Task Management
Project Management

Proper task management is crucial to keep your projects within time and budget. A small deviation from the original schedule can have a huge impact on the further progress of the project, especially if you have not considered possible dependencies between multiple tasks—or if you forget to take the required equipment into account. This task management templates solves these issues and allows you to create a task management system that works for you, regardless of your work.

The first part of this template maps the human resources. It starts with the departments in your organization. Each department contains multiple job roles. A job role is taken by one or more staff members. Each of those tables have fields that show their past, current and future involvement in projects or tasks. This information is crucial for proper staff policy since it allows you to quickly detect potential understaffing or overstaffing of a certain job role or department. This template even has multiple views for detecting this type of scenario.

The second part is about projects and tasks where a project is a collection as tasks. The Projects table contains fields that show how many tasks are currently completed, in progress and scheduled. The Projects table also has multiple fields that monitor the budget. You set manually the budget of the entire project and for each tasks. The template calculates the amount of budget that is already assigned and the budget that is still available in percentage and absolute numbers.

The Tasks table not only offers detailed information about each task. It is possible to set prerequisites for a task. Those are tasks that need to be completed before the actual task can start. Detecting those dependencies and taking them into account limits the chances that the project goes over time. Comments and feedback about actions taken to perform the task are stored in the Task actions table.

Some tasks require a certain equipment to be performed. This equipment can be linked to a task and there are views available to detect which equipment does not have a piece in surplus during a certain time of the project.


This table contains both general information about your staff members and offers insights on the current project they are working on.


  • Code. This formula field generates a unique code for the staff members by combining the name and job.
  • Name. The staff member’s first and last name.
  • Email. The staff member’s email address.
  • Phone. The staff member’s phone number.
  • Photo. The staff member’s profile picture.
  • Job. This linked field to the Job roles table links one job role to the staff members.
  • Department. This formula field get the name of the department that is associated with the job role.
  • Projects - Owner. This linked field to the Projects table shows an overview of all the projects where the staff member is assigned to as an owner or the ultimately responsible.
  • Projects - Team. This linked field to the Projects table shows an overview of all the projects where the staff members is assigned to as a team member.
  • Tasks. This linked field to the Tasks table shows an overview of the the past, present and future tasks the staff member has been assigned to.
  • Active projects. This formula field counts the number of projects the staff member is currently involved in.
  • Scheduled projects. This formula field counts the number of future projects the staff member will be involved in.
  • Completed projects. This formula field counts the number of completed projects the staff member had been involved in.
  • Total projects. This formula field sums up the Active projects, Scheduled projects and Completed projects.
  • Active tasks. This formula field counts the number of tasks the staff member is currently involved in.
  • Scheduled tasks. This formula field counts the number of future tasks the staff member will be involved in.
  • Completed tasks. This formula field counts the number of completed tasks the staff member had been involved in.
  • Total tasks. This formula field sums up the Active tasks, Scheduled tasks and Completed tasks.


  • All staff members. Displays all staff members sorted in chronological order of their Name.
  • Gallery: all staff members. Displays all staff members in a gallery sorted in chronological order of their Name.
  • Staff members grouped by department. Displays all staff members grouped by their Department.
  • Staff members with active projects. Displays the staff members who are currently involved in one or more projects.
  • Staff members with active tasks. Displays the staff members who are currently executing one or more tasks.

Job roles

This table contains information about the job roles that are present in the organization, their current occupation and involvement in projects.


  • Name. The job role’s name.
  • Description. The job role’s description.
  • Department. This linked field to the Departments table links one department to the job role.
  • Department name. This formula field converts the Department field from a linked field to a text field. This is required to use the group by functionality in several views.
  • Staff. This linked field to the Staff table shows an overview of all staff members associated with the job role.
  • Staff count. This rollup field counts the number of Staff members for the job role.
  • Total projects count. This rollup field counts the number of past, current and future projects the job role has been involved in.
  • Active projects count. This rollup field counts the number of current projects the job role is involved in.
  • Projects by job staff ratio. This formula field divides the Staff count by the Active projects count. A high number might indicate overstaffing of the job role. A low number might indicate understaffing of the job role.


