Restaurant Management
Food and Restaurants

Restaurant management involves oversight of day to day operations as well as overall health of the business. Keeping customers happy with the food and service the restaurant provides goes a long way towards retaining consistent business. Ensuring the restaurant is properly staffed helps the overall daily tasks flow much smoother. There are hosts that seat the customers, waiters and waitresses to serve the customers, bussers that clean the tables, and cooks that handle all the food. All of the different staff is only one portion of restaurant management. It’s important to also keep proper inventory of food and supplies so that the staff can have all necessary materials to fulfill the responsibilities of their jobs, Additionally, it’s critical to have proper relationships with suppliers and vendors. This allows your restaurant to find cheapest prices for the highest quality foods and supplies. Managing a customer service based business can be quite risky. This template aims to lower that risk by making the day to day management as smooth and organized as possible.

Effective restaurant management requires excellent organization skills. A restaurant manager needs to excel in customer service relations, relationships with suppliers, keep track of food inventory, the menu, and the staff. Restaurant managers also must keep track of costs and profits to ensure the restaurant can continue to stay in business. This template is the ultimate organizational tool to track the most important aspects of restaurant management: staff, food inventory, and dishes on the menu. Restaurants owners and managers alike can greatly benefit from centralizing all important information pertaining to the daily operations in one location, this template. Here are some of the features of the template by table:


This table serves as a list of all details pertaining to all staff in every position. The perfect reference if you need to get in contact with a certain staff member, or if you’d like to see if they’re capable of working a different position based off of their certifications and experience working at the establishment.


  • Name. The name of the staff member.
  • Role. This field links to the Roles **table, identifying the role this staff member is assigned.
  • Phone number. The phone number of the staff member.
  • Email. The emails of the staff member.
  • Hourly rate. The rate the staff member gets paid per hour.
  • Certification code. The code of the certification the staff member holds. This field links to the Certifications **table.
  • Certifications. This field links to the Certifications **table, indicating which certifications the specific member currently holds.
  • Hire date. The date the staff member got hired in year/month/day format.
  • Months worked. This is a formula field that calculates the number of months the staff member has worked for the restaurant based of the hire date.
  • Shifts worked. This field links to the Shifts **table, identifying which shifts the employee typically works.


  • All staff. Displays all staff members, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • All servers. Displays all staff with a role of “servers,” sorted in alphabetical order.
  • All bussers. Displays all staff with a role of “busser,” sorted in alphabetical order.
  • All cooks. Displays all staff with a role of “head chef,” or “sous chef,” sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Need certification. Displays all staff that does not currently hold a certification with the exception of staff members with host as the role title. This view is sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Experienced. Displays all staff that has worked at the establishment for over 2 years, sorted in descending hire date.
  • Openers. Displays all staff that has experience working the opening shift, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Closers. Displays all staff that has experience working the closing shift, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Fillers. Displays all staff that has not worked an opening or closing shift, but they have worked any shifts in between. Sorted in alphabetical order.


Quite a few supplies are required to keep the restaurant running on a day to day basis. These can include food, cleaning, alcohol, and different services among other things. This table identifies all the suppliers the restaurant is using, smoothening the process of ordering inventory.


  • Supplier. The name of the company.
  • Service provided. A brief description of the their products or services.
  • Link to place order. A URL leading to the page where an order can be placed.
  • Delivery days. A multi-select drop down field of different days of the week the company will deliver to the restaurant.
  • Contacts. This field is linked to the Contacts **table, displaying the representative form the company the restaurant has been in contact with. This may also be solely the delivery person (or anyone else), depending on your use case.
  • Previous items ordered. This field links to the Inventory **table, displaying previous items that were ordered from the specific supplier.


  • All suppliers. Displays all suppliers, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Monday delivery. Displays all suppliers that offer delivery on Mondays, sorted in alphabetical order.


When it comes to food, you want to make sure you have just the right amount. Buying too much fresh produce can end up costing the restaurant quite a bit. The goal is to be aware of the current inventory as well as the ideal stock. This table does just that—tracks the current inventory as well as the ideal inventory, making placing an order for more inventory a breeze.


  • Name. The name of the item.
  • Category. A drop down select field that puts the item into a category.
  • Quantity measurement. The typical measurement used for ordering more of the specific item. Some items are sold by the jar, while others are sold by the box.
  • In stock. The quantity of the item in stock.
  • Ideal quantity. The ideal quantity of the item.
  • To order. This is a formula field that calculates the amount that should be ordered based off of the ideal quantity and the current quantity.
  • Order from. This field links to the Suppliers table, identifying where this item would get ordered from.
  • Dishes used for. This field is linked to the Dishes table, displaying which dishes the specific item is used for. If you are out of stock of an item, this field easily identifies which dishes would be impacted that day.


