by a primary mood of “Happy,” sorted by date from earliest to latest.
  • High resting heart rate. Displays all days where the resting heart rate was above 60 bpm, sorted by date from earliest to latest.
  • Busy days. Displays all days characterized by the primary mood of “Busy,” sorted by date from earliest to latest.
  • Great quality sleep days. Displays days that had a sleep rating of “Great,” sorted by date from earliest to latest.
  • Negative mood days. Displays all days where the primary mood was either “Sad” or “Frustrated,” sorted by date from earliest to latest.
  • Higher weight days. Displays all days where the weight was above 62kg, sorted by date from earliest to latest.
  • By overall mood. Displays a kanban view of all dates in this table, stacked by the Overall mood field.

Meal plans

Paying close attention to the food you take in is important. Food, after all, is your primary source of energy. This table looks at the breakdown of each meal regularly eaten and the nutritional value of each.


  • Meal. A high level description of food that makes up the meal.
  • Recipe. The individual ingredients that make up the meal.
  • Calories. The number of calories each meal contains.
  • Protein (g). The number of grams of protein per serving in the meal.
  • Carbs (g). The number of grams of carbs per serving in the meal.
  • Fats (g). The number of grams of fats per serving in the meal.
  • Categories. Primary characteristic of the meal in regards to the macronutrients.
  • Additional notes. Any extra notes to be added.
  • Eaten on. The dates the specific recipe was used. This field links to the Daily tracker, displaying the individual dates.


  • All meals. Displays all the meals in the table, sorted from lowest to highest calorie count.
  • High calorie meals. Displays all the meals that have over 380 calories.
  • High protein meals. Displays all meals that have a high protein content unified in one view.
  • Low fat meals. Displays all meals characterized by a low fat content.


This table helps you make sure all your muscles are getting worked properly. It breaks down workouts by muscle groups and helps keep track of each workout and its intensity. We don’t skip leg day here. 😉


  • Muscle group. The primary muscle groups the workout focuses on.
  • Exercises. The individual exercises within the workout itself.
  • Difficulty (1-10). A rating on 1-10 to indicate the difficult of the workout.
  • Notes. Any additional notes about the workout.
  • Worked on. The dates that the specific workout was completed. This field is linked to the Daily tracker table, allowing you to view when these muscle groups were worked.


  • All workouts. Displays all major muscle groups.
  • High intensity workouts. Displays all workouts rated by intensity above 7 on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest (most intense).
  • Moderate intensity workouts. Displays all the workouts rated an intensity of 7 on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest (most intense).
  • Low intensity workouts. Displays all the workouts rated an intensity below 7 on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest (most intense).

Overall stats

This table displays the overall summary of the different components tracked. Keeping daily track of each component is important, but the daily pieces form the overall picture. This table can be used to identify trends or patterns of the daily tracking.


  • Stat. The overall stat for the entire health journey being tracked.
  • All days. A field that links to the Daily tracker table. This can be used to get the statistics for ALL days, or for only a portion of the days if you’d like to get the statistics for a vacation week.
  • Total number of days logged. A formula field that counts the total number of days the specific row is calculating.
  • Average hours slept. A formula field that looks to the Daily tracker table to calculate the average number of hours slept within the number of days selected.
  • Number of sad days. A formula field that looks to the Daily tracker table to calculate the number of days with an overall mood of sad.
  • Number of happy days. A formula field that looks to the Daily tracker table to calculate the number of days with an overall mood of happy.
  • Workout count. A formula field that looks to the Daily tracker table to calculate the number of workouts completed in the number of days selected for the row.


  • Overview. Displays all of the stats without any filters.