Team Check-ins
Business Continuity
Business Operations

Regular team check-ins are like warming up vehicles before driving. Check-ins on the progress of tasks or updates may start the day or the workweek. It becomes vital in the workplace, where all members are expected to take part and become involved. This template helps you manage the team’s check-ins efficiently and effectively. Moreover, use this template to conduct an agile or scrum retrospective to assess how tasks or projects progressed. Check-ins and retrospectives help you find the best ways to do things, and they also show you what needs to be done right away.

Managers, supervisors, and team leaders can use this template to kickstart team check-ins among their colleagues. This template makes it easier for you to organize and keep track of your team’s check-ins. It also encourages your team to share their thoughts and suggestions about the projects and tasks they’ve been given. Each member of the team can add their own check-ins to the template’s Add new check-in form view. At the same time, let them describe how they feel about the task they are reporting on. To begin using this template, fill out the Team table with all of your team members’ contact information. Following that, populate the Projects table with the projects assigned to your team. Then, in the Tasks table, build a list of all the tasks required for each project, making sure to assign tasks to members of your team as you go. Finally, each team member can now enter their check-ins using the Add new check-in form in the Check-ins table. Enjoy this template. Use the task mood logging feature to learn more about your team’s progress. A few other table views in Check-ins are available to help you see how your team is doing. Here are a few template features and highlights, by table:


The Check-ins table is the template’s core part. Have all team members check-in their activities using the form provided in this table.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this check-in.
  • Date and time reported. A date field, automatically logged for every check-in.
  • Week reported. A formula field for the week of the year based on the formula field Week number in the year.
  • Created by. A field for who made the check-in or who the check-in is for.
  • Mood rating. A selection field for indicating the mood for the task at the given date and time of the check-in.
  • Project. This looks up for the related project of the assigned task for this check-in.
  • Task. This field is linked to the Tasks table, which specifies the activity worked for this check-in.
  • Percent complete. This is a selection field where you can say how much of the given task is done at the time and date of the check-in.
  • Updates. The task updates and other related descriptions of the task’s progress.
  • Impediments. A field describing show stoppers or any issues or requirements that are needed to be addressed to complete this task.
  • Last updated. The date and time the current record was updated.
  • Week number in the year. A formula field for computing the week number in the year of the recorded Date and time reported field.


  • All check-ins. Displays all check-ins without any filters sorted by Week reported from the most recent to the oldest, then sorted alphabetically by ID from A to Z.
  • Add new check-in. This is a form view that facilitates entering a new check-in.
  • Moods for today. This is a Kanban view that displays today’s check-ins as cards stacked according to moods based on the Mood rating field. This view is specially helpful for retrospective activities.
  • Retrospective this month. This is a Kanban view of check-ins classified by moods but displays all check-ins in the current month.


Update this table with all of the team’s allocated projects. Additionally, this table is connected to the Tasks and Team tables. The Projects table is primarily used to categorize the team’s tasks.


  • Name. The name of the project.
  • Category. A selection field that allows projects to be classified into categories.
  • Project lead. This field is linked to the Team table, identifying the project leader for this project.
  • Project team. This field is linked to the Team table, which lists the team members assigned to the project.
  • Kickoff date. The project’s start date.
  • Due date. The project’s due date.
  • Notes. This is a general purpose field for notes related to the project.
  • Tasks. This field is linked to the Tasks table, which lists all tasks related to the project.
  • Status. A selection field that indicates whether the project is still open, in progress, or closed.


  • All projects. Displays all projects entered sorted by Due date from the oldest to the latest, then sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Open projects. Displays projects that are still open sorted by Due date from the oldest to the latest, then sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • In progress projects. Displays projects that are in progress sorted by Due date from the oldest to the latest, then sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Closed projects. Displays all projects that are already completed sorted by Due date from the oldest to the latest, then sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Log new project. This is a form view that enables users to add a new project.
  • Projects by status. This is a Kanban view that displays all projects stacked by Status.


The Tasks table should include all of the project’s more specific activities. Assign tasks to projects and also assign team members to tasks in this table.


  • Name. The task’s short name or identifier.
  • Project. This field is linked to the Projects table, indicating where this task is assigned.
  • Description. A description of this task.
  • Assignee. This field is linked to the Team table, which lists team members that are assigned to this task.
  • Estimated days. This field indicates the estimated number of days to complete the task.
  • Is completed. This is a checkbox that indicates whether this task is already completed or not.
  • Check-ins ID. This field is linked to the Check-ins table, which links check-ins to tasks.


  • All tasks. Displays all tasks without any filters.
  • Open tasks. Displays all tasks that are still open or in progress.
  • Completed tasks. Displays all tasks marked as completed.
  • Create new task. This is a form view for entering a new task.


The Team table is essentially a contact list of your team’s members. The Check-ins table requires records in this table.


  • Name. The team member’s full name.
  • Photo. The team member’s photo.
  • Role. A selection field that specifies the team member’s role in the team.
  • Number of check-ins. A formula field that counts the number of check-ins this team member made.
  • Phone number. The team member’s phone number.
  • Email. The team member’s email address.
  • Lead on projects. This field is linked to the Projects table that specifies the projects this team member is leading.
  • Projects served as team member. This field is linked to the Projects table that specifies the projects this team member is a part of.
  • Tasks assignments. This field is linked to the Tasks table, which specifies all tasks assigned to this team member.
  • Check-ins. This field is linked to the Check-ins table, which links all check-ins made by this team member.


  • All members. Displays all team members without any filters sorted alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Team members with check-ins. This is a gallery of team members who have already made check-ins, arranged alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Team members without check-ins. This is a gallery of team members who have not made check-ins, arranged alphabetically by Name from A to Z.
  • Add new team member. This is a form view for adding a new team member.