  • All job roles. Displays all job roles sorted in chronological order of their Staff count.
  • Job roles grouped by department. Displays all job roles grouped by their Department.
  • Job roles with active projects. Displays the job roles that are currently involved in one or more projects.
  • Job roles with projects to staff ratio < 1. Displays the job roles that have a small Projects by staff ratio. This might indicate that an understaffing for the job role.


This table contains information about the departments that are present in the organization, their current occupation and involvement in projects.


  • Name. The department’s name.
  • Description. The department’s description.
  • Job roles. This linked field to the Job roles table shows an overview of all the job roles in the department.
  • Staff count. This rollup field counts the number of Staff members for the department.
  • Total projects count. This rollup field counts the number of past, present and future projects the department was involved in.
  • Active projects count. This rollup field counts the number of current projects the department is involved in.
  • Projects by staff ratio. This formula field divides the Staff count field by the Active projects counts field. A high number might indicate overstaffing of the department. A low number might indicate understaffing of the department.


  • All departments. Displays all departments sorted in chronological order of their Staff count.
  • Departments with active projects. Displays the departments that are currently involved in one or more projects.
  • Departments with projects to staff ratio < 1. Displays the departments that have a small Projects by staff ratio. This might indicate that an understaffing for the job role.


This table contains general information about a project together with budget details and an overview of related Tasks.


  • Code. This formula field generates a unique code for each project using the Start date and Title.
  • Title. The project’s title.
  • Description. The project’s description.
  • Project budget ($ millions). The project’s budget expressed in million dollars.
  • Task budget sum ($ millions). This rollup field sums up the amount of budget that is assigned to individual Tasks.
  • Budget scheduled %. This formula field calculates the percentage of the budget that is already assigned to individual Tasks.
  • Available budget ($ millions). This formula field calculates the amount of budget that has not been assigned yet.
  • Status. This formula field calculates the status of the project based on Start, Deadline and Actual end date fields.
  • Start. The project’s start date.
  • Deadline. The project’s deadline date.
  • Actual end date. The project’s actual end date. This might vary from the Deadline.
  • Is overdue. This formula fields returns true is the project has passed the Deadline.
  • Days overdue. This formula field calculates the number of days that a project has passed the Deadline.
  • Owner. This linked field to the Staff table assign an owner or ultimately responsible to the project.
  • Team. This linked field to the Staff table shows an overview of all staff members that are involved in the project.
  • Departments involved. This lookup field of the Team field shows an overview of the Departments of the team members.
  • Tasks. This linked field to the Tasks table show an overview of all past, present and future tasks related to the project.
  • Active tasks. This formula field counts the present or active tasks for the project.
  • Scheduled tasks. This formula field counts the future or scheduled tasks for the project.
  • Completed tasks. This formula field counts the past or completed tasks for the project.
  • Total tasks. This formula field sums up the Active tasks, Scheduled tasks and Completed tasks fields.
  • Owner name. This is a hidden field used by the application builder or group by functionality.


  • All projects. Displays all projects sorted in chronological order of their Start date.
  • Projects grouped by status. Displays all projects grouped by their Status.
  • Projects with active tasks. Displays the projects that has one or more Active tasks.
  • Projects with scheduled budget > 75%. Displays the projects where the Budget scheduled % is larger than 75%.
  • Projects with scheduled budget > 90%. Displays the projects where the Budget scheduled % is larger than 90%.
  • Projects over budget. Displays the projects where the budget that is assigned to tasks is greater than the project’s budget.


This table contains information about all the tasks related to projects, their requirements, and their current situation.


