SMB Business Plan
Business Strategy

Going into small and midsize businesses? We all know that starting and running your own business comes with a lot of risks. That’s why it’s important to look for and use all the tools you can to ensure the success of your business. Your business plan and business model are two of the first things you’ll need. This template gives you a basic structure for your business plan, and it also lets you store your business model components in one customizable central database. Researchers say that to be a successful millionaire, you need at least seven different streams of income. That’s why this template was designed to hold more than one business concept. Using this template, you can organize all of your business ideas in one centralized database.

Every small and midsize business needs a good business plan and business model. A business model shows how a business could make money, and a business plan discusses the business’s strategy and how it thinks it will do financially in the years to come. This template gives aspiring business owners, business partners, and managers a basic framework for their business concepts. To use this template, begin by entering the name of your business in the Businesses table. The Businesses table connects all the information in the other tables. In the Team table, write down the names of all the people on your business team. Use the Business components table to define and list all your business model components. Then, in the Marketing methods table, write down what your marketing strategies are. Lastly, work with the rest of the tables in the following order: Target markets; Competition; Products and services; Marketing strategies; Costs and expenses; Monthly estimates; and, Financial forecasts. Go ahead and give this template a try by going through the following tables and views:


Start creating business plans using this table. You can use this table to plan one or more business ideas. This table was designed to link or create entity relationships between other business plan tables. It is also the main or central table that connects all the other tables in the database.


  • Business name. This is a unique name you plan to use for this business record. This could, and most likely will, be the official or legal business name.
  • Industry. This is a single select field for categorizing this business record or identifying the industry in which it operates.
  • Description. Any additional information or a detailed description of the nature of this business.
  • Team leader. This field is linked to the Team table, specifying the lead for this business or business plan.
  • Estimated startup cost. This is a lookup field based on the Related financial forecasts field that fetches the value of the Capital cost field of the Financial forecasts table. This basically gives back an estimate of how much it will cost to start up this business.
  • Estimated ROI. This is a lookup field based on the Related financial forecasts field that fetches the estimated (monthly) return on investment of this business based on estimated monthly sales, expenses, and net income.
  • Competitor count. This is a formula field that simply counts the number of competitors this business has that are listed in this database.
  • Avg days per month. This is a number field where you can put the average number of days your business will be operating each month. This number field is required and is used in the Monthly estimates table as an input for formulas.
  • Marketing methods. This field is linked to the Marketing methods table, where you can list all of the marketing strategies you or your team have for this business.
  • Is name registered. This is a checkbox that indicates whether or not the official business name has been registered with the appropriate agencies in your region.
  • Name registration no.. If the Is name registered checkbox is ticked or checked, this field will contain the business name registration number assigned to your business.
  • Is city registered. This is a checkbox that indicates whether or not the permits and licenses for this business have been obtained from the city in which you plan to operate.
  • City permit no.. If the Is city registered checkbox is ticked or checked, this field will contain the business license or permit number assigned to your business.
  • Is securities registered. This is a checkbox that indicates whether or not this business has been registered with your country’s securities and exchange commission.
  • Securities registration no.. If the Is securities registered checkbox is ticked or checked, this field will contain the securities and exchange commission registration number assigned to your business.
  • Is tax registered. This is a checkbox that indicates whether or not this business has been registered with your country’s tax bureau.
  • Tax identification no.. If the Is tax registered checkbox is ticked or checked, this field will contain the tax identification number assigned to your business.
  • Attachments. This field is where you can upload and attach any photos or documents that have to do with this business.
  • Competitors. This field is linked to the Competition table, specifying all competitors this business has that are listed in this database.
  • Related financial forecasts. This field is linked to the Financial forecasts table and specifies the record that predicts the operating finances for this business based on estimated expenses and sales. This field is hidden by default.


  • All businesses. Displays all businesses without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business name.
  • By industry. Displays a kanban view of all businesses, stacked by Industry.
  • Add business. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new business ideas to the database.

