Public Library Inventory

Public libraries are a place for learning, gathering, socializing, entertainment, and support. Public library audiences have largely shifted from just students to the community as a whole. This shift is largely in part due to the amount of resources the libraries have available to the community. Libraries no longer carry just physical books, but you also video games, DVDs, and eBooks. Communities largely depend on libraries, which is why it is essential for public libraries to be stocked with all necessary resources for the communities. This table organizes all of the physical books, eBooks, video games, and DVDs the libraries are stocked with, along with the quantity of each item. It serves as a great tool to not only view current inventory, but also as a tool to make decisions in regards to future purchases for new resources and allocation.

Libraries are often depended on by the community. They serve as a free resource to the public. They play an essential role for language learning. They bring people together by providing them with entertainment families can gather to digest, such as a popular movie available for check out on DVD. They help connect communities and unify people. Libraries can make a very big impact in many people’s lives. This is all only possible if the libraries are fully stocked with necessary resources and materials for the community. Jump into some of this template’s features, by table:


This tables is the large overview of all entertainment and educational materials whether they’re physical books, video games, DVDs, or eBooks. Some libraries have several copies of the same book, game, or movie. This table tracks each individual product, or material that exists in the libraries stock. This table serves as the master list of each material and where it’s located.


  • SKU. The unique SKU associated with the item.
  • Book ISBNs. This field links to the Books **table, displaying the unique ISBN associated with the book.
  • Book name. This lookup field peeks at the Books **table **to determine the name of the book.
  • By. This field looks to the Books table to display the author of the book.
  • eBook ISBN. This field looks to the eBooks table to display the unique ISBN associated with the eBook.
  • eBook name. The name of the book displayed in the eBooks **table.
  • eBook author. The author’s name pulled from the eBooks **table.
  • Video games. This field links to the Video games table, displaying the specific video game that is associated with the SKU.
  • DVDs. This field links to the DVDs **table, displaying the specific DVD that is associated with the SKU.
  • Condition. This single select field allows you to indicate the condition of the item. Does it need repair? Is it in great condition?
  • Available at. This field links to the Libraries **table, displaying which particular library the game can be found at.
  • Currently checked out. This boolean field indicates whether the product is in use or if it is available to check out.


  • All products. Displays all products sorted in ascending order by SKU.
  • Paper books. Displays products that are physical books, sorted by ascending SKU. This view will focus on only the paper books, and other fields pertaining to other products are hidden.
  • eBooks. Displays products that are electronic books sorted by ascending SKU. Certain fields pertaining to other products will be hidden in this view.
  • Video games. Displays products that are labeled as video games sorted by ascending SKU. Certain fields pertaining to other products will be hidden in this view.
  • DVDs. Displays products that are labeled as DVDs sorted by ascending SKU. Certain fields pertaining to other products will be hidden in this view.
  • Available to check out. Displays products that are not currently check out, sorted by ascending SKU. Certain fields pertaining to other products will be hidden in this view.
  • Require attention. Displays products that are in fair condition worse that might be in need of repair or replacement, sorted by ascending SKU. Certain fields pertaining to other products will be hidden in this view.


They’re often the first thing you think of when you imagine a library. This table serves as a repository for all books in stock and shows all of the libraries where you could find copies of books at. Keep tabs on inventory and everything else surrounding precious physical books.


  • ISBN. The international standard book number, or the ISBN is included here. It is the unique identifier for the version, volume, author, etc of the book.
  • Cover. A picture of the book’s front cover.
  • Title. The title of the book.
  • Author. The book author(s).
  • Genre. The genre the book falls under.
  • Year published. The year the book was published.
  • Intended audience. This multiple select field indicates which reader segment the book is geared towards.
  • Inventory. This field links to the Inventory **table, displaying the different SKUs that relate to this book.
  • eBook (if available). This field links to the eBooks table, displaying the eBook ISBN if the library currently offers the book in the form of an eBook.
  • Total count. This formula field calculates the quantity of this book in inventory.
  • Can be found at. Looks to the Inventory **table to display which libraries contain a copy of this book.


  • All books. Displays all books sorted by author’s name in alphabetical order.
  • Fiction. Displays books that are labeled as fiction, sorted by author’s name in alphabetical order.
  • Nonfiction. Displays books that are labeled as nonfiction, sorted by author’s name in alphabetical order.
  • For adults. Displays books that have an intended audience of adults, sorted by author’s name in alphabetical order.
  • Family friendly. Displays books that are appropriate for children, sorted by author’s last name in alphabetical order.
  • All books gallery. Displays all the books sorted in alphabetical order of the author’s name. This view is a gallery view.
  • New book request. Displays a form that can be shared with library members for new book requests.


Not too long ago in human history, books were only available in a hard copy format. Today, eBooks make it easy to access the book material without carrying around the weight of a physical book. In many situations, community members don’t even need to visit a physical library to check out an eBook. Whether your preference is physical books or eBooks, use this table to track the eBooks in stock and their details.


  • ISBN. The International Standard Book Number. It’s the identifier for the book, as it has multiple values tied to it that makes it unique.
  • Title. The title of the book.
  • Author. The book author(s).
  • Genre. The genre the book falls under.
  • Year published. The year the book was published.
  • Intended audience. This multiple select field indicates which reader segment the book is geared towards.
  • Inventory. This field links to the Inventory **table, displaying the different SKUs that relate to this book.
  • Paper book. This field links to the Books **table, noting the related physical copy of the eBook.


