Student Planner

One of the most difficult things we need to do as students is get organized. But there’s so many moving pieces! We need to keep track of assignments, which pertain to specific classes, that are taught by multiple professors, which change every semester. As much as we know we should be organized, we often procrastinate because we know how time-consuming it is. But with this Student Planner template! Get your student career on the right track before you even attend your first class. This template is complete with semesters, classes, professors, and of course, assignments. Everything is organized and ready to be adapted as you need it. Whether you’re an undergraduate graduate, or even a high school student, this template allows you to plan your entire journey while at school.

When your goal is to learn, you should be doing exactly that—learning. Unfortunately, it’s easy to spend a lot of time trying to get organized instead. The lack of consistency across classes and assignments is always, and has always been, a cause of frustration and anxiety at school. There’s always a time when students are trying to figure out what they have to do within specific subjects, and then need to figure out how to do it. It can be a nightmare when everything is so discombobulated, and not something that’s easily manageable. What if you could get that time back and focus on studying (and partying) instead? The Student Planner template is everything you need to keep student life organized from the beginning of the school year to the end. Save your time and energy with this template that helps you have all your courses, assignments, professors, and even grades in one place, easily accessible and organized to give you the confidence to meet all deadlines and make school life the best it can be. Here are a few template features and highlights, by table:


Assignments are arguably the most important part of the Student Planner template. After all, it’s every action item and where grades come from. Every assignment has a type, due date, and completion status. Each assignment is also linked to a specific class.


  • Title. Simply put: What the assignment is. You can be as general or as specific as you’d like, but it’s best to keep it as concise as possible.
  • Type. Each assignment has a type. Assignments can be personal, group projects, quizzes, tests, presentations, lecture readings, or anything else.
  • Due date. Every assignment has a due date, and it’s imperative to keep track of it so that you can foresee it coming and be able to complete it in time. This field also allows for time in addition to dates, which allows you to set times for specific assignments that may be, say, due by midnight, or due before class.
  • Priority. How important is this assignment? Does it impact your grade a decent amount? This rating field indicates how significant the assignment is.
  • Class. This is a linked field to the Classes table. If a class doesn’t exist, that means assignments for that class also don’t exist. So each assignment is tied to its respective class!
  • Notes. There may be some details or caveats to certain assignments, so this is a field that lets you capture anything that you may not be able to capture elsewhere on this table.
  • Files. This field allows you to attach images, PDFs, and/or other sorts of files that relate to each assignment. Some assignments may not have any files, and that’s okay—because when you do encounter an assignment that has a file that needs attaching, you’ll be all set!
  • Link. Some assignments may not have (or require) links. But chances are that in this digital age, an assignment or two is bound to need a link for one reason or another.
  • Status. An assignment may be in progress, complete, or not started at all. Keep track of its status with this single select field.


  • All assignments. Displays all assignments sorted by the Due date first (earliest to latest), and then by Type.
  • Readings. Displays assignments categorized as “reading” assignments sorted from earliest due date.
  • Group projects. Displays assignments categorized as group projects sorted from earliest due date.
  • Presentations. Displays assignments categorized as presentations sorted in ascending order by due date.
  • Solo projects. Displays assignments categorized as solo projects sorted in ascending order by due date.
  • Tests and quizzes. Displays assignments categorized as either tests or quizzes sorted in ascending order by due date.
  • Top priority. Displays assignments that have a priority level of 5 sorted by due date.
  • By status. Displays all assignments in a kanban view, stacked by status.


Higher education is divided into semesters—typically Fall, Spring, and Summer. Everything in the Semesters **table is laid out in a way that allows you to easily see which classes are being taken each semester, and when the semester starts and ends.


  • Name. Semesters typically follow the naming convention [season] [year], but of course you’re free to modify this as needed.
  • Start date. The start date of the semester.
  • End date. The end date of the semester.
  • Classes. This is a linked field to the Classes table, which provides for a birds-eye view of the classes taken/will be taking during each semester.


