QA Test Scripts
Software Development

This template will help your quality assurance testers rapidly grasp the testing objectives of your organization and keep tabs on the progress of each test script. Test scripts help you ensure that the most pertinent functionalities of your product are not missed and are thoroughly tested. Plus, test scripts can be quite useful if the sequence of test steps is critical in testing your product. This template helps you test your product’s features and new updates by having a table, with shareable views, for your test scripts’ step-by-step description of the required actions and data. You won’t need to start from scratch with this template. It has tables for your projects, testers, and test scripts.

Using test scripts is a must for software testing, since test scripts are used in different types of testing. Different companies or organizations come up with different templates for test scripts. This template is meant for project managers, quality assurance managers, and testers. With this template, you can keep track of all the test scripts for your projects and the testers’ progress. It has four tables for organizing users, projects, test cases, and test scripts. The Users table is the first table you’ll need to populate. The other three tables in this template use the information in the Users table. Then, list all of your projects in the Projects table. There can be more than one instance of a project in the Projects table because each project can have more than one branch and can be tested on different servers. Then, in the Tests table, list all of your test cases. The Scripts table has the test scripts that go with each record in this table. Lastly, put all of your test steps, or line-by-line test procedures, in the Scripts table. Explore the tables and views in this template to see how they work together:


You can find all of your test cases in this table, and you can use the different table views to understand them better. When the left border of a row is green, it means that all of the related test steps in the Scripts table for the test case have been tested and passed. A yellow bar shows that at least 70 percent of the related test steps in the Scripts table have already passed. A red left bar means that fewer than 70 percent passed the test.


  • Test case ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this test case record or row.
  • Title. A unique title for this test case.
  • Priority. A single select field indicating this test’s urgency or priority.
  • Project. This field is linked to the Projects table, indicating the project this test case is related to.
  • Description. A detailed technical description of this test case. You may include what this test is specifically for and the test’s entry and exit criteria.
  • QA manager. This field is linked to the Users table, indicating the name of your organization’s assigned QA manager for this test.
  • Test result (%). This is a formula field that rounds and formats the output value of this record’s Percentage for filter field.
  • Percentage for filter. This is a formula field that computes the percentage of related test steps in the Scripts table that were completed and passed. This field is also used as a filter criterion for this table. This field is hidden by default.
  • Executed by. This field is linked to the Users table, specifying the name of the tester running this test case.
  • Notes. Any recent brief description or remarks about this test.
  • Date executed. The date this test case was executed.
  • Date created. This is an automatically filled-in date indicating the date and time this test case was created.
  • Date modified. This is an automatically filled-in date indicating the date and time this test case was updated.
  • Attachments. Any technical documentation can be uploaded and attached to this test. You may include your test plans or other technical documentation or files related to this test.
  • Related scripts. This field is linked to the Scripts table, identifying all scripts or test steps related to this test case. This field is hidden by default.


  • All tests. Displays all test cases without filters, sorted alphabetically by Test case ID.
  • Completed tests. Displays test cases with all the related test steps in the Scripts table completed, sorted alphabetically by Test case ID.
  • Incomplete tests. Displays test cases with incomplete execution of test steps in the Scripts table, sorted alphabetically by Test case ID.
  • Not started tests. Displays test cases with test steps in the Scripts table that have not been executed yet, sorted alphabetically by Test case ID.
  • Open tests. Displays test cases with test steps that are less than 100% passed, sorted alphabetically by Test case ID.
  • By priority. Displays a kanban view of test cases stacked according to the Priority field.
  • Add new test. Displays a form view that enables adding new test cases in this table.


