Teacher Lesson Plans
Project Management

Proper preparation for class time is at the heart of being an excellent teacher. Lesson planning goes a long way to enhancing student’s learning experience. Providing students with a variety of resources both in the form of text books as well as online resources allows the students to build upon their foundational understanding of the material. Having proper plans gives teachers a schedule they can abide by, and it can ensure teachers are using their class time in the most efficient way possible. A proper lesson plan is imperative to effective teaching.

Teachers have to deal with the variety of difficulties ranging from teaching material, to a group of students vastly varying in their reading capabilities, down to finding different ways to making “boring” informational material come to life and interest the students. Having a proper lesson plan helps teachers maintain a quality standard teaching pattern aimed at providing a clear, logical plan to provide students with all information and materials that are required for them to meet the desired learning objectives for the year. Formulating lesson plans can be quite tedious if you don’t have a proper organization tool at your disposal, but you do! This template can organize the different units and all materials associated with teaching that unit to ensure a smooth learning path with ample resources for the students. Here are a few of the template’s features and highlights, by table:


The units table serves as a roadmap for teachers to indicate the primary lessons that are the focus of the classroom during the given time period. It includes the different resources, assignments, and field trips associated with the specific units.


  • Name. The name of the unit.
  • Objectives. The learning objectives for the unit.
  • Start date. The projected start date of the unit in ISO year/month/day format.
  • End date. The projected end date of the unit in ISO year/month/day format.
  • Textbook(s). This field links to the Textbooks **table, indicating which textbook is used for the unit.
  • Additional resources. This field links to the Online resources **table, indicating additional reading materials used for the lesson plan.
  • Assignments. This field links to the Assignments **table, displaying the assignments associated with the unit.
  • Year(s). This field links to the Years **table, stating the year level associated with the unit.
  • Field trips. This field links to the Field trips **table, identifying the field trip associated with the unit.
  • Subject. This field links to the Subjects table, identifying the specific subject associated with the unit.


  • All units. Displays all units sorted by the earliest start date.
  • 4th year. Displays all units with a “4th year” filter applied sorted by the earliest start date.
  • 5th year. Displays all units with a “5th year” filter applied sorted by the earliest start date.
  • 6th year. Displays all units with a “6th year” filter applied sorted by the earliest start date.


This table indicates the different subjects the material pertains to. Oftentimes, elementary school teachers will teach more than one subject and they must have lesson plans for each subject.


  • Name. The name of the subject.
  • Textbooks. This field links to the Textbooks **table. Use it to select the specific text books that pertain to the subject.
  • Field trips. This field links to the Field trips **table, identifying the field trips linked to the subject.
  • Units. This field links to the Units **table, listing the different units that full under the subject.


  • All subjects. Displays all subjects sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Field trips. Displays all subjects with a field trip based on the subject.
  • Need field trips. Displays all subjects that still need a field trip for the subjects.


Alongside the teaching texts, it’s critical that students put into practice the objectives they are learning. This table includes all worksheets or guidelines for assignments intended to sharpen the student’s particular skills and push the student to more thoroughly understand the unit at hand.


  • Name. The name of the assignment.
  • Difficulty. A single select field allowing you to pick the expected difficulty of the assignment.
  • Focus. The primary focus or purpose of the assignment.
  • File. A copy of the worksheet or guidelines for the specific assignment uploaded.
  • Units. This field links to the Units **table, indicating the specific unit the assignment is for.
  • Year. This field links to the Years **table, indicating which year the assignment is tailored for.
  • Estimated time (min). The estimated amount of time in minutes it would take the student to complete the assignment.


  • All assignments. Displays all assignments sorted by the shortest estimated duration.
  • 4th year. Displays all assignments with 4th year as the year level.
  • 5th year. Displays all assignments with 5th year as the year level.
  • 6th year. Displays all assignments with 6th year as the year level.
  • Long assignments. Displays all assignments that take 45 min or longer to complete.
  • Difficult assignments. Displays all assignments with “Difficult” as the difficulty level.
  • Medium assignments. Displays all assignments with “Medium” as the difficulty level.
  • Easy assignments. Displays all assignments with “Easy” as the difficulty level.
  • By difficulty. Displays all assignments in a kanban view, stacked by difficulty.


This table includes the different text books that the teacher is using for the specific unit plans. Textbooks typically serve as the foundational resource the unit plans depend on.


  • ISBN. The specific ISBN associated with the text book.
  • Cover photo. A space to store the textbook’s cover photo.
  • Title. The title of the book.
  • Author. The author of the book.
  • Units. This field links to the Units **table, indicating which units the textbook is used for.
  • Subject. This field links to the Subjects table, identifying the related subject.
  • Year. This field links to the Years **table, indicating the year level the textbook is for.
  • Price. The individual unit price of the textbook.


  • All textbooks. Displays all textbooks used.
  • All science. Displays all textbooks that have science as the subject.
  • 4th year. Displays all textbooks with 4th year as the year level.
  • 5th year. Displays all textbooks with 5th year as the year level.
  • 6th year. Displays all textbooks with 6th year as the year level.

Online resources

Although a textbook is often the foundation, additional resources add much value to lesson plans. this table includes the variety of supplementary resources that are used to better help the student understand the unit and be well informed.


  • Name. The name of the online resource.
  • Author. The name of the author of the online resource.
  • URL. The unique link to the resource.
  • Units. This field links to the Units **table, indicating which units the online resources were for.
  • Time to read (min). The estimated amount of time it would take to read through the resource in minutes.


  • All materials. Displays all online materials.
  • Short readings. Displays all online materials that would take less than 30 minutes to read through sorted by the shortest time to the longest time.
  • Lengthy readings. Displays all online materials that take 30 or more minutes to read through.

Field Trips

Adding a field trip can bring text book material to life for students. Students tend to learn much better with interactive experiences, and field trips are certainly something to get excited about. This table organizes the different field trips associated with the units being taught in order to enhance the learning experience for the students.


  • Destination. The name of the location the field trip is centered around.
  • Picture. An uploaded picture of the location.
  • Subject. This field links to the Subjects table, **identifying the subject this field trip is related to.
  • Address. The exact address of the destination.
  • Phone number. The phone number of the destination.
  • Purpose. The primary purpose of the field trip.
  • Admission. The cost of the field trip for the class.
  • Date. The date in year/month/day format when the trip is planned to occur.
  • Units. This field is linked to the Units **table, indicating which unit the field trip is most closely tied to.
  • Pre-approved. This field indicates whether the field trip has already been approved by the school principal.


  • All field trips. Displays all field trips sorted by the earliest planned date.
  • Gallery: All field trips. Displays all field trips in a gallery view, sorted by date in ascending order.


Frequently, teachers are assigned to teach different years, and each unit must be tailored towards the specific age group. This table isolates the different years.


  • Year. The specific year level.
  • Ages. The average age group for children in this year.
  • Textbooks. This field links to the Textbooks table, indicating which textbooks are used for the particular year.


  • All years. Displays all year levels.