  • All semesters. Displays everything related to semesters, sorted by Start date.
  • Year one. The first year of school, or first and second semesters.
  • Year two. The second year of school, or third and fourth semesters.
  • Year three. The third year of school, or fifth and sixth semesters.
  • Year four. The fourth year of school, or seventh and eighth semesters. Note that the template is structured to be ideal for a typical four-year undergraduate degree, but of course can be customized to fit a one/two-year graduate degree, a two-year Associate degree, and even a four-year high school schedule.


Ah, classes—the source of all assignments. This is one of the most important tables in this Student Planner template, as it links to all other tables while also containing its own bits of info for any student/education application.


  • Name. The name of the class.
  • Department. This is a lookup field that identifies the department this class is associated with.
  • Course code. All classes, particularly at university, have unique course codes that help easily identify them.
  • Semester. This is a linked field to the Semesters table, which allows for an easy look at which semester that class will be taken in.
  • Final grade. Each and every class has a final grade that hopefully ends in an A!
  • Taught by. This is a linked field to the Professors table, which displays the professor(s) responsible for teaching each class.
  • Assignments. This is a linked field to the Assignments table, which displays every single assignments respective to each class. Each class can have multiple assignments, but only one assignment pertains to one class at a time.
  • Meets on. This drop down select field indicates which days the class is held on.
  • Class time. The time the specific class begins and ends.
  • Currently enrolled. This is a field that allows you to indicate whether you are currently enrolled in this class or not. This is helpful for the currently enrolled view, because it shows all information pertinent to current classes.


  • All classes. Displays all classes with no filtering applied.
  • Accounting. Displays only accounting classes.
  • Finance. Displays only finance classes.
  • Entrepreneurship. Displays only entrepreneurship classes.
  • Currently enrolled. Displays all classes the student is currently enrolled in. This view is helpful for checking class days/times as well as assignments for the current classes.
  • Finished. Displays all classes for which the student has received a final grade, indicating the class has been completed. Note: The template only takes into account these views for types of classes, but views are of course customizable to fit any type of class you’d like!


Having a proper relationship with your professor can go a long way to aid your education. This table contains information useful for contacting your professor or verifying their office hours if you need additional help with certain assignments or if you have questions. This table also includes where you can find the professor’s office.


  • Full name. The professor’s first and last name.
  • Goes by. Professors often designate how they’d like to be addressed—some have prefixes (such as Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., etc.), and others have nicknames. Whether they want to be addressed formally or informally, play it safe and jot down their preference!
  • Department. This field is linked to the Departments table, identifying which department the professor is associated with.
  • Email. The most popular way to communicate with a professor outside of class is email. So, keep it handy at all times.
  • Class taught. Most teachers will only teach one class, but this linked field to the Classes table provides the ability to tie one teacher to multiple classes of necessary.
  • Office hours. The dedicated hours the professor has for students that need assistance. The days are abbreviated and times are in military format.
  • Office number. The professor’s office number.
  • Building & office #. This formula field concatenates the building name and office number for the professor so that you can identify which room in which building you can find them.


  • All professors. Displays all professors, sorted in alphabetical order by their full name.
  • Business department. Displays all professors associated with the “Department of Business”, sorted in alphabetical order by their full name.
  • Finance department. Displays all professors associated with the “Department of Finance”, sorted in alphabetical order by their full name.


To keep professors and different topics organized, schools often link their staff to particular departments. This make allocating resources and space to different departments significantly easier. Typically classes that belong to a department are all held within the same building, and this table contains that information.


  • Department. The name of the department.
  • Code. The identification code.
  • Building. A drop down select menu of the different buildings on the campus of the school.
  • Professor count. A formula field that calculates the number of professors that are a part of each specific department.
  • Professors. A field linked to the Professors **table, identifying each professor associated with the department.
  • Classes count. A formula field that calculates the number of classes that pertains to each department.
  • Classes. A field linked to the Classes **table, identifying the specific classes associated with the department.


  • All departments. Displays all departments sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Small departments. Displays departments with less than 6 professors teaching classes for that department sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Large departments. Displays departments with 6 or more professors teaching classes for that department sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Many class options. Displays departments with 6 or more classes offered.
  • Limited classes. Displays departments with less than 5 classes offered.