Tourism Agency Manager
Travel and Outdoors

Planning city tours can become pretty complex once you need to plan multiple tours with multiple highlights in multiple cities. Which highlights are worth visiting in your city and how can you combine them in a tour? There is also the bookings process where you need to keep track of the number of registrations. Which tours are fully booked and which tours have no bookings? This template helps you in constructing new tours and manage your bookings so you can strive for maximum capacity and support for your customers.

If you are in the business of tourism and you want to manage excursions in the context of city trips, this template is what you are looking for. The first thing you want to do is set up Tours. You can assign all kind of characteristics to a tour, but it has multiple stops. Those are stored in the table Tour stops. This great thing about storing them in a separate table is that you can reuse a stop in multiple tours. Once the tour is defined, you can plan Excursions. This is basically a tour with a specific date and time assigned to it. It also has a guide whose details are stored in the Tour guides table. The calendar view of the Excursions table shows a nice overview of all the excursions you have planned. The template allows to check which excursions are sold out and which excursions have not received a booking yet. This allows to plan and reschedule your excursions so that they are close to the maximum capacity. The template provides a table for the Bookings of an excursion. A booking links a single customer from the Customers table to an excursion. So, if a family wants to book an excursion for multiple persons, they need to book for each individual so that each person has a single record in the table.


A tour is an experience that is offered to potential customers. It holds general information about the tour, but does not include tour times or guides. Those things are done in the Excursions table.


  • Name. The tour name.
  • Description. A short description of the tour and its activities.
  • City. This single select field indicates the city where the tour takes place.
  • Capacity. The maximum number of participants allowed on the tour.
  • Price. The tour price for a single customer.
  • Is meal included. A boolean field indicating if there is a meal included in the tour or not.
  • Duration in hours. The estimated time the tour will take.
  • Transportation. This single select field indicates the vehicle(s) that will be used during the tour.
  • Highlights. This linked field to the Tour stops table includes all the places that the tour will visit.
  • Starting point. This linked field to the Tour stops table indicates the starting point of the tour.
  • Scheduled excursions. This linked field to the Excursions table sums up all the Excursions that are scheduled for this tour.


  • All tours. Displays all tours sorted in chronological order of City.
  • High capacity tours ( > 20). Displays all tours with a capacity of more than 20 people.
  • New York tours. Displays all tours that are organized in the City New York.
  • Rotterdam tours. Displays all tours that are organized in the City Rotterdam.
  • Tokyo tours. Displays all tours that are organized in the City Tokyo.
  • By transportation type. Displays all tours in a kanban view, stacked by Transportation.

Tour stops

Tours contain multiple stops. Those stops are considered the highlights of the tour. A tour stop can be part of multiple Tours and can be indicated as the starting point of the tour.


  • Name. The tour stop’s name.
  • Description. A short description of the tour stop.
  • Fun fact. A fun fact about the stop that the guide can mention.
  • Type. A single select field indicating the type of the tour stop.
  • Cover image. A picture to use in a website or a brochure.
  • Longitude. The tour stop’s longitude.
  • Latitude. The tour stop’s latitude.
  • Map link. A formula field that provides a link to openstreetmap to show the location of the tour stop. This field uses the Longitude and Latitude fields.
  • Part of tours. A linked field to the Tours table that sums up all the Tours where the stop is used.
  • Starting point of tour. A linked field to the Tours table that sums up all the Tours where the stop is used as the starting point.


  • All tour stops. Displays all tour stops sorted in chronological order of their Name.
  • Gallery: All tour stops. Displays all tour stops in a gallery view with a cover image.
  • New York tour stops. Displays all tour stops that are in New York. The fields Longitude and Latitude are used to filter the city.
  • Rotterdam tour stops. Displays all tour stops that are in Rotterdam. The fields Longitude and Latitude are used to filter the city.
  • Tokyo tour stops. Displays all tour stops that are in Tokyo. The fields Longitude and Latitude are used to filter the city.
  • By type. Displays all tour stops in a kanban stacked by their type.
  • Add new tour stop. A form that allows you to insert a new tour stop. This form can be shared.

Tour guides

A tour guide operaties in a single city but can guide multiple tours in that city. This table mostly contains the personal information of the tour guide.


  • Name. The guide’s name.
  • E-mail. The guide’s email .
  • Phone. The guide’s phone number.
  • Years of experience. The guide’s year of experience.
  • Profile picture. A picture to use in a website or brochure.
  • Has drivers license. A boolean field indicating if the guide has a drivers license. This can be important to know if the guide is available for tours by car.
  • Operates in. A single select field indicating the city where the tour guide operates.
  • Scheduled excursions. A linked field to the Excursions table that sums up all the planned excursions for the guide.
  • Preferred tours. A linked field to the Tours table that contains the guide’s favourite tours.


  • All tour guides. Displays all the tour guides sorted chronological order of their Name.
  • Gallery: All tour guides. Displays all tour guides in a gallery view with their Profile picture as the cover.
  • New York tour guides. Displays only the tour guides that operate in New York.
  • Rotterdam tour guides. Displays only the tour guides that operate in Rotterdam.
  • Tokyo tour guides. Displays only the tour guides that operate in Tokyo.


This table contains the actual date and time together with the guides for a certain tour. It also indicates if there are still spots available or not.


  • Code. The unique code for an excursion containing the first 4 or 5 characters of the tour followed by the date in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • Start date and time. A date field that has the exact starting date and time of the excursion.
  • End date and time. A formula field that calculates the end time based on the Duration in hours field in the Tours table.
  • Tour. A linked field to the Tours table indicating the actual tour.
  • City. A lookup field indicating the city where the tour takes place.
  • Tour guide. A linked field to the Tour guides table containing the guide for the excursion.
  • Number of bookings. A formula field that counts the number of bookings that has been made for this excursion.
  • Number of available places. A formula field that count the number of available places based on the Number of bookings and the Maximum capacity field in the Tours table.
  • Is sold out. A formula field that indicates if there are still places available or not using the Number of available places field.
  • Excursion bookings. A linked field to the Bookings table that sums up all the bookings for this excursion.


  • All excursions. Displays all excursions sorted in chronological order of Start date and time.
  • Calendar: all excursions. Displays all excursion in a calendar view.
  • Excursions this week. Displays all excursions of the current week.
  • Excursions without bookings. Displays the excursions that have not received any bookings yet.


This table holds general contact information about the customers. It also indicates if a customer is an adult or not, which can be important because certain tours can have age restrictions.


  • Name. The customer’s name.
  • E-mail. The customer’s e-mail.
  • Phone. The customer’s phone number.
  • Country. The customer’s country of residence.
  • Day of birth. A date field holding the day the customer was born. This information is used in the field Is adult.
  • Is adult. A formula field that show a checkmark or cross to indicate if the customer is an adult or not. The age to be considered an adult is set to 18 in the formula, although this can be changed.
  • Booked excursions. A linked field to the Bookings table that shows all the bookings of a customer. It is possible that a customer makes multiple bookings, although in practise there will be mostly be one booking for a customer.


  • All customers. Displays all customers sorted in chronological order of their Name.
  • Adult customers. Displays the customers with an age higher than 18 years.
  • Minor customers. Displays the customers with an age lower than 18 years.


This table links a customer to an excursion, which results in a booking.


Name. A formula field that combines the name of the customer with the name of the tour. Customer. A linked field to the Customers table. Scheduled excursion. A linked field to the Excursions table. Has paid. A boolean field to indicate if the customer has already paid for the excursion or not.


  • All bookings. Displays all bookings.
  • Unpaid bookings. Displays all bookings where the payment has not been made.