Business components

A good business model is a key part of any business plan. This table lets you work on business models by defining and listing their business components, which you can link to other components in the same table. This should help you come up with and play around with strategies that can help your business ideas make money. Just remember to specify the business each business model component is made for, since this table supports every business you have listed in the Businesses table. Also, unlike other tables or templates, this table’s main views are the kanban views.


  • Component name. A unique name or identifier for this business model component.
  • Business. This field is linked to the Businesses table, indicating the business this business component belong to. This field is also a key filter for the kanban views of this table.
  • Block type. This is a single select field that specifies the block type or category this business component belongs to in a business model. It could be any of the following: Customer segments; Value proposition; Revenue streams; Customer channels; Customer relationships; Key activities; Key resources; Key partners; or, Cost structure.
  • Linked components. This field is linked to this same table, specifying all other components in the business model to which this component is related or linked.
  • Details. This is a long text field where you can put any description or detailed information about this business model component.
  • Contributors. This field is linked to the Team table and lists all business team members who helped make, research, or implement this business component.
  • Business for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Business, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All business components. Displays all business model components without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business for sorting then by Block type.
  • By block type. Displays a kanban view of all business model components, stacked by Block type.
  • Bayzic Merch. Displays a kanban view of all Bayzic Merch’s business model components, stacked by Block type.
  • BSRW Barbershop. Displays a kanban view of all BSRW Barbershop’s business model components, stacked by Block type.
  • Add business component. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new business model components to the database.


This table contains contact information for all members of the team or other business associates and can be used as a handy reference by anyone on the team.


  • Name. The full name of a team member.
  • Photo. A photo of this team member.
  • Role. A single select field that indicates the title or role of this team member.
  • Phone. This team member’s current phone number.
  • Email address. This team member’s current email address.
  • Remarks. Any description or notes about this team member.
  • Related businesses. This is a lookup field based on the Related business models field that fetches the value of the Business field of the Business models table. This specifies the business or businesses on which this team member is working.
  • Related business models. This field is linked to the Business models table, specifying all business models this team member is linked to. This field is hidden by default.
  • Business for sorting. A formula field that converts the Lookup field, Related businesses, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All team members. Displays all team members without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business for sorting and Name.
  • The team. Displays a gallery of all team members without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • Add team member. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new team members to the database.
  • By role. Displays a kanban view of all team members, stacked by Role.

Target markets

This table shows that you have researched the market, have an understanding of its current state, and that your product or service fills a specific need. Additional fields may be added if necessary. To better understand how you could structure your market data, you can look at the provided sample data.


  • Title. A unique identifier for the customer demographic toward which a business directs its marketing efforts and resources.
  • Business. This field is linked to the Businesses table, and it indicates which of your businesses this target market belongs.
  • Priority. This is a single select field that indicates the importance of this target market to the business.
  • Population. This is an estimate of how many people fall into this demographic. This field is also necessary to complete financial/business estimates found in other tables.
  • Related monthly estimates. This field is linked to the Monthly estimates table, which has links to estimates that need data about this target market. This field is hidden by default.
  • Business for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Business, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All target markets. Displays all target markets without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business for sorting, then by Population from largest to smallest.
  • Add target market. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new target markets to the database.
  • By priority. Displays a kanban view of all target markets, stacked by Priority.


The information in this table is used to conduct competitive analysis for your businesses. Identify and list all of your competitors in this table. Feel free to customize the fields in this table.


  • Name. The name and unique identifier of a business competitor.
  • Description. Any notes, remarks, or details about this business competitor.
  • Year started. The calendar year this competitor started operating.
  • Number of employees. This is a single select field indicating the size of the competitor in terms of manpower.
  • Estimated market share (%). This is a percentage of the competitors’ estimated market share in the industry.
  • Business. This field is linked to the Businesses table, and it indicates which of your businesses this competitor competes with.
  • Business for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Business, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All competitors. Displays all competitors without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business for sorting and Name.
  • Add a competitor. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new competitors to the database.
  • By number of employees. Displays a kanban view of all competitors, stacked by Number of employees.