  • Code. This formula field generates a unique code for each project using the Start date, Title and Autonumber.
  • Title. The task’s title.
  • Description. The task’s description.
  • Category. This single select field categorizes the task.
  • Project. This linked field to the Projects table links the task to a project.
  • Assignee. This linked field to the Staff table assigns a staff member to the task.
  • Priority. This single select field sets a priority of high, medium or low to the task.
  • Required equipment. This linked field to the Equipments table shows an overview of the required equipment to complete the task.
  • Prerequisites. This linked field to the Tasks table sums up the tasks that must be completed before the task can start.
  • Prerequisites OK. This formula field checks if all the pre required tasks are marked as completed.
  • Status. This formula field calculates the status of the task based on Start, Estimated end date and Actual end date fields.
  • Start. The task’s start date.
  • Duration in days. The task’s expected duration in days.
  • Days until end. This formula field calculates the number of remaining days until the Estimated end date.
  • Estimated end date. This formula field calculates the estimated end date based on the Start and Duration in days fields.
  • Actual end date. The task’s actual end date. This might vary from the Estimated end date.
  • Is overdue. This formula field returns true if the task has passed the Estimated end date.
  • Days overdue. This formula field checks the number of days that a task is overdue.
  • Budget ($ millions). The task’s expected budget.
  • Task actions. This linked field to the Task actions table shows an overview of all actions taken for this task.
  • Project code . This is a hidden field used by the application builder or group by functionality.
  • Assignee name. This is a hidden field used by the application builder or group by functionality.
  • Autonumber. This is a hidden field used by the application builder or group by functionality.
  • Today. This is a hidden field used by the application builder or group by functionality.


  • All tasks. Displays all tasks sorted in chronological order of the number of Days until end.
  • All tasks in calendar view. Displays all tasks in a calendar view based on the Start field.
  • All tasks by Category. Displays all tasks in a Kanban View stacked by their Category.
  • Active and scheduled tasks by Category. Displays the tasks that are active or scheduled in a kanban stacked by their Category.
  • All tasks by Priority. Displays all tasks in Kanban View stacked by their Priority.
  • Active and scheduled tasks by Priority. Displays the tasks that are active or scheduled in a kanban stacked by their Priority.
  • Tasks that are both important and urgent. Displays the tasks that have a high Priority and less than 30 Days until end.
  • Tasks grouped by project and status. Displays all tasks, first grouped by the Project, then grouped by the Status.
  • Tasks that are in progress. Displays the tasks where the Status is In progress.
  • Tasks that start within 30 days. Displays the tasks that Start within 30 days.
  • Tasks with pre requirements ok (active + scheduled). Displays the tasks that are active or scheduled and where all the prerequisites are met.
  • Tasks with pre requirement NOT ok (active + scheduled). Displays the tasks that are active or scheduled and where all the pre requirements are met yet.

Task actions

This table contains information about the actions or feedback that is related to Tasks.


  • Code.This formula field generates a unique code for each action using the code of the Taskand an Autonumber.
  • Task. This linked field to the Tasks table links the action to a task.
  • Team member. This lookup field of the Task field shows the Staff member responsible for the task.
  • Date. This created on field shows the date and time the action was created.
  • Action. This long text field describes the action.
  • Autonumber. This is a hidden field used by the application builder or group by functionality.
  • Task ID. This is a hidden field used by the application builder or group by functionality.


  • All task actions. Displays all task actions sorted in chronological order of their Date.
  • All task actions in calendar view. Displays all task actions in Calendar View based on the Date.
  • Task actions by task. Displays all task actions grouped by their Task.


This table contains information about the equipment that is available within the organization and its usage for current projects.


  • Name. The equipment’s name.
  • Description. The equipment’s description.
  • Category. This single select field categorizes the equipment.
  • Quantity. The amount of that equipment in the organization.
  • Currently in use. This formula field calculates the number of pieces of that equipment that are currently in use.
  • Currently available. This formula field calculates the number of pieces of that equipment that are currently available.
  • Currently scheduled. This formula field calculates the number of pieces of that equipment that are currently scheduled for future tasks.
  • Scheduled start date. This formula fields shows the start dates when the equipment is scheduled.
  • Tasks. This linked field to the Tasks table shows an overview of all the tasks the equipment is required for.


  • All equipment. Displays all equipment sorted in chronological order Currently available.
  • All equipment by category. Displays all equipment in Kanban View stacked by its Category.
  • Equipment without scheduled tasks. Displays the equipment that is currently not scheduled for any task.
  • Equipment that is currently in use. Displays the equipment that is scheduled for a task that is executed at this moment.
  • Equipment without a piece in surplus. Displays the equipment where all pieces are currently in use.