Running a business or an organization is not just about delivering your products. You need to prepare for all risks that could affect your business. After all, according to Murphy’s law, ““Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.””
Risks can cause serious financial damage and could shut down a business. The list of risks that can ruin your company’s operations can get long, and it could affect different departments of your organization.
The best way to reduce risks is to plan for them ahead of time through careful assessment and management. There are a few different views included in this template to facilitate risk control and monitoring. It also includes a separate table to keep track of risk control updates. Finally there is a table with mitigation plans that must control the impact once a risk becomes an incident.
Risk assessment and risk management are concepts you’ve likely encountered if you’re one of the decision-makers in your organization. Although you may have other resources on-hand to mitigate certain business risks, this template is specifically designed to be both flexible and thorough. Risk Assessment and Management is more than just a template for risk assessments. This template has six tables, organizing all the information in multiple views.
The first step in customizing this database for your company is importing your employees and adding the risk categories you identified. After that, register all of the company’s risk you identified.
Then you need to assess the risks. An assessment includes rating the impact of the risk when it becomes an incident and rating the likelihood the risk becomes and incident.
Finally, you can link a mitigation plan to a risk. Such plan describes what needs to happen to limit the impact or likelihood of a risk.
Check out the following tables and views to discover how this template can benefit you or your business:
Name (Text)
Email (Email)
Phone (Phone number)
Picture (File)
Job role (Text)
Registrations (Link to table)
Assessments (Link to table)
Plans (Link to table)
Count registrations (Count)
Count assessments (Count)
Count plans (Count)
Passwords (Password)
All employees (grid)
Employees with registrations, assessments or plans (grid)
Gallery: all employees (gallery)
Name (Text)
Risk registrations (Link to table)
Count registrations (Count)
Count active registrations (Formula)
Description (Text)
Name (Text)
Description (Long text)
Expected cost (Number)
Source (Single select)
Status (Single select)
Assessment Frequency (Single select)
Last assessment date (Rollup)
Category (Link to table)
Score (Formula)
Registrant (Link to table)
Risk Assessments (Link to table)
Impact (Formula)
Likelihood (Formula)
Requires re-assessment (Formula)
Mitigation Plans (Link to table)
Category name (Rollup)
Registrant name (Rollup)
Re-assessment deadline (Formula)
Re-assessment (date format) (Formula)
Impact symbol (Formula)
Likelihood symbol (Formula)
Requires re-assessment symbol (Formula)
All registrations (grid)
All registrations grouped by category (grid)
All registrations grouped by registrant (grid)
Active registrations (grid)
Active registrations without assessments (grid)
Registrations with score > 10 (grid)
Registrations for internal risks (grid)
Registrations for external risks (grid)
Registrations that require (re-)assessment (grid)
All registrations stacked by status (kanban)
All registrations stacked by assessment frequency (kanban)
Re-assessment agenda (calendar)
Register new risk (form)
Title (Text)
Date (Date)
Assessor (Link to table)
Findings (Long text)
Assessed risk (Link to table)
Assessed risk name (Rollup)
Assessor name (Rollup)
Most recent assessment (Formula)
Impact (Link to table)
Likelihood (Link to table)
Impact score (Rollup)
Likelihood score (Rollup)
Impact symbol (Formula)
Likelihood symbol (Formula)
Score (Formula)
Most recent assessment symbol (Formula)
All assessments (grid)
All assessments grouped by risk (grid)
All assessments grouped by assessor (grid)
Most recent assessments (grid)
Assessments with maximum impact (grid)
Assessments with maximum likelihood (grid)
Calendar: all assessments (calendar)
Name (Text)
Score (Number)
Risk assessments impact (Link to table)
Risk assessments likelihood (Link to table)
Count impact (Count)
Count likelihood (Count)
Symbol (Text)
Impact label (Text)
Likelihood label (Text)
Name (Text)
Description (Text)
Owner (Link to table)
Due date (Date)
Status (Single select)
Mitigated risk (Link to table)
Risk name (Rollup)
Owner name (Rollup)
Due date symbol (Formula)
All mitigation plans (grid)
All mitigation plans grouped by risk (grid)
All mitigation plans grouped by owner (grid)
Mitigation plans that are beyond due date (grid)
Calendar: mitigation plan due dates (calendar)
All mitigation plans stacked by status (kanban)
Risks by category
Assessments for risk
Mitigation plan for risks
Risks by impact and likelihood
All registered risks
Risk that needs re-assessment
Mitigation plans beyond due date
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refresh_data_source (submit)
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create_row (submit)
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open_page (submit)
update_row (submit)
logout (click)
refresh_data_source (submit)
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Get risk
Get assessment scores
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create_row (submit)
open_page (click)
open_page (submit)
Plan details
Plan incidents
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update_row (submit)
open_page (click)
logout (click)
create_row (submit)
open_page (submit)
open_page (click)