Products and services

This table lists all the products and services your business or businesses offer. You need the information in this table to generate financial estimates for your business. Don’t forget to mention the business each product or service belongs to.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this product or service record or row.
  • Item. The name of the product or service.
  • Business. This field is linked to the Businesses table, and it indicates which of your businesses this product or service belong.
  • Description. Any notes, remarks, or details about this product or service.
  • Price. The price point of this product or service.
  • Related monthly estimates. This field is linked to the Monthly estimates table, which has links to estimates that need data about this product or service. This field is hidden by default.
  • Business for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Business, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All products and services. Displays all products and services without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business for sorting and Item.
  • Bayzic Merch products. Displays all of Bayzic Merch’s products, sorted alphabetically by Item.
  • BSRW Barbershop services. Displays all of BSRW Barbershop’s services, sorted alphabetically by Item.
  • Add product or service. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new products and services to the database.

Marketing methods

In this table, list all of the marketing strategies that your business or businesses can use. It’s important to figure out for each strategy the channels or platforms that will help you reach your target market the best.


  • Name. A unique name or identifier for this marketing strategy.
  • Platform. The platform used for the marketing approach whether it be the company email for direct emails or the social media platform.
  • Description. Any notes, remarks, or details about this marketing method.
  • Businesses. This field is linked to the Businesses table and indicates which of your businesses will use this marketing method.


  • All methods. Displays all marketing methods without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • Add marketing method. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new marketing methods or strategies to the database.

Costs and expenses

Every business plan entails planning and estimating all possible costs that could be involved in developing your business to come to life. Potential and applicable expenditures are also included in this table. All the information in this table is necessary input for the Monthly Estimates table.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this cost or expense estimate record.
  • Business. This field is linked to the Businesses table, and it indicates which of your businesses this cost or expense estimate belong.
  • Type. This is a single select field that indicates the type of expense or cost associated with this record. By default, this field is defined with the most common valid types. Update this field to suit your business.
  • Frequency. This is a single select field that indicates how frequently this record will most likely be used for business purposes. Select “Initial/startup” if the record or row is a cost estimate.
  • Description. Any notes, remarks, or details about this cost or expense estimate.
  • Cost. The estimated price for this cost or expense estimate.
  • Related monthly estimates. This field is linked to the Monthly estimates table, linking records for formula use. This field is hidden by default.
  • Related financial forecasts. This field is linked to the Financial forecasts table and specifies the record for which this cost or expense estimate is used. This field is hidden by default.
  • Business for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Business, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All costs and expenses. Displays all estimated costs and expenses without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business for sorting, Frequency, and Type.
  • Add cost or expense. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new estimated costs or expenses to the database.
  • Bayzic Merch costs and expenses. Displays all of Bayzic Merch’s estimated costs and expenses, sorted alphabetically by Frequency, and Type.
  • Bayzic Merch estimates. Displays a kanban view of Bayzic Merch’s estimated costs and expenses, stacked by Frequency.
  • Bayzic Merch estimate types. Displays a kanban view of Bayzic Merch’s estimated costs and expenses, stacked by Type.
  • BSRW Barbershop costs and expenses. Displays all of BSRW Barbershop’s estimated costs and expenses, sorted alphabetically by Frequency, and Type.
  • BSRW Barbershop estimates. Displays a kanban view of BSRW Barbershop’s estimated costs and expenses, stacked by Frequency.
  • BSRW Barbershop estimate types. Displays a kanban view of BSRW Barbershop’s estimated costs and expenses, stacked by Type.