  • All inventory. Displays all inventory, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Produce. Displays all inventory with the category of produce, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Alcohol. Displays all inventory with the category of alcohol, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Need to order. Displays all inventory that needs to be ordered sorted, in alphabetical order.
  • To order from Bubba's Booze. Displays all inventory that needs to be ordered from this specific supplier, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • By category. Displays everything in the inventory in a kanban view, stacked by category.


The most exciting part of the job for chefs is using their creativity to suggest new dishes the customers will love. This table serves as reference for all dishes, their ingredients, cost to make, and their menu status. Give your chefs the creative freedom to explore different dishes that could end up being the highest rated dish from the restaurant all together.


  • Name. The name of the dish.
  • Ingredients. This field links to the Inventory **table, identifying the ingredients that are used to prepare the dish.
  • Cost to make. The estimated cost of all the ingredients used to make a portion of the dish.
  • Menu status. This field is a lookup field that links to the Menu **table, indicating whether the dish is currently on the menu, if it has been taken off, or if has not yet been added.
  • Dish # on menu. This field links to the Menu **table, identifying the specific menu item this dish pertains to.
  • Price on menu. This field links to the Menu **table, indicating the price of the dish on the menu.
  • Profit margin. This is a formula field that calculates the profit margin of the dish based off of the cost to make and the menu price from the Menu **table.


  • All dishes. Displays all dishes sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Breakfast. Displays all dishes that are categorized as breakfast dishes sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Entrees. Displays all dishes categorized as entrees sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Vegetarian. Displays all dishes that are categorized as vegetarian sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Dish suggestion. This form allows staff or customers to suggest a new dish to management.

The menu of a restaurant by far is what drives customers to become frequent visitors. The more the customers enjoy the food, the most often they will frequent the restaurant. Having a simple, yet tasty menu has been proven to deliver results. This table identifies all menu items and prices. It can be used as a guide to determine what dishes to keep on the menu, to take off, or to bring back.


  • Item # . All menus items typically have a number associated with them, making it easier for the servers to press a number on the POS system as well as making it easy for the clients to identify which meal they want even if they struggle to pronounce the name.
  • Menu status. This is a drop down field that indicates whether the item is offered on the current version of the menu, if it needs to be added, or if it has been removed.
  • Dish. This field connects to the Dishes table, identifying the name of the dish associated with the menu item number.
  • Price. A number field indicating the price of the dish.
  • Picture. A picture of what the dish or drink should look like for reference.


  • All menu items. Displays all menu items sorted in ascending item number.
  • To be added. Displays all menu items that are waiting to be added to the menu sorted in ascending item number.
  • Budget meals. Displays all menu items that cost less than 11 of any currency sorted in ascending item number.
  • By menu status. Displays everything on the menu in a kanban view, stacked by Menu status.
  • Gallery: All menu items. Displays all menu items in a gallery view, sorted in ascending order by the menu item number.


Depending on the location of the restaurant, there are often local or regional laws that require workers that handle food whether that be serving food or cooking the food itself to have certifications in order to ensure the workers are informed about the best food handling sanitation practices.


  • Certification code. The unique certification code.
  • Name. The name of the certification.
  • Issuing authority . The authority that issues the certification.
  • Link to register. The URL to the certification. This can be used by staff to try register for the certification.
  • Staff. This field links to the Staff **table, identifying which staff members currently hold the certification.


  • All certifications. Displays all certifications without any filters.
  • Add new certification. Displays a form that allows you to easily add new certifications when they arise.


Most restaurants have reoccurring shifts that are associated with certain responsibilities. This table identifies each of those shifts that the workers are assigned.


  • Name. The name of the shift.
  • Start time. The time the shift begins in 24 hour format.
  • End time. The time the shift ends in 24 hour format.
  • Shift duration. The duration of the shift in hours.
  • Staff. This field is linked to the Staff **table, identifying which staff members have previously worked the specific shift.


  • All shifts. Displays all shifts with no filters.


Each supplier has one or two contacts the restaurant directly deals with in regards to placing orders or scheduling deliveries. This table tracks the different contacts associated with the vendors and suppliers the restaurant uses.


  • Name. The name of the contact.
  • Phone. The phone number of the contact.
  • Email. The email the contact can be reached at.
  • Company associated. This field links to the Suppliers **table, identifying the specific supplier the contact is associated with.
  • Note. Additional notes about the contact.


  • All contacts. Displays all contacts sorted in alphabetical order.


Each position at any company comes with a set of responsibilities. Often times certain positions also have different uniforms. This table identifies each role and the respective details that pertain to the specific table.


  • Role title. The title of the role.
  • Responsibilities. General responsibilities of the role.
  • Uniform. A description of the uniform a staff member in this role would be required to wear to work.
  • # of staff. This is a formula field that counts the number of staff members that hold this position.
  • Staff. This field is linked to the Staff **table, identifying the specific staff members that have held the position.


  • All roles. Displays all roles sorted in alphabetical order.