  • All eBooks. Displays all eBooks, sorted in alphabetical order by the author’s name.
  • School appropriate. Displays eBooks that are intended for students and education, sorted in alphabetical order by the author’s name.
  • Nonfiction. Displays eBooks that fall under the nonfiction genre, sorted in alphabetical order by the author’s name.
  • Fiction. Displays eBooks that fall under the fiction genre, sorted in alphabetical order by the author’s name.
  • New eBook request. Displays a form that can be shared with library members in search of adding new eBooks to the library’s inventory.

Video games

Just as much as libraries intend to provide educational material, they also strive to provide cultural and entertainment material for the public. Video games can help provide a type of entertainment that is interactive, and in many cases therapeutic. However, video games can skew towards being a bit of a luxury, and having them available to check out at a library ensures community members can try a variety of games. There is also much research to suggest that video games can be beneficial to one’s mental health, as video games can stimulate the brain. So don’t leave video games out!


  • Name. The name of the game.
  • Cover. A picture of the cover of the video game case.
  • Genre. The genre the game falls under.
  • Year released. The year the game was released.
  • Platform(s). This multiple select field indicates which platforms you can play this game on.
  • Developer(s). The developer(s) that worked on this game.
  • Target audience. The intended age group the game was designed for.
  • Playing mode. Denotes whether the game is single player or multiplayer (or both).
  • Inventory. This field links to the Inventory **table, displaying the specific SKUs related to this game.
  • Rating. The rating the game received from the general public on the scale of 1-5 thumbs up.
  • Total count. The total number of this game the library has in their system.
  • Can be found at. Looks to the Inventory **table to display which libraries contain a copy of this game.


  • All video games. Displays all video games sorted in alphabetical order.
  • PC games. Displays video games that can be played either on computer operating systems such as macOS or Windows, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • PlayStation games. Displays video games that can be played on PlayStation, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • World building. Displays video games that are categorized by the world building centricity of the game, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • Action. Displays video games that are categorized as action, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • For mature audiences. Displays video games that are intended for young adults as one of the primary target audiences of the game, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • Single player. Displays video games that can be played by a single player, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • Multiplayer. Displays video games that are multiplayer, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • Highest rated. Displays video games that have the highest rating, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • New video game request. Displays a shareable form that can allows someone to request a new video game for the library.
  • Games gallery. Displays all video games in a gallery view sorted in alphabetical order by name.


Although much of the world uses a streaming service for entertainment, streaming services don’t have all movies, and you’re often left scrambling to find it across different platforms. If you’ve got your heart set on a movie and your streaming service isn’t offering it, you can check it out for free at your local library. This also provides those that can’t afford streaming services an easy way to watch a movie or a series. Not to mention—many DVDs offered at libraries can be very educational and perfect for students that struggle to read. Using this table, you can ensure you have the right variety and quantity of DVDs for the community.


  • Title. The name of the DVD.
  • Type. Whether the DVD contains a movie or a TV series.
  • Description. A brief description of what the DVD is about.
  • Director. The director of the video.
  • Year released. The year the video was released.
  • Genre. The genre the DVD falls under. Is it drama? Thriller? Comedy? Educational?
  • Duration in min. If the DVD contains a movie, the duration of the movie in minutes. If a series, this field can be left blank.
  • Suggested audience. The intended audience for the DVD.
  • Notes. Any additional notes about the movie such as notable actors, the series it is part of, etc.
  • Rating. The overall rating the movie or series has received.
  • Inventory. This field links to the Inventory table, displaying the SKU of each of these movies.
  • Total count. This formula field calculates how many DVDs there are with this movie/series in the library catalog.
  • Can be found at. This field looks to the Inventory table to find the library this DVD is available at.


  • All DVDs. Displays all DVDs sorted in alphabetical order by title.
  • Movies. Displays DVDs that are categorized as movies, sorted in alphabetical order by title.
  • Series. Displays DVDs that are categorized as a series, sorted in alphabetical order by title.
  • Family friendly. Displays DVDs that are categorized as being appropriate for families and children, sorted in alphabetical order by title.
  • Adults only. Displays DVDs that are rated R and intended for adults only, sorted in alphabetical order by title.
  • Drama. Displays DVDs that are labeled as drama, sorted in alphabetical order by title.
  • Highest rated. Displays DVDs with the highest rating, 5 thumbs up, sorted in alphabetical order by title.
  • Request new DVD. Displays a shareable form that can allows someone to request a new DVD for the library.


Most cities have multiple public libraries all within the same network. Resources are not always distributed evenly between branches, and it’s important to track which resources are located in which branch. Which library has the most books? Which library carries the most video games? Is a library lacking in the DVD department? These questions are all answered within this table.


  • Name. The name of the branch.
  • Picture. A picture of the library branch.
  • Address. The library’s street address.
  • Phone number. The library’s phone number.
  • Inventory. This field links to the Inventory **table, displaying the different products that reside within the branch.
  • Total inventory count. The total number of items ranging from books, eBooks, video games, and DVDs at the location.
  • Book count. The number of books the branch carries.
  • eBook count. The number of eBooks the branch carries.
  • Video game count. The number of video games the branch carries.
  • DVD count. The number of DVDs located at the branch.
  • Books. The names of the various books at the branch.
  • eBooks. The names of the various eBooks at the branch.
  • Video games. The names of the video games at the branch.
  • DVDs. The name of the DVDs at the branch.


  • All branches. Displays all branches, sorted in alphabetical order by name.
  • All branches gallery. Displays all branches, sorted in alphabetical order by name.