Podcast Content Manager

Starting a podcast is fairly easy. But running, maintaining, and growing it? That’s tough. Using a performant organization tool such as this template to stay on top of all episodes, guests, sponsorships, and payments can take you from a small, independent podcaster to a new level that allows you to keep doing what you love. This template takes the headache out of managing each episode’s content, and lets you focus on your podcast’s brand and guests.

Podcast episodes require plenty of planning and coordination. You must plan the episode contents, coordinate featured guest appearances, and facilitate sponsorships. This template can make running your podcast operation much more smooth sailing and efficient. Having all the guests, sponsorships, and ad placements organized allows you to shift your focus onto new ideas and listener engagement. Let’s dive into the template, organized by table:


All creative content is structured and released through episodes. This table contains all episode information ranging from season number to number of listens. It’s a great place to look through an overview of the podcast, the number of episodes, sponsorships for each episode, number of listens, and more.


  • Title. The episode’s title.
  • Season. The season the episode is part of.
  • Episode number. The episode’s number.
  • Description. The episode’s description.
  • Status. The episode’s current status. Is it just an idea or has it been recorded, edited, etc.
  • Release date. The episode’s release date.
  • Duration in minutes. The episode’s duration in minutes.
  • Featured guests. The episode’s featured guests pulled from the Guests table.
  • Associated sponsorships. The episode’s associated sponsorships pulled from the Sponsorships table.
  • Listens. The number of times the episode was played.


  • All episodes. Displays all episodes sorted by Season first and then by Episode number.
  • Popular. Displays episodes with over 20,000 views sorted by the most popular to least popular.
  • By season. Displays all episodes stacked by their Season in the form of a kanban view.
  • By status. Displays all episodes stacked by Status.


Guests are a great way to attract more listeners to the podcast. Having a variety of guests can interest new listeners that are fans of the featured guest. Logging which guests will be coming on specific days for specific podcasts can be a bit of a mind whirl without a proper method. This table contains all guest data including the episode the guest will be featured on.


  • Name. The guest’s name.
  • Photo. The guest’s photo.
  • Phone number. The guest’s phone number.
  • Email. The guest’s email.
  • Title. The guest’s position or role.
  • Guest on episode(s). This field links to the Episodes table to display the episodes the guest was featured on.
  • Known for. A field to briefly describe the significance of the guest.
  • Number of times featured. The number of times the guest appeared on an episode.


  • All guests. Displays all guests sorted in alphabetical order. The guests have a light green border in the Name field if they are a repeat guest.
  • Repeat guests. Displays all guests that have been on the show more than once in alphabetical order.
  • All guests gallery. Displays all guests sorted in alphabetical order in the form of a gallery.
  • By title. Displays all guests stacked by their Title in kanban view.
  • New guest. Displays a shareable form used to add new guests to the list.


Brands often seek podcast sponsorships to increase brand awareness. Sponsorships help bring in the funding required to run a successful podcast on a regular basis. Tracking all sponsorships helps you fulfill your end of the contract with your podcast episodes as well as ensures you are tracking your invoices and payments.


  • Drop date + product/service. The sponsorship’s product date and product name or service.
  • Drop date. The product’s drop date.
  • Description. The sponsorship’s description.
  • Brand. This field links to the Brands table to display the name of the company responsible for the sponsorship.
  • Promotion link. A link to the promotion.
  • Featured on. This field links to the Episodes table to display the the episode the sponsorship was featured on.
  • Ad placement. This field links to the Ad placements table displaying the ad placement and format.
  • Point of contact. This field links to the Brands table to display the point of contact associated with the Brand.
  • Total billed. This formula field calculates the amount of money billed for the sponsorship
  • Invoice. A copy of the invoice issued.
  • Invoice status. A single select field that denotes the current invoice status. Has it been billed or paid yet?
  • Number of listens. this formula field is hidden for all views. It is used for calculations with the formula fields.


  • All sponsorships. Displays all sponsorships sorted in chronological order of drop date. The sponsorships that have not yet been paid have a red dash next to them.
  • Unpaid. Displays sponsorships that have not yet been paid sorted in chronological order.
  • By invoice status. Displays all sponsorships stacked by Invoice status in the form of a kanban view.
  • New sponsorship. Displays a shareable form used to add a new sponsorship to the mix.


The same brand can sponsor different podcast episodes with with varying ad formats and placements. This table contains all information pertaining to the brand, the points of contact, the related sponsorships, and more. Use this table to identify brands that frequently sponsor your podcast episodes or brands that are relatively new.


  • Name. The brand’s name.
  • Logo. The brand’s logo.
  • Description. The brand’s description.
  • Headquarters address. The brand’s headquarter address.
  • Sponsorships contracted. This field links to the Sponsorships table to display the various sponsorships the brand has contracted.
  • Point(s) of contact. This field links to the Contacts table to identify the primary contact’s representing the brand.
  • Number of sponsorships. The total number of the brand’s contracted sponsorships.


  • All brands. Displays all brands sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Multiple sponsorships. Displays brands with multiple sponsorships sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Brands gallery. Displays all brands in the form of a gallery view sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New brand. Displays a shareable form used to add new brands to the list.


Although certain companies and brands contract sponsorships, the points of contact representing each of the brands facilitate the entire process. This table contains all contacts related to any of the brands in the database and their contact information.


  • Name. The contact’s name.
  • Phone number. The contact’s phone number.
  • Email. The contact’s email.
  • Brand representing. This field links to the Brands table to identify which brand the contact is representing.


  • All contacts. Displays all contacts sorted in alphabetical order.
  • New contact. Displays a shareable form used to enter a new contact’s information.

Ad placements

Marketing specialists strategically decide the ad placement that best suits their advertisement. The placement of the ad can impact the number of listeners. The duration of the ad also has a significant impact on its success. Offering brands different ad placements can help increase the number of sponsorships if certain brands want to test out a smaller, lower cost ad placement prior to committing to a more expensive ad placement with the podcast. Use this table to easily reference the various ad placements, duration, and set prices you are offering.


  • Placement and duration. Displays the placement and duration of the ad.
  • Placement. The ad’s placement.
  • Duration. The ad’s duration.
  • Description. A brief description about the placement.
  • Cost per mille. The ad placement’s cost per 1000 listens.
  • Sponsorships. This field links to the Sponsorships table to identify which sponsorships have used the specific ad placement.
  • Number of sponsorships. A formula field to calculate the total number of sponsorships for the ad placement.
  • Number of listens. This lookup field peeks at the Sponsorships table to identify the number of listens the ad placements have reached in the past.


  • All placements. Displays all ad placements sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Frequently used. Displays ad placements that are most frequently used based on the Number of sponsorships. This view is sorted by lowest number of sponsorships to highest.
  • Most expensive. Displays ad placements that cost over 20 (any currency) per 10,000 users sorted by least expensive to most expensive.
  • By placement. Displays all ad placements stacked by their Placement in the episode in the form of a kanban view.
  • By duration. Displays all ad placements stacked by their Duration in the form of a kanban view.
  • New ad placement. Displays a shareable form used to add a new ad placement to the list.