Monthly estimates

This table is used to estimate or model a business’s monthly operating expenses. Play around with the Estimated turnout (%) field to get an idea of how your business might do given the information in other tables, especially the Target markets table. Also, in the Main products/services field, keep in mind that you can link to only your most important products/services if you want to.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this monthly estimate record.
  • Business. This field is linked to the Businesses table, and it indicates which of your businesses this monthly estimate belong.
  • Title. A short name for this monthly estimate record of calculations.
  • Estimated turnout. A single select field where you can choose the type of monthly estimate record. This is usually used to describe the estimated volume of business transactions for this monthly estimate record.
  • Estimated turnout (%). This is a percentage value of the estimated turnout of business transactions for a certain type of industry in a specific location or region with reference to the market population or average foot traffic in a certain location. For example, some restaurateurs estimate the number of customers they would expect based on an optimistic “3%” (or 3.00) value of an entire location’s foot traffic (i.e., in a mall, food plaza, or food park).
  • Estimated TXNs per day. This is a useful formula that uses information from other tables and fields in this database to figure out how many transactions a business does on average per day.
  • Estimated expenses. This is a formula field that estimates a business’ total expenses from data in the Costs and expenses table.
  • Estimated sales. This is a formula field that estimates a business’ total sales from data in the Target markets and Products or services tables. For Products and services, this field computes the average price of a business’ main or most popular products or services selected in the Main products/services field.
  • Estimated profit. This is a formula field that estimates a business’ monthly net income or simply gets the difference between the Estimated sales and Estimated expenses fields.
  • Market. This field is linked to the Target markets table, indicating the specific demographic used for this monthly estimate record.
  • Main products/services. This field is linked to the Products and services table, specifying a business’ main or most popular products and services.
  • Expense estimates. This field is linked to the Costs and expenses table, identifying all estimated expenses related to a business.
  • Related financial forecasts. This field is linked to the Financial forecasts table and specifies the record for which this monthly estimate is used. This field is hidden by default.
  • Business for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Business, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All monthly estimates. Displays all monthly estimates for all businesses without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business for sorting and Estimated turnout.
  • Add monthly estimate. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new monthly estimates to the database.
  • Bayzic Merch monthly estimates. Displays a kanban view of Bayzic Merch’s monthly estimates, stacked by Estimated turnout.
  • BSRW Barbershop monthly estimates. Displays a kanban view of BSRW Barbershop’s monthly estimates, stacked by Estimated turnout.

Financial forecasts

Business partners and investors like to see well-thought-out financial projections. Please keep in mind that all the numbers in this table are just estimates based on data from other tables. Most of the information in this table is generated automatically; just make sure to connect each forecast to the appropriate monthly estimates.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this financial forecast record.
  • Business. This field is linked to the Businesses table, and it indicates which of your businesses this financial forecast is for.
  • Estimated ROI. This is a formula field that estimates the (monthly) return on investment of a business based on estimated monthly sales, expenses, and net income.
  • Payback period. This is a formula field that estimates a business’ payback period (in years) based on capital costs and estimated monthly net income.
  • Capital cost. This is a formula field that estimates how much it will cost to get a business to the point where it can be run to make money, or the total cost of setting up the business.
  • Avg monthly expenses. This is a formula field that estimates a business’ average monthly expenses.
  • Avg monthly sales. This is a formula field that estimates a business’ average monthly sales based on information in the Monthly estimates table.
  • Avg monthly profit. This is a formula field that estimates a business’ average monthly profit or average monthly net income based on information in the Monthly estimates table.
  • Initial costs. This field is linked to the Costs and expenses table, specifying all costs associated with setting up a business.
  • Monthly estimates. This field is linked to the Monthly estimates table, specifying all monthly estimates associated with a business.
  • Business for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Business, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All forecasts. Displays all financial forecasts for all businesses without filters, sorted alphabetically by Business for sorting.
  • Add forecast. Displays a form view that facilitates adding new financial estimates to the database.