Here you can find the test scripts and test steps for each test case in the Tests table. With the help of a formula field, each group of test steps now has its own color. This makes it easy to tell the difference between groups of test cases. The Tests table can quickly figure out how many test scripts passed testing by using the Is pass field in this table. You can also make a separate grid view for each test case.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this test step record or row.
  • Test case ID. This field is linked to the Tests table, indicating the test case this test step is for.
  • Step no.. This is a number field specifying the test step number for this test script for sorting purposes.
  • Project. This field is a lookup field based on this record’s Test case ID field, specifying the related project for this test script.
  • Description. This is a clear and detailed description of the specific testing step required to be executed for this test script following the order of execution specified in this record’s Step no. field. You may include step requirements and criteria in this description.
  • Expected result. This field supports the Description field by defining the specific output this test step is expected to return.
  • Is pass. This is a checkbox field indicating whether this test step meets the data in the Expected result field or whether this test step fails. If this test step passed, tick the checkbox. Otherwise, leave this field blank or empty.
  • Actual result. This is a brief description of the actual result after performing the test step described in the Description field.
  • Notes. This field supports this test step’s expected and actual results while identifying additional defects, comments, or enhancements related to this test step.
  • Tester. This field is a lookup field based on this record’s Test case ID field, specifying the user or tester performing this test script.
  • Attachments. Any technical documentation can be uploaded and attached to this test. You may include your test plans, error logs, or other technical documentation or files related to this test step.
  • Date created. This is an automatically filled-in date indicating the date and time this test step was created.
  • Date modified. This is an automatically filled-in date indicating the date and time this test step was updated.
  • Group bgcolor. This is a formula field that is used to automatically assign group colors to test scripts. These group colors are used as group background colors to make it easy to tell which test script groups are which. This field is hidden by default.
  • Test case for sorting. This is a formula field used for sorting test scripts together based on this test step’s Test case ID field. This field is hidden by default.


  • All scripts. Displays all test scripts and test steps without filters, sorted by Test case for sorting and then by Step no.
  • TC00001. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00001, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00002. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00002, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00003. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00003, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00004. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00004, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00005. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00005, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00006. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00006, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00007. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00007, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00008. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00008, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00009. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00009, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00010. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00010, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00011. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00011, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.
  • TC00012. Displays the test script with all the test steps for the test case with a test case ID equal to TC00012, sorted by Step no. This view is specifically created for a certain test case and it can be shared with the respective tester for test execution.


This table shows each version and/or branch of each of your projects that needs to be tested. There are formula fields available for calculating the number of test cases and the completion rate for each project. If the left border of a row is red, it means that testers passed less than 70% of the related test cases in the Tests table.


  • Name. This is the web application or the project’s name.
  • Description. A detailed description of this project.
  • Batch ID. This is the project’s version, batch, or release number to be tested.
  • Server name. This is the tester-accessible server or project environment alias where tests are conducted.
  • Project manager. This field is linked to the Users table, indicating your organization’s project manager or lead for this project.
  • Tests count. A formula field that counts the total number of test cases this project has in the Tests table.
  • Tests completed (%). This is a formula field that rounds and formats the output value of this record’s Percentage for filter field.
  • Percentage for filter. This is a formula field that computes the percentage of related test cases in the Tests table that were completed and passed by testers. This field is also used as a filter criterion for this table. This field is hidden by default.
  • Attachments. Any technical documentation can be uploaded and attached to this project. You may include this project’s server requirements and documents.
  • Related tests. This field is linked to the Tests table, identifying all test cases linked to this project. This field is hidden by default.


  • All projects. Displays all projects without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • With incomplete tests. Displays projects with test cases that are not yet completed or approved by the tester, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • With all tests completed. Displays projects with test cases that are all completed and approved by the tester, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Add a project. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new projects to this table.


This table contains a list of users involved in testing. In order to calculate the total number of test cases and the completion rate for each record, a few formulas were provided. In the Tests table, rows with a red left border show that less than half of the assigned test cases have been done.


  • Name. This is the user’s full name.
  • Photo. This is the user’s photograph.
  • Role. This is a single select field specifying the user’s role in this UAT, whether the user is the product manager, QA manager, or QA tester.
  • Phone number. This is the user’s current phone number.
  • Email. This is the user’s current email address.
  • Tests count. A formula field that counts the total number of test cases this user has in the Tests table.
  • Tests completed (%). This is a formula field that rounds and formats the output value of this record’s Percentage for filter field.
  • Percentage for filter. This is a formula field that computes the percentage of related test cases in the Tests table that passed and were completed by the tester. This field is also used as a filter criterion for this table. This field is hidden by default.
  • Notes. This field holds notes or remarks about this user.
  • Is active. This is a boolean field specifying whether this user is currently active or not.
  • Related tests as manager. This field is linked to the Tests table, specifying the test cases where this user serves as the QA manager who creates and supervises the related test cases. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related projects. This field is linked to the Projects table, indicating the projects this user is managing or leading. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related tests as tester. This field is linked to the Tests table, specifying the test cases that this user serves as a tester for. This field is hidden by default.


  • All users. Displays all users without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • With all tests completed. Displays users with test cases that are all completed and approved by the tester, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • With incomplete tests. Displays users with test cases that are not yet completed or approved by the tester, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Without tests. Displays users without assigned test cases, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Users gallery. Displays a gallery view of all active users in the database, sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Add a user. Displays a form view that facilitates adding users to this table.